Ikami's Headcanon Collection

4 years, 7 months ago

Basically all the dumb things about Ikami that came up to my mind when I'm lying awake.

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» Background & Lifestyle «

1. Ikami's name was actually the last name (伊神) of his motherHe picked it for his name as a memory to his beloved mom when he was first introduced to the club. 

2. Ikami's left arm was injected with a microchip (similar to those in pets) which would trigger an alarm if he was to leave through the entrance without permission. However, the precise location of the chip is unknown to the fighters themselves, which is why none of the them were able to remove the chips on their own (besides, a passcode is needed to get through the doors).

3. Ikami never received any proper education, he was sold to the fight club before he could finish grade 1, so he's actually pretty illiterate when it comes to reading and writing. That said, Ikami has always loved story books, he would always read with his mom when he was small and spend time reading in the nursery. Books were of course, a banned substance in the fight club, but Ikami did manage to dig up a novel from the trash one day, which he kept a secret and hide under his bed. From that day on, he tried to teach himself recognize words and phrases, he had been struggling a lot but he really enjoyed doing it away from everyone's eyes. When Itaru discovered this hobby of his, he would secretly bring books for Ikami to read, or teach him during their little dates.

4. Like the others, Ikami was often required to consume protein bars and protein shakes, however they NEVER WORKED for him. Ikami simply remained as thin and tiny as ever.

5. Similar to his peers, Ikami was addicted to amphetamine, due to the unfortunate fact that all fighters were prescribed with addictive stimulants to enhance their performance AND put them on a leash to "work hard for the drugs". Ikami tried very hard to quit (but failed miserably) after he started dating Itaru because he knew Itaru wouldn't like it. It is also possible that Ikami's small size was due to the side effects of CNS stimulants and anabolic steroids, which include stunted growth and height if used on teens (except that the steroids never helped him grow muscles anyways, welp).

6. Don't let his looks fool you, he may look all cute and squishy, but he never complains, never backs down, and nearly never cries. 

» Hobbies «

1. Ikami's love for veggies is simply due to their lack of availability in the club. Although fighters do get a well balanced diet (to keep them healthy and fit), protein is still the number one priority. Because of this, Itaru would often bring Ikami food of his choice when they meet, Ikami's favorite (other than ice cream) was veggie wrap.

2. Ikami once found a tiny leaf sprouting in the club's "garden" (more like a small patch of outdoor ground where the garbage was dumped), he loved the leaf so much that he went back everyday to tend to it. When Itaru found out, he gifted Ikami a pot plant on their one-month anniversary. The plant was later kept in Itaru's apartment after Ikami died.

3. Other than reading, Ikami also loves watching action and horror movies. Itaru would often let Ikami pick movies he wanted to watch and cuddle with him on the bed. However, Itaru can't handle gore very well, so he would just pretend to watch while looking slightly to the sides of his phone lmao

» Relationship «

1. Itaru loves to call Ikami "Mi-chan" while he would call Itaru "Taru-san". Occasionally, Itaru would also call Ikami "sugar" (see story Comfort).

2. Ikami was never popular among the fighters, he was always being picked on for being small and tiny. He did have a few "friends" that he gets along with, but he's definitely more hated than liked in the club.

3. The only person who knew about Ikami and Itaru's relationship (before the whole thing got exposed) was the club's doctor. He was a genuine man who truly cares about his patients and often questioned the actions of this underground business. He was also in great terms with Itaru, so he promised him he would take good care of Ikami whenever he could.

4. Ikami kept a photo of him and Itaru under his pillow, an act which Itaru found funny and cute.

5. Ikami does not understand a lot of things about love, which is why he would be a bit awkward with Itaru at times. 

6. Ikami is always a bottom, yet he doesn't mind much. Even though Itaru offered him the chance to switch roles once in a while, Ikami could never do it properly and would rather stay in the bottom :3


» Fighting «

1. The fight club's betting runs on two major game styles: one-off bets and compounded bets. One-offs are basically the classic "place your money on the winner" kind of game, it usually has lower risks and return rates, but they are rather popular for gamblers who don't feel like wrecking their brain cells too much. Compounded bets are more complicated and are usually for people who really wanna win big, these include betting options such as first hit, endurance, and survival time, plus multiplied payouts based on the player's previous performances on that particular betting category. 

2. Ikami wears a blue hoodie while fighting. He never ever went half naked like his peers because he felt ashamed of his weak looking body.

3. In truth, Ikami wished he would become big and beefy (he really, really hated being small and fragile), yet Itaru insisted that he would much rather Ikami stay the way he is.

4. Ikami's strength was his speed and agility, he always managed to sneak past heavy blows and punch his opponents behind their back. However, he could easily get into a troublesome position if he was being picked up and thrown on the ground due to his small size.

5. Ikami likes to put bandages around both arms all the way down to his palms during matches. He called this the "preparation" process.