
4 years, 9 months ago

Some sort of Character Development Questions I filled out in creative writing a while back. Not sure who wrote the questions...

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1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?
I would love to just be able to chill with Boo curled up on my lap, with a book—no, a whole stack of books. No, a library. My very own huge library. Like a magical one, with nature-y tree vibes, or ancient-castle vibes! I would get to sleep as much as I wanted, and drink lots of hot chocolate, and never have to see or smell another drop of coffee again. Or do paperwork. I would be an independent grem, and it would be just me and Boo. And a tall, sweet grem who would be my best friend as well as my partner, and we would read our books together and talk about them...

2. What is your greatest fear?
I mean, there's a lot of things... confrontation, I guess? Being misunderstood. Like accidentally insulting someone without meaning to. Or just offending people in general? And getting in their way. I don't want to be a burden...
And being hurt, obviously. Honesty, I'm terrified that I'm a mistake, that I'm flawed, and that Grempcorps will come and take me away. Or do experiments on me. Or that someone will take me and try to make me a fighter grem, and I'll be torn to shreds, or that someone will try to drag me into some sort of gang. There are so many of those here in the city...

3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I wish that I was more confident. I hate that I'm such a coward. It keeps me from making lasting friendships and it keeps me from going on real adventures.

4. What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Most people just aren't considerate! They're intolerant, impatient, ignorant and rude. There are so many people that are prejudiced against grems, even though most of us are supposed to be treated like equals. And there are so many violent and rude grems! Everyone just needs to be nice.

5. Which living person do you most admire?
...Oh, gosh. I don't know... you see, I don't really pay attention to that many people. Like famous or influential people. There are a couple of grems I'm close to that I admire though! Atlas is reallly nice. He's just got so much energy and motivation! He's really brave and strong, mentally as well as physically. It kinda seems like he has his whole life together!

6. What is your greatest extravagance?
Books! For sure. I'm always buying books. Old classics, rare beautiful books that I can't read but just look gorgeous, new books, adventure books, romance books... all of them. Most of the time I put them in my shop and just read them when I feel like it unless they get bought, but I keep the really special ones.

7. What is your current state of mind?
Tired. I'm always tired. But I'm not super stressed right now. The Jumping Bean got a new employee a while back so things aren't as crazy busy, although still busy. I mean, I'm always stressed, and sometimes a bit lonely, but right now I'm here with Boo on my lap and I feel great.

8. What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Hmm. There are so many really good ones. I guess honor? Like the idea of appearing good to everyone. I think you should be an honorable person, and do honorable things, but these days people think it means being respectable and appear great to the world. I feel like sometimes it's used as a reason for pride and a tool for power, rather than a virtue similar to integrity like it should be.

9. On what occasion do you lie?
Those times when it would hurt their feelings to tell the truth. Or if I'm saying I've done something about to do... especially when Ferrison is asking. If I say its done he doesn't yell at me... as much, and then I'd just better hope he doesn't find out before I fix it. I lie a lot more to Ferrison than anyone else, to please him. I'm sick of his attitude, and the Jumping Bean is (usually) better when I go through with my ideas than when he tries to step in. He's a businessman, not a people person. And I tend to have a lot of excuses to stay out of the penthouse. I don't like lying, and I'm usually a very honest grem! I really value honesty. I'm just too much of a coward to tell the truth in some situations.

10. What do you most dislike about your appearance?
The bags under my eyes, the way I always look tired... even though I am. I would also love to be darker-colored, so I could blend into the shadows more. Instead I'm pale and brightly colored, which is okay but just could be better. And my blood-color change is kindof annoying too. I see the purpose of it, but I rarely feel the need to intimidate others or fight off threats, so usually my recessive blood just shows up when I'm scared or about to cry or something! That's not something I want other people to see so plainly...

