Marble Column

4 years, 6 months ago

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"So, this is it." Falkner surveys the building before him with a highly curious eye, it's architecture looking nothing like anything he's ever come across in his various travels, and he as been to many a country. However this one is new; Beanville he thinks they call it? From what very little he's seen he surmises it to be a quaint place.They haven't run into any thieves or unholy monsters at the very least which is a win in his book.

Not hearing a response he turns and lets out a sigh. "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about." He calls already knowing each word will fall upon deaf ears.

"How do you know that?"

Ah, there it is, just as he expected. Letting out another sigh he tries his best to maintain a positive attitude. "Well, don't know for CERTAIN of course but from what I can gather this is a festival of some kind. Or perhaps a celebration. It seems like everyone who lives here is attending judging by the number of dots going through the door. I doubt this to be some kind of ruse."

He hears a scoff. "As if. This is the perfect way to hide a ruse. A lot of people to blend in with, costumes, loud music to cover any sounds of struggle. I don't even know why we're here."

"Because we were invited of course." Falkner explains, though he's met with a scoff once again.

"Yeah, by a complete stranger." At this a figure emerges from the darkness, Falk barely able to make out the pink of fur under a low riding black hood. "Who was it that sent that letter?" Sere scrutinizes, crossing her arms in disapproval.

"A woman named Beanyonce it looks like."

"And do you know who this Beanyonce is?"

"W-well not exactly. I've never heard of her to be honest."

Falk is sure Sere's scowl could cut through granite. "Ah right. So you get a random letter from a woman you've never met inviting you to a place you never knew existed for an event you've never heard of. And you're... okay with that?"

He knows she makes a fair point, he is a royal after all and all of this does seem the least bit suspicious, however he just can't fathom any reason to worry. I mean lets be honest here it's not like he's ever lived a safe life to begin with, every place he goes has the potential to be highly dangerous so what difference does this place make? Besides he's more than capable of defending himself were something to happen.

"I understand your concern but I'm still going. If you wish to return to The Aegis then that's fine but I want to see what this is all about. Maybe we can gather some information about the area while we're here."

With that he gives her a hapless shrug and begins making his way to the event. He makes sure to keep his expression hidden when he hears the telltale sound of footsteps (and cursing) following behind him. Good, maybe this can be a chance for him to show her not everyone is out to have their heads on a platter.

In a matter of no time they arrive at the front doors, Falk nodding kindly to the staff while discretely dragging Sere along as she undoubtedly glares death at them. Once inside he balks; a giant room of hardwood floor with giant pillars of marble reaching all the way up to the ceiling. Quite the odd combination but who is he to judge.

"See, it's not bad." he states over the volume of the music to which his companion lets out a hiss, pulling her hood up farther over her face. All Falk can do is let out an uneasy chuckle and send a silent prayer to the gods she doesn't try to stab anyone.

Pushed by curiosity Falk makes his way deeper into the festivities, milling about the various booths and tables. There's something called 'Fruit punch' which was pleasantly nice. The man there says the drink he tried was called Hot Sauce, an odd name for a beverage but it had a nice kick to it, perhaps he can see if he can find some next time he returns to Celanis.

Falk, having been caught up in exploring the venue, suddenly remembers he's not the only one here. Oh no. His heart sinks upon realizing Sere isn't with him. Great, where did she go? Leaving a table of macaroons behind he delves into the crowd, eyes peeled for any sign of a black hood though there's none to be found. Perhaps she went back outside? Sere hates crowds so that makes sense. He's about to do just that when a shriek splits the air. Snapping toward the sound he makes his way to the other side of the room, fighting against the converging crowd who have gathered around to watch whatever the hell is apparently happening.


Oh. That's Sere's voice. And she's angry. Great. Finally breaking through the wall of bystanders Falk nearly chokes, coming upon quite the scene.

"GET BACK DOWN HERE!" Sere shrieks again halfway clawing up a marble pillar like an overgrown cat. Near the top a lone figure clings for her life, letting out a nervous laugh. "H-hey hey now no need to get violent it was just a prank~"


"First off all, SWORDFISH, not Goldfish." The strange woman calmly corrects with a lifted finger for emphasis. "Second you barely got a nick you're just exaggerating. I'm actually pretty offended you don't like my joke. There's no such thing as a scythefish so it isn't quite the best I've ever pulled but a sword is close enough to a scythe right?"

Looking around it seems her claims are true judging by the giant fish flopping haplessly on the floor a few meters away. Poor thing. It did nothing to deserve this.

This declaration is met with even more enraged screeching and Falk lets out a heavy sigh. Seems light their night out is going to be a short one. "Alright time to go." With one hand pinching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment and the other hand gripping Sere by the back of her cloak he drags her away, Sere screeching a final curse before disappearing through the door.


"Yeah yeah I know...." Falk utters in defeat making a mental note to never, ever, bring Sere to another social event ever again.