
4 years, 6 months ago

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For old concept

"This is a lot more people than I was expecting." Theodosia considers the room about her, nearly filled to the brim with beans from all walks of life. Certainly more than could fit inside this quaint country house. "Certainly seems to be that way. Though what do you expect? It's an important celebration after all." Quinn states beside her, as observant as always as he casts pale blue eyes about the room. Perhaps they should have stayed outside? Quinn isn't claustophobic or uneasy around people, but he is a bit more on the introverted side and thus parties aren't really his thing. Over the years Theodosia, diligently and with purpose, has taken him out on many outing in attempts to get him out of the house and away from work for a while. She knows he'll follow her anywhere and boy does she use that to her advantage. He couldn't tell you how many ho-downs and dances she has dragged him into. He doesn't mind of course, far from it. Even now when he stands a bit awkwardly in the doorway Theodosia stands beside him, always the confident one with her head held high. She feels him looking at her and offers him a smile. "Come on, lets go see what all is here." Threading her fingers though his she leads him deeper into the house, exploring every inch of it to see what is there. Of course there are things such as drinks and finger foods, both of which are highly tempting, of course any kind of food that isn't microwaveable is mouthwatering to him. There are games scattered about, both for kids and adults, and music pounds from what is obviously a living room turned dance room. A rather enthusiastic purple bean with wild blue streaked hair mans a dj station, playing music to a thick crowd of people dancing in whatever way they wish with no rhyme or reason to it. The moment they enter he glances to the side, just as he always does, to watch Theo as her face lights up. She loves dancing, always has. Her faces breaks into a grin, and before she can even ask he is nodding forward. "After you." She offers him a smile that causes his heart to flutter slightly and pulls him to the dance floor. Luckily for them the current song ends and another begins, a generic dance track, and the moment the first note plays Theo takes to it. It's as if she feels the music in her very core and can't help but to move, and she's so graceful doing so. She's told him again and again that she's never been taught, but he begs to differ. He moves back and forth in place, not really doing anything, because all his attention is focused on her. She shines in the light, fur silky and shimmering in the lights, and her horns could pass for actual gold with as much as they shine. It isn't long before heads begin to turn, eyed drawn to the wild beauty in front of them as she dances. The men lift a brow and crack smirks, elbowing their buddies and eyeing Theo as she twirls around in blissful abandon. Quinn supposes he should feel threatened by them staring at her, but he's not. In fact, a part of him is glad. She deserves to be stared at, to be the center of attention. He knows very well just the kind of wild flower she is; rare and spirited and full of heart. She is a diamond in the ruff, an oasis in the desert, people are drawn to her, stare at her, admire her. And he's glad. You would think he should be worried over all the attention she garners where ever she goes, many men would, but not him. For all the while she twirls and twists, every eye in the room focused on her, her eyes are on him. Twin suns in the dimly lit room, glowing above a bright smile that scrunches her eyes in the most adorable way possible. Theo doesn't dance for the people in the room. She doesn't even dance for herself. She dances for him. And he watches. Rounding a twirl she pauses and offers him her hand, and he takes it without hesitation. She pulls him in and together they dance, kicking balloons and paying attention to no one aside from the one in the other's hold. The party around them is lost to the background, eyes locked as they go round and round. Theodosia goes in and wraps her arms around him, resting her head upon his shoulder. "Thank you for dancing with me." "Of course." Quinn replies back, snaking a hold on her waist. "You know you never have to ask me." "I know." She smiles at him then, and he smiles back, and to the horror of the men in the room she leans over and presses a warm kiss to him, that of which he happily returns.