Koroit Opal

Fusion of - Hiro & Milo
Character belongs to Astrooki & Minxi-Mink!

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Koroit Opal


16918905_v62ViZLcacSlx8v.png Fusion Name
Koroit Opal
"Kori" / "Kory"
Fusion Components
- Hiro
- Milo
Gem Locations
- Stomach (Hiro)
- Sternum (Milo)
Gender Pronouns
Decently Stable

Weapons and Powers

- Plasma Sword (Hiro)
- Rocket Boots (Hiro)
- Sword (Milo)
- Two Bladed Plasma Sword (Koroit)

Mechanical Intuition
- Have an innate understanding of even the most complex aspects of mechanics with little or no study.
- Instantly knows how most devices work and how to operate them.
- Instinctively comprehend how to build devices.
- Able to take defective scraps and make them into working devices.
- Not enhanced intelligence! he simply knows, or "feels" how to build things.
- Limited to whatever materials he has at his disposal.

- Tends to go a little overboard with his projects.
Night Vision
- Seeing clearly in low light conditions and even total darkness
- Viewing beyond shadows.
- Sensitive to sudden flashes or bright light. (he wears his visor)
- Might take some time for his eyes to re-adapt to regular light. (if visor is removed)
Enhanced Durability
- Able to withstand great amounts of blunt force or trauma without gemstating.
- "Bounces Back" easily.
- Can only take so much trauma before succumbing to the effects.
- Can still be effected by magical attacks.
- Can still get cut and scratched easily.
- Able to produce and manipulate his energy into simple glass constructs. Generally he can create glass shields, barriers, shards, and mirrors.
- Uses shields and barriers to protect himself and his friends from any physical and magical attack.
- Uses shards as projectiles to launch at enemies during combat.
- When concentrating he can turn the glass constructs into mirrors to deflect or redirect magical attacks.
- The bigger the construct the more of his energy is required.
- If he expends too much energy too fast he will need to stop to recharge. If pushed past his limit, he may destabilize from exhaustion.
- The glass substance itself has durability. The harder and frequent the attacks the weaker the glass gets before it shatters.
- The glass substance may be effected, damaged, or even shattered by stronger Sound and Vibrations.
- When creating shields and barriers, the construct can only be within a close radius to him. The farther the shield or barrier is created or sent, the weaker it is.
- Can only fully control the glass substance within a 10 foot radius. If the glass is thrown or is moved out of his reach he can no longer control its path.
- His mirrors only work if he's putting a lot of focus on them, otherwise they revert back to their natural glass state.

Positive Characteristics
Negative Characteristics

First Fusion Experience
