Character Questionnaire (Howl)

4 years, 9 months ago
4 years, 9 months ago
1 5367 1 4

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 9 months ago
5367 4

I decided to try out this fat ass thing that I found recently!

Credits to for the original form!

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The questionnaire!

Basic Statistics

Name: Emily Ripley Russell

Nickname: Howl

Meaning of name: Emily was named by her mother after she chose it from all the other name ideas she had. Ripley  was named after Ripley’s “believe it or not” series, since the name sounded nice, according to her father.

Origin of name: Howl came up with the nickname herself after her change of ways lead to discomfort with her birth name. Emily Jane Russell was named from her parents, origin above.

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Blood type: B

Nationality: English (UK)

Ethnicity: 75% British, 25% Maltese

Race: White

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Current status: In a relationship

Political Party: None

Police/Criminal/Legal record: She’s a leader of her own gang (or just partners up with Makari, stealing things and getting into fights)

Socioeconomic level as a child: She lived with a lower-middle class family as the only child and she struggled to maintain long friendship. She was never invited anywhere as a child.

Socioeconomic level as an adult: She’s run away from her parents although she’s maintaining a hidden relationship with Makari, despite being homeless himself

Birth date: 21st, November, 2001

Birth place: At a hospital. She can’t remember which one but she doesn’t want to know either.

Current residence: Living in a tent with Makari

Occupation: She survives out of being a part-time bartender, although she doesn’t get many visitors

Title/Rank: She’s the boss of her relationship and she calls herself the boss of her city, by which, she and Makari just guard a small spot in the city where they sleep together. She hates her work boss for some reason.

Hobbies/Pastimes: Being in charge is her main hobby. She likes manipulating random people who happen to pass by her spot. She also enjoys watching Makari beat people up. She’s been quite dark since she ran away from her parents

Talents/Skills/Powers: In magical role plays, or in role plays including magic, Howl is always put down for witchcraft. In other roleplays, she’s naturally talented with a gun and she knows how to make herself look intimidating, regardless of how big or small her opponent is.

Past History

Hometown: Helston. (I would make up a hometown but I’m a bit lazy at the moment)

First Memory: She will always remember her piercing on her ear, that was the happiest she had ever been!

Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: Running away from home

Why/How?: Her family have been searching for her since she ran from home but since she went so far away from them, and the fact that her appearance has changed since, they’ll never get any luck finding her.

Other memories/events that still affects him/her and why/how: Meeting Makari for the first time, he had the same problem but they both clicked instantly and they have been secretly dating ever since. They’ll never admit it to anyone else because that’s how secret it is!

Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why: She tried to beat up someone way bigger than her when she was a little bit younger, you can guess how that concluded.

Biggest role model: Obviously Makari

Why? They have the same problems as each other and how he has the balls to beat some stranger up on command is quite inspiring for her.

Biggest disillusions from childhood: She doesn’t believe that she has a family anymore. She never wants her family back and she never will

Backstory: As a kid, Howl could never really settle in with anyone, nor did she speak about it. She was believed to have Autism but doctors have told otherwise. Without further testing, it’ll be difficult to tell if she really is Autistic or not. While she never got along, she had found a sudden interest in the style of emo’s. She was caught trying to find more photos of emo’s and when her parents found out, this is where it gets all pear shaped. She stood up to herself for the first time ever and she wanted her right of way. By the end of the argument, she threatened to run far away from home to become who she wanted to be, which she kept true to her word and ran. During her journey running away, she’d steal from multiple shops and force people to let her do things she’d never be allowed to do, including dyeing her hair and getting her piercing. Having this control felt so awesome for Howl, she wanted this power forever! She finally settled in when she found Makari at their current residence. Makari is a little older than her and became homeless due to being kicked out of university after being noted for his aggressive behaviour. Howl found his aggressiveness attractive and he just found her attractive altogether. They keep their relationship secret and he helps her with everything she needs. He even forced someone to make Howl a bartender, which worked! Howl hates it though but at least she can pay for food, unlike Makari.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5’3” (Makari is like, 5’7” so there’s the height difference!)

Weight: 105.5lb

Posture: She stands as tall as she can, but that doesn’t mean she’s walking around on her tippy toes.

