The Calmness of the Garden

4 years, 7 months ago

Masashi/Kiyoko Fluff, as well as a little study on their relationship

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Ever since Nene and Momo happened to meet each other by coincidence in a mall a long while ago, the two had made sure to not let their contact break off again. Which resulted in their two respective families meeting each other time to time.

It was something that Kiyoko Saito had always looked forward to in her younger days and continued to do so as she grew older. While she held liking for every family member of Nene’s (something that quite a lot of people would consider rather odd), there was one she was most particularly fond of.

Since their first meeting as children the two had grown closer and closer over the years, forming an unbreakable connection. Something that others would die for, something worthy of the adjective ‘sacred’ in Kiyoko’s mind. He’d always treat her different from the rest, allow her insight to his soul. She’d always be there for him and follow wherever he’d go.

And vice versa.

It was summer and one of the days where Masashi’s family had come over to visit Kiyoko’s. And like the two always did, they excused themselves relatively quickly from the rest of the group, stealing off to do various activities. Including Kiyoko explaining social media to Masashi for the 56th time, a small fashion show because Masashi just had to see the clothes Kiyoko had bought without him, a little cooking when the kitchen was free and of course a long rant-saison of Masashi that had started with one topic and ended at something completely different.

Once the sun had started to set the two slipped out and away into the garden, which is where they were right now. Sitting side by side on a stone bench in front of the little pond which had been a wedding anniversary gift. The air was filled with the all-too familiar concert of the cicadas, a few birds in the distance making their contribution to it and the occasional splashes of water as one of the Koi fish decided to come a bit too close to the surface.

Kiyoko had her arms around Masashi’s and her head resting on his shoulder. No one but her would dare to do so, as anyone else would probably fear Masashi were to bite their head off if they did. And they better should. Although at the moment it was almost hard to imagine him all loud, angry and perfectly ready to mow down anyone who stood in his way. All he was currently doing was peacefully watching the fishes with a stern expression while slowly eating the Strawberry-Daifuku she had prepared earlier. It was certainly not a sight anyone on Totsuki would have in their mind when the name ‘Eizan Masashi’ was mentioned, but Kiyoko didn’t mind. In fact, she loved it.

He considered her special and he trusted her. And she was one of the only few people who got to see him like that, while all their classmates were exposed to the ruthless and easily angered warlord.

“Once I have my own house…” Kiyoko murmured, having her focus on a particular white Koi Fish with red spots that swam it’s graceful circles. “I want a pond in my garden as well.” It might was a casual side-remark intended as conversation starter, it might was something he should take note of for the future. Who knew? Unclear, if Masashi debated over the implications of said statement in his mind he merely responded with a hum, his mouth still full of Daifuku.

Kiyoko didn’t mind the lack of input and only continued. “It will also have Kois of course. They’re just too beautiful.” The content smile that had been on her lips ever since he had entered the house grew a little bit. “And once I have kids they can feed the Kois and name them all afterwards just to forget the names the day after.” A giggle escaped her and she clung a bit tighter to him. “Just like we did when we were small.”

He shifted his gaze to her at that and she swore for a moment there was something reminiscent of a smile on his lips. He then turned his head again and pointed at a pitch-black Koi-Fish. “I believe that one was called ‘Oda’.” Immediately she interjected. “No way! That was ‘Luna-chan’!” They’ve had very different ways of naming the fishes back then. Masashi picking out the names of soldiers and generals from the history books and Kiyoko rather taking her inspiration from flowers, sweets or other things she considered beautiful. Or children shows occasionally.

“The white one was ‘Luna-chan’.” He argued. “But which one would it be? There’s two white ones. No, no! I am sure, the black one was called ‘Luna-chan’!” She insisted. Masashi eyed her for a moment. Normally he found a liking on stretching out all kinds of discussion a lot longer than they had to be. But now he just sighed, mumbled “So be it then” and looked back to the pond while putting another Daifuku into his mouth. She couldn’t help but to giggle again.

For a few moments there was a comfortable silence between the two again as they continued to watch the fishes. Then he suddenly spoke up. “There should also be a cherry tree.”

She shifted her position on his shoulder a bit to be able to look up at him. “Hm?”

He made brief, meaningless gestures with his hand. “Not near the pond however or in spring all it’s petals would fall into the water. No, no, that would not be all too pretty for very long. But….” He said the following words very firmly. “There has to be a cherry tree.” His eyes met hers. “After all whenever they bloom in spring you always become so adorably happy.”

Kiyoko’s eyes widened a bit at that and she felt warmth in her cheeks. A little astonished, she took her head of his shoulder to back a bit off so she could face him better, keeping her round, brown eyes locked with his serious, red ones.

Before she could come up with a reply however, a voice called from the direction of the house. “Kiyoko! Masashi-kun! Nene-san and me made food! Come in!”

The two childhood friends turned their heads and saw that it was Kiyoko’s father calling for them. Just a second later the face of Kiyoko’s mother popped out behind the doorframe that lead onto the terrace as well and Kiyoko could also make out the significant ribbon that was in her little sister’s black hair at all times behind the doorframe. “Soumyan.” Momo’s voice was full of disagreement for his current action. “Work on your timing.”

While Somei just blinked confused at his wife’s words, Masashi who was ever so obedient when it came to the words of adults stood up. “Come on, Kiyoko-san. We wouldn’t want anyone to wait.”

Kiyoko didn’t really want to go yet but she knew arguing with Masashi on that matter would be pointless. Also her good manners were pushing her to stand up anyway.

And so she let out a little sigh before taking the hand Masashi was holding out to her with a smile. “Alright.”

When the two were leaving from the stone bench, one part of her couldn’t help but to hope that someday in the future they will be able to sit as long as they like at their own pond while watching pink petals fall from their cherry tree.