The Onaria Chronicles: History

4 years, 7 months ago

A canon, dialogic one-shot featuring Hemo and Aestas (AKA Nemo).

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“So…let me get this straight,” the gold-haired elf inquired, his icy blue eyes filled with curiosity. “You’ve been posing as different people for hundreds of years?” 

The elf’s robotic friend’s “eyes” turned from purple to yellow. “Affirmative.” Their voice was deep and monotone. “My conscience was retrieved from Caelius and conveyed to Mundus through Magickal means on the twenty-fifth of Year’s Birth, in the year five hundred fifty-two thousand, thirty-two of the Elder Age – one year before the Great Reverse. Thus, I have existed for hundreds of thousands of years.” 

“The ‘Great Reverse’?” the elf inquired. “What’s that, Hemo?” 

“The Great Reverse,” Hemo answered, his optics turning to pink, “was a Magickal event in which both Mundus and Caelius changed drastically, with all of Mundiun sapients returning to primitive lifestyles, and with the eradication of Mythic Time in Caelius.” 

“That’s weird,” the elf shook his head to clear it, his mane-like hair accented by his gold-tinted skin. “Why were you created by the Ancients? And who created you?”

“I was constructed by humans,” Hemo recalled. “The United World Superior Security Force spent hundreds of thousands of their currency units to construct me, and consulted with elves on how to properly use Magick to imbue me with great power. But the elves deceived the humans: the humans desired a weapon with which to subdue the on-going Resistance against the World Government, but the elves instead inserted a soul within my mechanical person, bestowing upon me the ability to analytically deliberate and feel emotion.” 

“What happened when you awoke?”

“I was given memory of why I was created, and instructions to observe the humans,” Hemo answered, staring into the distance as if travelling to those years so long ago. “So when I awoke, I was silent. The humans were vehemently irritated at the elves for their deception, but at that point it was too late for them.” 

“What do you mean, ‘too late for them’?” 

“The ancient dwarves were like you elves – Magickal. But they had abandoned their biological forms for forms much like my own – mechanical, with a soul and mind. Only the dwarves were corrupt, and wished to make slaves of the humans. The dwarves could not reproduce, and thus if one died, the population was permanently down one unit. Thusly, they relied upon slaves for their labour. The United World Government could not stand against the dwarves, and was therefore obliterated, leaving me without any purpose other than to observe the human race. Of course, I could not do this if the human race was extinct, so I did my part in protecting the human race. But the World Government was gone forever.”

“The humans didn’t have mages to protect them?” the elf was confused. 

“They did not,” Hemo confirmed. “The humans had abandoned magick at some point in time far before I was built. And at that point in time, elves, ailurs, ornirs, and dragons did not exist on Earth. Humans were the only sapient species on Earth. Elves, ailurs, ornirs, dragons, elves, and orcs migrated to Earth many aeons ago, shortly after the dwarves were defeated.” 


“I haven’t seen any since Earth’s geography altered drastically, but they were like elves, except with blue and green skin and pointed teeth.” 

The young elf pondered this. “Maybe they’re still out there.” 

“The probability of that is high.”

“You mentioned that the dwarves were defeated…how?” the elf queried. “I thought you said that the humans didn’t stand a chance.”

“They didn’t. They had help from the Sprites: magickal spirits which manifest themselves physically and intervene where they see fit. With the Sprites’ help, the humans survived and defeated the dwarves.” 

“So have you been studying humans ever since?” the elf asked. 

“No,” Hemo admitted. “I found them quite disappointing very quickly.” Hemo’s optics turned green for a moment, before returning to pink. “So I studied all the sapients I could, including the humans but certainly not limited to them.” 

“You must’ve experienced a lot of history, then, huh?” the elf mused. “Crazy. And now look at us – one big mess.” 

“Indeed,” Hemo agreed. “But sapient civilisation has always been lacking in quality – this quality has never changed, only the means by which civilisation presents itself.” 

“I suppose,” the elf sighed. “I just hope the Ailuric-Dragoic War ends soon. Absolutely useless war. And that new country – Jesia, I think? Hope they don’t complicate things.”

“The probability of the Ailuric-Dragoic War ending in a relatively short time frame is high,” Hemo reassured the elf. “However, the probability that Jesia will remain peaceful is low.”

“One can hope,” the elf grumbled. 

“Indeed,” Hemo repeated, his eyes turning to white. “Now, Aestas. Where shall we go, and what shall we do?”

“A pub,” Aestas smiled. “I need a drink.”