
4 years, 9 months ago

small exerts and information on the lore and events

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It's important to remember that Minecha is naive about somethings but she isnt stupid. she can be graceful when doing things she is comfortable with, but is often excitable at new things  and curious. --- Minecha lands with grace onto a rock after scouting next to Juno and Ruse(my manticore), folding her wings and transforming into a humanoid appearance. 'what did you see' Juno asks, 'a collection of buffalo are grazing on the east side of the plains, they appear to be heading south-west. Scent-wise i can smell herbivores scattered within the forest region that's near the northern farm; I guess deer. No other predators are seen so if we act swiftly, by the time we reach either prey we can snatch them before other creatures get involved.' Ruse nods and Juno praises Minecha because she did a good job, He claps happily. Minecha screms.


Minecha has a more.... complicated story of how she still exists. Since when they were alive they were in a battle on opposite sides. Minecha was killed in sacrificial murder by the evil dude so she could do his bidding, Juno kinda gets a thing for her and realises she aint bad, she kills him tho by yeeting him off a cliff he is worshipped as a hero tho by his realm so of course is Reawakened. Minecha is killed for realsies by the 'Dragon Blade' which is her own sword, made with her soul but because Juno and the squad liked her and stuff and technically the bad guy had a shrine, the gods bestowed Reawakening onto her, but it was like... not as strong

which is why Juno is more protective of her even tho she just kills shit anyway...

Ruse and Mausea (centicore) are reawakened too

My fox dude is a god, and Yona is a Sun Priestess, because she is a higher being for the Sun she gets kinda like... bonuses ((how she yeeted my fox god in half so theres two of them)

Only a dragon can be the priest/priestess for the Sun/Moon and coincidentally Minecha is the true Moon Priestess, but ultimately everyone thought it was Tyrian, even him