11. Which living person do you most despise?
Oh-oh dear. Despise is a very strong word!! I don't hate anyone... but... I guess... the person I like least... would be Jeoffery Ferrison. He's not just my boss... some people don't reallize that I'm actually an owned grem. He's my master too. I mean... I try to like him. I really really wanted him to like me. But he kind of betrayed me, you know? And he's the one who ordered me to be so submissive, and sometimes I wish I wasn't that way? (Just a little bit! I certainly belive in being kind and I don't think being 'submissive' is all that bad—avoiding conflict and being kind and helpful can be a good thing. I just wouldn't mind a bit more bravery sometimes, especially since it's kind of like my personality was created for me... if that's really how Gremcorps works.) But he also brought me into his home, and such a new, naïve grem like me was expecting—hoping for—a family. But he was never a father to me. He's not an abusive grem owner, or even a relatively bad one. He even pays me for being The Jumping Bean's manager, even though he doesn't have to. And I'm sure that if I needed financial help he would help me. But he's so rude. He's demanding, unrealistic, unkind, selfish, and sometimes just plain scary. He believes he knows what's best for a shop he doesn't even spend that much time at, since he's usually away doing other boring business work. It's frustrating sometimes. So he brings out the worst in me... like I said before, I lie more around him, I go behind his back, I ignore him. It's just my reaction to the way he rejects and neglects me unless he wants to criticize me!

12. What is the quality you most like in a man?
Ooooooh, like a guy? (blushing) I've got a whole list... haha. I really like sweet guys. Like someone who's kinda protective of me and really cares about me. Someone who seems big and tough but is actually a big teddy bear. I like confident but kind guys. But I'm really only interested in grems, not human men.
 Unless you mean males in general? I like when they are more kind and friendly. And not threatening and rude.

13. What is the quality you most like in a woman?
W-well I'll assume you're not talking about romantically here. I'm only interested in male-identified grems. But generally, for females of either species, I like a lot of the same qualities as I do for males! Kindness, friendly openness. Women tend to be less closed-off and more trustworthy, to talk about feelings and stuff with. I like that.

14. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
I say "oh gosh" a lot. And "um". And I'm always saying sorry for something.

15. What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Aww, I wish I had some sort of romance in my life. Although I'm worried that I'll idealize it too much because of all the adorable romance stories I've read. But for now, the only love I have in my life is Boo, my old-world feline~ He's such a sweet little scaredy-cat. I'm really blessed to have his company.

16. When and where were you happiest?
When I finally bought my bookshop! I worked hard to earn the money myself, not to borrow or ask for any from Ferrison, so that the shop could be something that belonged only to me. It felt like a dream come true, even though I knew it would mean a lot more work in the future. Now I really have a safe place, somewhere where I feel really at home and I can do what I love. It gave me the hint of a possibility for a life on my own, and the idea that maybe one day I could become an independent grem, or at least quit my job at The Jumping Bean.
 And then there was that first year having Boo around. When I found him I didn't expect him to stay, and honestly he's still a free cat who could leave if he wants to. But every day, returning to the shop to find him still there, to realize he wanted to stay, that was amazing. And slowly gaining his trust... it just made my whole life brighter.

17. Which talent would you most like to have?
I would love to be able to be a good dancer! I feel like it could make me be more confident and free, and dancing is so cool to watch. It would also just be great to be more agile and graceful in general.

18. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I would make myself more confident and friendly! So that I could worry less about myself and be able to open up and make more friends.

19. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Like I said before, it was when I bought my bookshop! That was a dream I had had for so many years, and it felt too good to be true.

20. If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?
I would probably come back as an old world feline! Because they're small and soft~ Or a good book!

21. Where would you most like to live?
It would be really cool to live in the country! Or out in the mountains, somewhere beautiful and quiet. I love the city, too, but the mountains sure do sound magical.

22. What is your most treasured possession?
Boo! Although he's not really a possession. I guess my book is. Not just any book: this old copy of To Kill a Mocking-grem. It was one of the first books I ever read, and what made me realize how much I loved them. It wasn't really my type, but I loved reading it anyway, and I've kept it ever since. I don't think Ferrison cares enough about his library to notice I still have it.

__23.__What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?


__24.__What is your favorite occupation?


__25.__What is your most marked characteristic?


__26.__What do you most value in your friends?


__27.__Who are your favorite writers?


__28.__Who is your hero of fiction?


__29.__Which historical figure do you most identify with?


__30.__Who are your heroes in real life?


__31.__What are your favorite names?


__32.__What is it that you most dislike?


__33.__What is your greatest regret?


__34.__How would you like to die?


__35.__What is your motto?