The calm before the storm

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

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Author's Notes

This part is written by me
Powder belongs to me
Siber belongs to Morgan

Chapter 2

Siber was walking in the drizzling rain, recalling the conversation he had with Powder. He couldn't understand why he felt the need to be so invested with the other man. It wasn't like Powder was apart of his life, there was nothing connecting the two together. Yet, Siber couldn't help but feel..sympathy for him. Being a therapist for his mafia, Siber knew deep down that Powder held potential to become better. He wasn't this horrid monster that he made himself out to be. Siber was aware that Powder's wrong doings was simply out of anger and that he needed to get help. While he was stuck in his thoughts, he felt a presence behind him. A person was apparently stalking him, not showing their face. Siber was fully aware of who was following him. He continued to walk as if he didn't know, eventually going into an alley way and stopping.

"You know. Following someone is rather rude, don't you think....Powder?" 

The figure halted in his tracks, debating whether he should run or confront Siber. He decided to go with the latter option.
"What are you trying to gain from me?" Powder finally appeared from the shadows.  

"Gain? There's nothing to gain here." Siber was amused at Powder's words. 

"Don't play dumb. Your trying to get something out of me!" 

Siber shook his head and grinned. "I don't want anything from you. All I wanted was to make a point. You see, we share similarities. I see myself in you. I know you have the ability to care." 

"Care? I don't care about anyone! I don't even care about you!"

"If you didn't care about me, then explain to me why you went out of your way to stalk me." Siber pulled out his pack of cigarettes from the inside of his jacket pocket and lighted one up using a lighter. He took a big puff before continuing. "I'd like to hear an answer Powder." Powder dug his nails into the palm of his hands to control his anger. He knew having an outburst would make him look weak.  "I want you dead. I want to kill you."

"And what would that fix?" Siber took another puff from his cigarette. "When I was younger, I told myself that If I killed myself It would fix all of my problems. But it wouldn't. It wouldn't fix anything. Death would never be the answer so whether you kill me or I kill myself, nobody wins." Siber looked over to Powder. "And stop digging your nails into your palm. It would leave a scar." 

Powder's fingers immediately let go of his palm. He looked away from Siber. He didn't want to admit it, but he was right. Powder's eyes fluttered shut for a moment before he opened them again and turned his gaze to Siber once more. 

"No matter how many times I deny, threaten, or even attack you, you're answers will always be the same. So I will admit this to feed your pride. You're right. Maybe I do care, maybe I do have the ability to become a better person, maybe I do love Baba." 

Siber dropped his finished cigarette bud on the ground and pressed his shoe against it to kill the light flame. He brushed his bangs out of his face to get a better look at Powder. A small smile danced upon Siber's face upon looking at him. "I do not have any pride to feed. All I want is for you to take a chance and to actively seek help. Powder, you are loving deep down inside. You only kill to fuel the anger that you're father gave you. You are only mean because you've been hurt from the past. So, take my word and get you some help. Because I believe in you."

Powder stood there, unable to speak. He wanted the words Siber spoke to mean nothing, absolutely nothing. But it did mean something to him. He felt confused but a bit...warm inside? How could this be? He was never one to be warm, it was impossible! Powder opened his mouth to speak but words wouldn't come out.

Siber just waved his hand, dismissing Powder's muted speech. "No need to say anything, your expression speaks a thousand words already. Now I must head back, my mafia needs me. It was nice meeting you.. Powder."  He turned around, but before he walked away Siber tilted his head. "Don't forget to tell Baba I said hi." and he left.  Powder watched the Russian man disappear. He started to smile to himself.

"I will."