Build: Slim

Skin: If she were a human, she would be quite pale looking.

Hair: Her hair is naturally black but the tips of her hair 

Widow's peak? Central. (I never knew about this until now!)

Ears: quite large for a wolf like her, hence why the piercing fits so perfectly!

Eyes: Naturally purple!

Nose: She has a pink nose and it’s the same colour as the dye on her hair. Cute, right?

Mouth: I’d say her mouth is normal for a Wolf.

Face shape: Normal, I guess! All her markings on her face are natural!

Expressions: She’s often seen staring into your soul. If anything else, she’s probably moody.

Describe their smile: She often looks sinister, regardless of what smile she does

Hands: She has this naturally pink ring like mark that split her hands from her arms. Apart from that, it’s normal for her to show black claws

Feet: same as hands, except it’s on her feet.

Tattoos/Scars? She claims the crosses on her body would be scars where she’s scar herself on if she ever has suicide thoughts. Otherwise, she has no scars/tattoos

Glasses/Contacts? She has no need for glasses/contacts, nor does she want to wear them!

Left/Right handed? She has always been right handed

Distinguishing features: she has never met anyone with the same black fur surrounding her eyes as she has. She has three different colours on her tail.

Who does s/he take after; mother or father? She takes after her mother. Her father is too gentle to be like her.

Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): anything emo, she’ll wear. She wears it quite elegantly too!

How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear? Anything black will do nicely.

Other outfits one might find in their wardrobe: she wears whatever she wants, She’s Howl!

Jewellery: She wears no jewellery.

Other accessories: She has the piercing on her ear. That piercing is often enchanted in magical RP worlds.

Weapons: Howl is always carrying a gun with her. That’s like, her main weapon, and it always will be.

Health: Howl appears perfectly healthy

Hygiene: Since she’s homeless, her hygiene is not the best.

Physical Flaws: She’s small so beating up people ain’t easy. That’s why she relies on Makari to do the beating up for her.

Physical Qualities: being small means she can run faster than Makari. It must be from all that running away she did...


Are they generally balanced or clumsy? She’s very balanced.

Mannerisms/Poses/Movement: She always acts like she’s big so expect those kind of movements, poses and mannerisms

Describe their walk: A bit like the gif below.tumblr_mwx3a4E8ta1rv1d8ho5_250.gif

Describe their fighting style: She often spreads her legs wider than most when fighting, which usually looks rather odd...

Habits/OCDs/Obsessions: Howl is quite a Monomaniac, which means she’s always obsessed with one idea

Speech Patterns: She’s not often repetitive but she may keep telling you to stick to the plan, if you’re part of her plan, that is

Unique phrases/words: “Don’t turn your back on a Howler!”

Do they curse, and if so, to what extent? Howl will curse LOADS when nothing goes her way. She got the trait from Makari, believe it or not

Write a piece of dialogue that this character might say (can be between someone else): She has a whole different library of thing’s she said before. Feel free to take a look through there!

Voice: If you listen to this song, this is what her voice sounds like

Describe their laugh: She doesn’t laugh often but when she does, it always sounds so sinister and evil...

Describe their sleep patterns (light/heavy sleeper, no sleep, sleeps too often, etc): She’s more of a heavy sleeper than a light sleeper. Good news Makari, she doesn’t snore!

Describe their dwelling/house: She’s homeless...

Describe their bedroom: Literally just a sleeping bag. Nothing else.

Describe their daily rituals: Work for a bit, manipulate people, watch Makari beat people up, repeat.

Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Intelligence Level: Low. She never really payed attention in class

Known Languages: Only English!

Character's long-term goals/desires in life: She wants to rule the world! Mwah aha!

Character's short-term goals/desires in life: Win fights, watch Makari win fights.

Secret desires:  She secretly desires having sexual intercourse with Makari but she can’t because doing it in a tent at night in public ain’t really discreet.

How self-confident is the character? Ain’t nothing gonna back her up, like, ever!

How do they see him/herself? She sees herself as a coolest gal around!

How do they believe s/he is perceived by others? They’re often scared of her for who she is. She doesn’t have many friends

What is the character most proud of? The first time she knocked someone out was fun!

