Winter's Bane Pride

4 years, 8 months ago
4 years, 8 months ago
13 4849 2

Entry 4
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

Prompts and other stories about the King in the South.

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||Prompt A2 :: 150exp||

Explain where your pride calls home/rests within their territory. 200 words or 1 art piece minimum

(288 Words + 1 Art Piece)


Bane decided to settle within the Frostbacks. The where a safe distance away from the Devil's Peaks and provided shelter for the pride. There are many caves withinthese mountains but Bane settled for one close to the Moon Pool and River. A tree grows in the center between two of the mountains, a lush green tree which drops delicous red fruits the lions call sweet reds. The pride holds gatherings underneath it's branches, for any social event. Bane specially chose three spots on the Frostbacks himself for lookouts. These lookout spots have clear view of the surrounding God's Wood, the lions on look out can easily see if their is an oncoming threat from the demons. Once a threat has been spotted, the lion then lets out a roar which echos around the mountains and alerts the camp.

The den that the pride calls home is not just one cavern but has different passages which snake off into different sections of the caves. Easy for a lion who doesn't know the place to get lost in. He chose this maze-like cave for the purpose of keeping his pride safe. The demons do not like to venture into caves because it messes with their hearing and this particular cave the demons stay clear of, for now. The cave is also unusually warm inside, keeping the pride from freezing in the cold winters.

The forest surrounding the Frostbacks used to be named the Forest Of Needles but in order for his pride to have a sense of security he renamed it the God's Wood. What also counts in their favour, says Bane, was that the Frostbacks consisted of five mountains. There were five Gods and five Devils, the perfect balance.