Relationships: Sami & Spot

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
2 805

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

A summary of Sami and Spot's relationships and feelings toward each other.

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Author's Notes

Archive for the links here on TH in case I ever actually keep them updated lmfao


Sami @ Spot, April 2017

[Has Some Concerns, Slight Jealousy, Exasperation, Pity, Cares For; Host and Creator of; Co-consciousness With]
"I... Geeze, where do I even start? Another piece of my personality broke off, apparently. Whoops. Spot's not too bad though. She's honestly a bit of a brat and kinda childish, but she's just... Really fun, actually. Really fun and really sad all at once. I'm... I'm glad for her, though. With things with Spike and Cj. I'm... I'm glad some part of me can have a happy ending, seems like."

Spot @ Sami, April 2017

[Admiration, Exasperation, Determination; "Vessel" For; Co-consciousness With]
"It'sweirdtalkingaboutsomeoneyourememberbeing. Uhhhh... Hrmph. Sami's just.... I dunno! I care about her a lot but it's weird because I remember being her more than I remember being me for a really long time! But then she just... She's so cautious when it comes to taking chances on people and putting faith in things. I want to show her that it's okay. I just... I want to make her proud, you know? I want to live up to all the stuff she does, but to show her that she doesn't have to carry so much herself either..."