What does the character like least about themselves? She doesn’t like her height, although she keeps that a secret

How do they express themselves? In the way she only knows how: by being a bully.

Is this character generally dominant or submissive? Well, duh! She’s definitely gonna be the dominant one! 

Patience level: She can wait sometimes but most times, she hasn’t got all day.

Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Some combination. More logic than emotion

Most at ease when: She’s with Makari

Ill at ease when: She’s surrounded by those much bigger than her

Describe their sense of humor: Very, very, very dark. Beating someone up? Oh, what fun!

If granted one wish, what would it be? To be the ruler of the world. That way, she gets everything her way

Why? That way, she gets everything her way

Character/Personality/Mental/Social Strengths: You can learn a lot about her on her main profile but to put it simply: She always wants to be the coolest gal ever!

Character/Personality/Mental/Social Flaws: read above

If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be? Diligence

If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be? Lust

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Struggles to be nice to people. She can’t help but be bad

Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist

Introvert or extrovert: Introvert

Greatest Fear: Apiphobia (fear of bees)

Other Fears/Insecurities/Phobias:  Autophobia (fear of isolation)

Emotional/psychological/social peculiarities:

Biggest regret: She doesn’t like having to manipulate children who get near her

Other regrets: none!

Biggest accomplishment: Running away from the police! That was quite the achievement!

Minor accomplishments: Running away from home seems like an accomplishment to her

Musical talents/instruments: None

Character's darkest/deepest secret: She murdered someone before and she enjoyed it!

Minor Secrets: She tends to get frisky with herself thinking about herself and Makari


Likes: Manipulating people, watching Makari beat people up, being evil in general, her piercing

Dislikes: Isolation, bees, Stronger people


Color: Surprisingly enough, it’s pink!

Clothing: Anything black is fine, she has no particular favourites

Place: her tent. She gets to be with Makari

Room in the house and why: She has no house, she’s homeless

Food/drinks: Weirdly enough, she loves Subway

Music genre: Heavy metal

Songs and Singers/Bands: Avenged Sevenfold

Movies/TV Shows/Performances: She doesn’t like watching films

Actors/Performers: Nor does she like performers

Book(s): She read a few pages of Harry Potter, but that’s about it.

Historical figure: None

Subject in school: Lunch

Animal: Wolves, obviously

Least Favorite:

Clothing: Anything with flowers on it, eww!

Place: Her parent’s house

Food: She has a weird disliking for Haribo’s

Music genre: Children’s

Subject in school: all of them

Simple Pleasures: Seeing fear in people’s eyes

Greater Pleasures: Watching them get beat up

Where does this character like to hang out? At her tent, always at her tent

Where is this character's dream place to live? In a huge mansion with a  giant swimming pool and a pack of wolves, all to herself

What sorts of books are most likely to be found on their shelves? None

Motto/Personal quote: You can find this on her main profile

Mode of transportation: Walk

Most prized possession: Her piercing

Why? It’s her first happy memory she ever got!

Emotional Characteristics

Describe character's sense of morals: She always thinks she’s right.

If they could sum up the meaning of life, what would they say?: To fight your way to the top, of course

What do they consider taboo (something they personally would never do): Work at the sewers. She finds them gross

Describe character's etiquette: Everyone must think she’s in charge, or else.

Describe character's sense of self-control: Bad.

Spontaneous or structured? Often structured

Instinctual or logical? Instinctual

How does this character act in public? Always intimidatingly.

How does this character act in privacy? She often acts quite friskily in private, especially with Makari

How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends? With strangers, she just wants to beat them all up. With Makari, she’s still in charge

How does this character act around family? With absolute hatred!

How has this character most changed from youth? She’s more of a devil than an angel now :/

How have they remained the same? She hasn’t. She’ll never be the same as she was as a kid!

Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew? It takes her some time but she will cry herself to sleep a lot

If so, who? No one yet

How has it affected them? It hasn’t yet

How does this character deal with or react to

Conflict/Danger: She faces it like it’s nothing

Rejection: She will do anything to have things her way

Fear: She screams when she’s around bees and she’ll run away from them, no matter what

Change: She can deal with it well

Loss: She’s never really thought about any losses that she had

Sex/Flirting: She can be quite the flirt to Makari but she never displays it to anyone else

Pain: She’ll swear it off, don’t you worry

Stress: She’ll blow her horns quite quickly so it’s hard to deal with stress

Peer pressure: She will demand them to stop immediately

Guilt: She sits beside herself to think about what she’s done

Being wrong: “wrong? Me? What, I’m never wrong!!”

