Relationships: Sami & Spot

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
2 805

Chapter 2
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

A summary of Sami and Spot's relationships and feelings toward each other.

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Author's Notes

This is accurate up to about January 2018; After that point, Spot and Sami actually split their physical bodies. A lot stayed the same, but there have been some changes as a result. An updated entry will be posted when possible.

General Relationship


You’re so dumb sometimes, what are you doing? I love you. We’ll be okay.

Despite the fact that most of Spot’s memories are Sami’s and her existence has overlapped with her host’s for the most part, the two have very different ways of expressing themselves. Spot is the external to Sami’s internal; where Sami’s afraid, distant, and analytical to a fault, Spot is the exact opposite most of the time. Spot’s bubbly, excited, and wears her heart on her sleeve. Since they usually share bodies and consciousness, this can lead to some entertaining conflicts of interest and expression.

The two can communicate freely in their mind, and often do. The one in control of the body at that times doesn’t need to speak verbally in order to be heard, but they tend to- even so far as switching so that both sides of their discussion are coming from their mouth if they’re around people that they’re comfortable with (much to the amusement of the others). At times one will be more dominant than the other in the personality that is showing through; the one who has gone dormant then will either go quiet (“tuning out”) or be able to observe and comment on happenings that the body is experiencing. Often they’ll also just be present in the form of impulses, or at times will force each other to do certain things if they think the other is too hesitant. 

At times in the past it had been rather hard to tell which was dominant; the two overlapped so much that most of the house didn’t realize Spot had come to exist at first. When they’re in sync, the overall body seems to be somewhere between Sami in either a good or more sensitive mood, or Spot when she’s feeling more distant or tired. 

When they do talk, the two tend to fluctuate a bit on their attitudes toward each other. Spot is hopeful and encouraging at her best, though she’s not afraid to call Sami out on things that she sees potential problems with. She can also randomly be very affectionate toward Sami, or reassuring if need be. On a typical day, Spot usually will playfully tease Sami and comment on her actions, or voice odd thoughts that Sami holds back, and tries to be optimistic and helpful. However, when Spot’s in a bad mood, it can come out at Sami a lot more than anyone else (besides Lync). Spot still holds bitterness and hurt from the fact that Sami saved Lync, as well as being a vessel for most of the self-loathing and self-doubt that Sami carries. 

None of this really surprises Sami, however. When the worse side of Spot comes out, she usually just kind of takes it with a grain of salt. Sami knows that Spot is a representation of her and a lot of the parts of her that she keeps hidden away- from the sweetness to the self-destruction and paranoia. So, when it shows through, Sami doesn’t really take it personally- though the two might argue rather viciously sometimes. On the whole, though, Sami’s mostly really protective of Spot. Spot’s prone to getting herself into trouble and getting ahead of herself, and Sami worries about her a lot (a habit that has gotten Spot to jokingly call her “Mom” somewhat frequently). She tends to be the logic to combat Spot’s impulses. While Spot might embarrass Sami at times, she is a very important part of her and one that she cares dearly for.