The calm before the storm

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

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Author's Notes

All credits go to Morgan ( )
They wrote this entire story, that I love ever so dearly <3

Please go easy on them!
Siber belongs to Morgan
Powder belongs to me


Chapter 1

Siber looked at Powder from the other side of the table. His autism never allowed him to recognize emotions on someone's face but he knew the other man had no desire to be here, he wasn't even looking at something, just an invisible dot driving him deep in his thoughts. 


"You know what I think of you?" Siber finally said after a long period of silence.
Powder was barely even looking at him. "I don't care what you think of me. You're boring me." The man said. Siber smiled at his response. He was reminding himself of his young teenage-hood even though he was an adult. Powder finally rose his head to look straight into his eyes. The albino put his head in his hand, as if he were looking at someone he secretly admired.
"Powder... You're not a demon, not a monster. I know you can be someone good."
"Fuck off. You know I'm able to rip you out in a second!"

"Yes. This I know." Siber stood up and walked over to him. Powder was looking at him, hating how the other appeared taller than him. Siber sat on the floor.

"I know what you've been through."


"You don't!"


"Prove it."

"You don't know me!"

Siber showed his butchered arms "But I know what you do too, POWder. What's the main problem? Childhood trauma? Mental Illness? I know it all." 

"Aww c'mon." Powder sneered.

"listen to me and mark my words. YES you might feel alive by killing people and to collecting their teeth, or I don't know what other things you do. YES, you're an asshole because of everything that goes on in your mind. YES you need help and NO you aren't weak for doing that. Hurt people, that's a limit but it doesn't give you the right to turn on a blind eye on-" Before Siber could finish his sentence, he felt pushed down on the floor and felt something warm and strong around his neck.

"You wouldn't choke me, would you?" Siber smiled smugly.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help!"

"Everything else proves you do."

"I appreciate, or not, your concerned. But keep your damned face out of my business!"

"You know, I wish my mom asked me to stay away instead of pushing me too close to her." Siber let out a little grin at these words.

"I don't care how you feel!"

"Oh? But you care about what Baba feels."
Powder's eyes widen at this words before scoffing. "Baba? I don't like him, I despise him."

 "Are you sure? Ain't you feeling something new for him? Ain't you feeling like he is this one person you want to protect? You can't lie about your feelings no matter how much you scream about how you don't care. You love him, you'll be a better person because you are a good person deep inside. You can't escape, Powder, you're gonna change and this is what you are going to become!"

Powder let Siber go with a glare. "Get out of here. get out!"
The Russian man stood up and waved at the man before leaving the place

Powder knew Siber was right. Siber was a man of wisdom after-all.