Being criticised: “You’re going the right way for a kick in the ass!”

Being insulted (superficially: name calling, etc): She will lash out at them

Offending others: She doesn’t care. She’ll just shrug is off and laugh

Praise: “Why thank you, I suppose I am pretty awesome!”

Being loved: “Will you work for me forever? You will? Oh good, you’re mine now!”

Being hated: She will beat you up! Or at least, Makari will

Humiliation: Again, she, or Makari will beat you up

How does this character express?

Anger: She needs to lash out as something, or someone

Sadness: She will cry to herself

Fear: She runs away

Happiness/Excitement: She laughs, evilly, and she often keeps her happiness to herself

Love (Consider the "Five Languages of Love"): She will go gentle on you for now

Lust: She’ll be lustful back

Stress/anxiety: She needs to get the stress right out of her physically!

Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea): She’ll tell them to leave or she’ll just say no.

Approval (of a person, thing, or idea): She accepts it with open arms!

How does this character generally express themselves? Simply by how she looks at everyone

What does this character think/feel about?

Marriage: She had no idea if she can hold the commitment for the rest of her life, but she’s open to it!

Children: “Me? With children? What are you, insane!?”

Family/Family Values: “ugh, fuck that!”

Children/Youth: “move it or lose it ya vanilla flavoured loser!”

Old age: “I hope I live that long...

Sex: she’s desired sex with Makari for quite a while

Love: She’s never open to anyone about love

Friendship/Other relationships: If they do what she wants them to do, she’s their friend

Homosexuality: She does not want to be involved in homosexuality anytime soon

The opposite sex: She will only date men

The same sex: “they’re all stuck up bitches. So am I!”

Money/Material things: “I needz all them monies!!!”

Politics: “Nah”

Religion: “mate, I’ve already booked a one way ticket to hell!”

Destiny/Duty: “I’m destined to rule the world! I will rule the world!”

Magic/Myth: “Magic is cool... especially if it hurts you...

Racism/Races in general: “Meh, I’m beating them up either way.”

Science/Technology: She likes Science a lot!

Nature/Animals: She likes nature and animals

Modernity: She prefers this to antiquity

Antiquity: she prefers modernity to antiquity

Their past: she never wants to think about it again

Their future: “In the future? I’m still in charge.”

Their role in society/job/etc: She does admittedly wish it was better for her

Drugs and alcohol: She does have a past of drugs but she is trying to be clean as well

Killing/Murder: Scroll up to her deepest secret

Education: Hometime was the best subject for her

The foreign/unknown: “whatever.”

How does the character view life? “It’s shit but at least I’m not shit!”

How does the character view death? “If I die, well... I die...”

How does the character view society? Read how she views life

How does the character imagine his/her own death? “I will die in a royal bed and everyone will be on their knees begging for me to live again!

What does the character want out of life? She’ll be in charge of everything.

What does this character consider "success" to be? Watching people be defeated by her

What would  the character like to change in his/her life? She does wish she had a house for herself and Makari

What motivates this character? violence

Why? It just does.

What discourages this character? Children

Why? She wants to pick on people her own size

What makes this character happy? Read what motivates her


What makes this character sad? Thinking about her family

Why? She admittedly wishes it was better 

What makes this character angry? When things don’t go her way

Why? Monomania will do that to ya

What humiliates this character? Having to do anything “childish”

What most describes this character's personality? eViL

Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do): She just enjoys doing things her way

Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical? Childhood

Relationships with Others (Non-Married)

Relationship Skills: Quite bad to be honest

Loves (non sexual): never open

Lusts: secret

Crushes: only on men like Makari

Girlfriend/Boyfriend(s): she and Makari clicked instantly

Other lover(s): none

Marital status: In a relationship

First crush: Makari

Did it last? Yep!

