Species facts

4 years, 8 months ago
1 year, 10 months ago
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Entry 7
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

A list of facts from my different Species.

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Mock-Devil Facts

  1. "Mock-Devils" are a race similar to that of a Devil, with the key difference between the two being that Mock-Devils are not of the Devil Bloodline.

  2. Mock-Devils have the similar soul structure of a Devil, transforming the body and even some of their abilities to fit along the lines of Devil-Capabilities.

  3. Mock Devil's can only have 1-2 magics that are more-or-less Devil exclusive. Such as the ability to conjure anything for a person through a deal.

  4. Mock-Devils are not a race someone is born as, but rather, something they can become

  5. The requirements to become a Mock-Devil are as such:

    -Have to had to at least killed or be the indirect cause of 500 deaths
    -Have no regret for those deaths
    -Used dark/blood magic for evil more than once
    -Been to the Underworld once in a near-death experience
    -And most importantly: Have a large portion of a population, believing you are some sort of dark entity, such as a devil.

  6. That last Requirement for Becoming a Mock-Devil is usually obtained from infamous tall-tales or legends about a person.
    (Such as: The Devil of the Sea, Davy Jones)

  7. Mock-Devils as seen are the result of one's owns actions/thoughts and the gathering negative beliefs of other people. All that negativity mixed together is strong enough to warp the soul to become a "Mock-Devil"

  8. Mock-Devils are lesser than Devils and the Sins but are higher in rank than Arch-Demons.

  9. Mock-Devils can command and boss around demons, just as a True Devil can

  10. Mock-Devils are exclusive to Seloverce