
5 years, 2 days ago

It's Diesel x Milo fluff what more could you ask for

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Diesel stood patiently waiting for Milo outside of a quaint ice cream shop not far from the boys' school. The two had planned a date there after school, but Milo was running late. Diesel held a cigarette between his index and middle finger, staring out towards the road in contemplation. Suddenly, Diesel heard a voice.

"Diesel!" Diesel turned towards the voice. It came from Milo, who was running up to the shop to greet him. Milo approached Diesel, panting. 

"Hey Milo. Took ya long enough." Diesel greeted, ruffling Milo's hair. 

"Yeah yeah, I had to do something after school and I--" Suddenly, Milo's expression shifted.

"Hey, spit that out! I thought you said you were going to quit!" Milo whined slightly as he gazed at the cigarette which was now hanging from Diesel's mouth.

"Oh yeah. Uh, sorry." Diesel pulled it from his mouth and let it fall on the ground, stamping it out with his boot. "I swear I'm trying to quit." 

"Can't you get those nicotine patches or something?" Milo pouted. "I don't like smelling smoke when we kiss...and they can kill you! I don't wanna lose you..."

"Hey, lighten up, I'm not gonna die on you!" Diesel reassured Milo, pulling him close. "I promise."

Milo whined a bit as Diesel kissed his forehead. "Fine...did you bring any money for ice cream?"

"Yeah, 'bout five bucks. I'll pay for that fudge sundae you like."

"No no, I have money, I can pay for it!"

"I may as well spend my money on ice cream for my boyfriend than cigs."

Milo smiled warmly. "You've got a point."


"So, I brush it on like...this?"

"Yeah, you're doing fine!"

Diesel and Milo were huddled close around their bathroom mirror as Diesel attempted to dye Milo's hair. Diesel was wearing gloves and trying his best to not get any more dye on Milo's scalp and forehead than he already had. Carefully, Diesel dipped his brush in the small bowl of dye he had mixed and applied another layer of color to Milo's hair.

"You're hair is really nice, y'know." Diesel commented as Milo blushed. "I just hope I don't ruin it."

"Oh, you won't!" Milo reassured. "Make sure to flip my hair over so you get every spot."

Over the course of about 15 minutes, Diesel had successfully covered Milo's hair in the bluish-purple dye. After waiting for a few minutes, Milo excused himself to shower and wash the remaining dye out. When Milo emerged from the bathroom and entered Diesel's room, Diesel looked at how well he had dyed his boyfriend's hair and swallowed thickly.

"Your forehead is still a bit blueish..." Diesel murmured. Milo's hair was fluffy and voluminous from blow-drying it, but his hair certainly was purple-blue, but so were his ears, forehead and neck at some spots.

"You did great!" Milo reassured, sitting next to Diesel on his bed. "I should have used Vaseline. Trust me, I dye my skin purple all the time on accident!"

Diesel smiled weakly and ruffled Milo's hair. "You still look cute."

Milo nuzzled against Diesel's shoulder affectionately. "Maybe we can bleach you blonde so you can have purple hair too!"

"Nah," Diesel replied, "you're in charge of being the colorful baby around here."


"Now, we must, be strong, together we will sing, this song, and you can sing along..."

Milo softly sang to himself as he rummaged through his pantry looking for a snack. Calamari Inkantation was a favorite of his, and when he heard about a version with lyrics, he couldn't resist listening to it to the point where it was an earworm.

"Callie, Marie, we're one and two and you make three, so sing harmony, and together we shall see where we be-- Diesel!"

Milo turned towards Diesel, who was seated at the kitchen counter listening to Milo with a dreamy grin. 

"You sing really well." Diesel said. 

Milo exited the pantry with a bag of chips and sighed. "I don't, really." Milo replied, sitting next to Diesel and opening the bag.

"Yes you do!" Diesel retorted, reaching over to grab a chip, which Milo let him. "Even if you're a huge nerd who only sings emo bops and video game music."

"Well, you're not gonna hear me sing again. It's embarrassing!" Milo shrugged, laughing slightly. Milo took another bite and looked at Diesel. He was pouting.

"Really?" Diesel asked, disappointed. 

"You really wanna hear me sing?" Milo asked. Diesel nodded.

"I guess I could do it occasionally." Milo replied, dumping the remaining crumbs into his mouth. Diesel grinned and kissed Milo's cheek.