Why or why not? He loves her too and enjoys being demanded to beat people up

Best Friends: Nope

Friends: Nope

Confident/Mentor: Only Makari

Hates: Smiley girls

Dislikes: Independent adults

Rivals: the police

Pets: none

What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner? Anything about Makari is perfect for her!

Is the character judgmental of others and how so? She secretly judges everyone

How is s/he perceived by...

Strangers? Feared

Friends? Feared

Coworker/Colleague? Dislike

Lovers? Total admiration

What happens to change this perception if at all?

Describe their sense of trust bad

What type of individuals does s/he like or associate with? Emo’s

What type of individuals doesn't s/he like or associate with? Motivational people

How do they treat members of the opposite sex? Some of them are scary, others not so much

How do they treat members of the same sex? “They’re all bitches!”

What do family/friends like most about character? Nothing

What do family/friends like least about character? Everything

Do they know anyone who's died, and if so who and how were they affected? Nope

Sex/Romantic Life

What do they consider to be a romantic setting/activity/date? Beating someone up

What did they do on their first date? Makari gave her a tour of where he lives

How does a normal date go for this character? Dates must have fun!!

How would they like to propose or be proposed to?  With an expensive ring, duh!

Virgin? Yes

Describe his/her sex life: She’s had no sex but she does want to have sex

How often does this character have sex? Never

How long can he/she go without sex? She got through 18 years without it so far!

How does this character feel emotionally, after sex? Unknown

Does this character have self control around individuals of their sexual desire? Describe: They have to impress her in order to get a date from her

Does sex play an important role in their relationships, if so, how? Not really

Turn-ons: strength, lack of care

Turn-offs: Positivity, motivation, forced lust

Fetishes/Fantasies: She likes being forced to the ground

Sexual peculiarities: unknown

Sexual perks: handcuffs

Sexual flaws: her melons are not the biggest melons in the world, we get it... but they are big for someone of her height!

Usually on the top or bottom? Bottom

Dominant or Submissive? Dominant

Describe their first sexual experience: Awesome (in other RP world)

At what age? 18

Was it planned/originally intended? Yes

Was it consensual? Yes

How did they feel emotionally, afterwards? Enlightening

How has this affected the character, if substantially at all? She wanted more sex since!

Have they ever impregnated someone, or been impregnated? She often concerns herself about impregnation but she’s been lucky so far...

If so...


Was it planned?

Was it consensual?

Was it a successful pregnancy (did it live)?

Did they keep, adopt, or abort the child and why?

Did he/she stay with the child/family/partner, and why or why not?

Have they ever had intercourse or a sexual experience with the same sex?

With whom?

Was it planned/originally intended?

Was it consensual?

How did they feel afterwards?

Possible psychological reasons for their sexual fantasies or behavior:

Family (they were raised with)

Immediate family members and their ages: Father and mother. She can’t remember their ages

Ethnicity and/or species of the mother: 50% Maltese, 50% English

Ethnicity and/or species of the father: 100% English

Birth order: Father, Mother, Howl

Extended family: She doesn’t know but she heard that they’re all living in houses, unlike her

Any important/infamous/famous ancestors, and if so, who? She has no idea

Describe their ancestral history, if anything of particular note:

Birthparent(s): still searching for her!

Are they still alive? Yes

Did they raise this character? Yes

If not, why not, and/or what happened

At what age was the character when this happened?

What did they do for a living? She doesn’t know

Are they still together? Yes

If not, how, when and why did they separate?

How did each parent treat the character, growing up? The mother was demanding, the father was gentle

How does each parent treat the character now? Unknown, she ran from home, remember?

What does each parent think of the character? They both thought of her as an angel until the incident

What changes their opinion of the character, if at all, and how so? Concern, well, because she’s missing.

How did the character treat each of their parents growing up? She liked them until the incident

How does the character treat each of their parents now? She wants to avoid them completely

Caretaker(s) (if someone other than birthparents): none

What is their relationship to the character? 

Are they still alive?: 

At what age did the caretakers begin to raise this character?

Did the caretakers know the birth parents and if so, how was their relationship?

Did the character know the birth parents?

How did the father/caretaker1 treat the character? He was always submissive to her and her mother

How did the mother/caretaker2 treat the character? She was pretty much the same as Howl

How did the character treat their father/caretaker1? She looked up to her

How did the character treat their mother/caretaker2? He used to always be her shoulder to cry on

Siblings (if any):

Are they still alive, if not who died and when?

