Wooden Stake

4 years, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

Supernatural AU: Being a vampire, Gillian is a big enemy to hunters. One teen hunter in particular, Amber, decides enough is enough and hunts him down to finally end him for his constant bloodshed and fights with her father.

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Wait... Where did she go?

In that moment, after only a short pause, he felt his flesh tear as something sharp and large pierced his back. He looked down, staggering slightly, to see the dripping-red tip of a wooden stake. 

His body jerked... then it shook... The shaking got faster, his shoulders rocking up and down in quick, short motions. Amber took a step back, eyes curious and unsure.
"Ha... ha ha... Ha ha ha!" Gillian couldn't help it; The laughter bubbled inside his throat like acid, overflowing and pouring out of his open mouth in pools. 

"W-What..." Amber gasped under her breath, body beginning to tremble.

"Hahaha, I can't-! I've never-! Hahaha-ha!"
He finally grabbed the stake and tensed his body before pulling it out. Blood splattered and oozed when he was left with an ugly hole in his chest. 

He spun around, letting the object roll off his palm and clatter onto the floor, rolling away from them. 

"Whoo! Thanks, kid! Hehehe. I haven't laughed that hard in years!" He wiped a tear from his eye, then returned his gaze upon her. The look of horror on her face meant little to him, but it did give him a sense of power.
Each sharp fang glistened as he leaned closer. "Who taught you that? Your daddy?"

Ambertail's face screwed up into a furious snarl. She tightened her fists and rushed at him, too scared and angry to back down. 

The vampire twisted just out of her way, close enough to grab her fist and swing her against the wall a few feet away. He laughed, blood dripping from his mouth. He was on her in seconds, clawing and tearing at her skin and clothes. She was far more worried about those feral teeth that kept snapping much too close to her skin.

As she struggled to get away, she punched her fist directly into the quickly-healing hole in his chest, stretching it open and damaging it further. 

"AH!" His growl of pain was loud, booming, and he was stunned long enough for Ambertail to shove him off and leap to her feat, cringing and hissing at the disgusting feeling her now bloodied fist just encountered.

She spun around to face him, panting heavily. He was struggling to stand, but still managed to get to his feet. 

"You can't outrun me." His voice was deep, rumbling hard in his throat. 

Ambertail gasped when he started to move forward, but no sooner did she flinch did Gil get attacked from the side. His assailant threw him to the ground with enough force to wind him, but he was quick to fight back. 

"D-Dad!" Ambertail screamed, both in excitement and terror.

The two men wrestled on the floor, a flurry of growls and shouts echoed around them. Finally, Gil's injury got to him; It was hard enough to fake strength, but now he was getting tired, and Timothy was far more experienced than his daughter with fighting monsters. 

Because of this, Tim managed to slam him onto his back and hold his axe against his throat.

They were both panting, but Razor's was heavier even when he froze and stared, wide-eyed with terror into Timothy's rage-full eyes. His heart--what was left of it--sank into his stomach when he saw the flash of silver lift into the air.


The weapon was flung from Tim's powerful grip by a heavy arrow, sending it flying until the sharp metal smacked into the wall.

"I'll kill you for that!" His rescuer screamed, a shrill and angry sound, as she threw herself at Tim. The man guarded himself, but, being uninjured, Blue was a much tougher opponent.

"Kill the girl, Gil!" She snarled, snapping him out of staring at her and began moving toward Amber.

"NO!" Tim dodged a swing, then punched Blue hard enough in the face to snap her head to the side, giving him room to jump back and run to Amber.
"Come on, Amber, GO!" He shouted, putting his hand on her shoulder and shoving her with him until she gained his speed.

The vampires chased after them, but Gil soon fell, groaning in pain. Blue hesitated, but finally chose to stop and go back to her "mate", letting the hunters go. 

"Gillian!" She got to her knees by his side. "Gil? What in the Hell, Gillian! Why are you so weak?"

Gil coughed and growled, wincing at pain. "I-I don't know, maybe because there's a HOLE in my chest!" 

Blue rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, jerking him up to his feet. "Come on. We have to tell Alpha about them."
Gillian growled under his breath. "He'll be furious that we didn't capture them."

"But you were hurt! He shouldn't-" 

"Don't be an idiot, Rebecca." Gil cut her off. "Just be prepared to hunt these guys again."

She grinned, eyes dark. "Oh, Love, I'm more than ready for that."