Species facts

4 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
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Entry 3
Published 4 years, 8 months ago

A list of facts from my different Species.

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Nothing species facts

1.  "Nothings," as they're called, are the results of a disturbance in someone's soul. Meaning if something traumatic were to happen to the soul of a Nothing's host, a Nothing is created. For instance, if someone's soul were to crack or split apart, it creates a Nothing. 

  2. A Nothing is the flight response of a soul to conjure something to protect it.

  3. Sometimes, but not often, a Nothing can be created by the host without the need of the soul being in danger.

  4. A Nothing is called a nothing because they don't have, and are not an actual, "Race/Species". Nor do Nothing's sport Emotions, bodily functions, Non and essential       body organs, natural hair growth/body growth, age, gender, will/thoughts of their own, and etc.

  5. A Nothing's strength depends on two factors, It's relationship level with it's host and the magic/mana level of it's host.

  7.  A Nothing's sole purpose is to protect the host and the host's soul, and will stop at nothing to protect them. That is their only, "goal". Otherwise, The Nothing only responds to its host's orders and comes an goes as needed. 

  8. Generally, when a Nothing is not being used, they "return/retreat" or "hide", back inside the soul.

  9. The stronger the bond with the host, the most "human like" a Nothing can become. They can gain their own will, freedom, and even in some cases, their own emotions. However, they'll still remain as stoic as ever.

  10. Nothing's can shrink or grow between 2ft and 40ft at their own whim. But they generally tend to be round 8-10ft to be more menacing.

  11. A Nothing can grow multiple limbs, and regenerate lost body parts; but in order to do so they need to consume the amount of flesh from another being,(Not another Nothing), equivalent to the amount they are trying to grow/regenerate.

  12. Nothings, although they have no gender, generally appear as the opposite gender to what ever their host is most attracted to, to try and prevent any sexual attraction.

  13. Nothings can not "Die", as long as their host is alive. However, you can damage a Nothing enough that they have to retreat to the underworld for a few weeks, or even a month, to regenerate their body.

  14.  Nothing's will most often take a form that is the most reflective of their host's soul/the host's preferences(As long as they're not sexual preferences)



15. The strongest known bond between Host and Nothing is Lullaby and Jenasect.