Describe how each one treats this character:

Describe how this character treats each one of his siblings:

Does this character still keep in contact with their siblings?

How has this character's relationship changed with their siblings since childhood?

How did s/he get along with the family as a whole?

How did s/he get along with the siblings, if any?

Describe their family life/dynamic, growing up: Much like any normal family raising a child, apart from the fact that they believed she was autistic

Describe their family life/dynamic now: They’re always concerned about Howl

Favorite parent: Father

Why? He’s not as much of a bully to her

Family (that they have created, if at all)


Is this their first marriage/family? (if not, copy, paste, and answer these questions for the previous marriages/families too)

How, why and when did they divorce/split?

Was it mutual?

If they had children, who kept them?

If it was a death, what happened, and when?

Did they get remarried, and if so to whom?

How did the children, if any, respond to that?

Are they legitimately married?

If not, are the other characters aware of this?

When did they get married?

How did they meet?

How did he propose, or how was she proposed to?

Mistress(es)/Secret Lover(s)/ Lover(s) outside of marriage:

Does the spouse/partner know?

If so how and when did they find out?

How did they react, and what was the end result?

Any illegitimate children with them, and if so who?

Does anyone know?

If so, how and when did they find out?

How did they react and what was the end result?

Children and their ages:

Who are each of their parents (ie: from which marriage, if any other)?

Were any conceived/born out of wedlock, if so, which ones?

How does (each) son/daughter treat of this character?

How does this character treat (each) son/daughter?

How does (each) son/daughter think of this character?

How does this character think of (each) son/daughter?

How does this character's relationship change with their child/children as they grew older?

Spiritual Characteristics

Religion: none

Does the character believe in a god or goddess? No

What are the character's spiritual beliefs? None

Is religion or spirituality an important part of this character's life? No

If so, what role does it play?

Superstitions: unknown

Chinese Zodiac: Snake

Astrological Zodiac: Scorpio

Element: She likes fire best

What If

If this character were an animal, what would they be? Probably a cat

Why? I guess they’re just as fierce and they can be quite sexy!

If this character were the opposite sex what would they . . .

Do? Stand up for herself more often

Say? This would not change

Feel? This would not change

If this character were to be characterized by an object, what would it be? A knife

Why? It has it’s good uses but most times, it is known for bad things, like murder.

What would/does this character do if confronted with someone identical in personality? Pretty much the same way she would to everyone else: intimidate them

What would/does happen if this character became physically handicapped, and how would that change them? She would probably be a lot more depressed to the point of having suicide thoughts and self-humiliation

What would/does this character do if spontaneously placed in a whole new and unfamiliar environment/country/planet/etc? She would be confused and she’d have no idea where to start, but she could get used to it

If they don't already, what would this character do/act like if they had a child? She’d be exactly like her mother!


What song best fits this character? There’s a whole album on songs that fit her but I have no idea which song would be for her best!

If you could compare this character to an existing character, who would s/he be and why? Apart from Makari, it’d be Navy. He’s been through some tougher shit but he come out a lot happier than her!

If you could choose an actor for this character, who would it be? Probably Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you could choose a voice actor for this character, who would it be? Michelle Rodriguez

Who/what was your character inspired by? I got her as a gift and I fell in love with her ever since

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the story (main character? hero? Villain? etc): she’s mainly the villain of the story

Scene where character first appears: In her first RP world, she was a pirate fighting the main characters. She lost and she was forced to live on another island by herself

Relationships with other characters: Makari is killed in one RP world but she gets engaged with Scourge, his killer

Where, how and when did s/he first interact with other characters: She hated all of the main characters but she wanted to get their trust so that she could get Scourge to join her crew

What was this character's life like before something, if anything, happened to change it all: She misses her crew still but she’s much happier with how her life is going now!

How Character is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began: The RP world is still ongoing and it will always go on until the day I die!

Background Story: Well, you read a lot about her here!

Additional Notes on This Character: You can draw her in Anthro/feral form but please let me see her art!

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Adaptations from The Writer's Guide to Character Traits
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