Moving On

4 years, 5 months ago

Mild Violence

Letting go of your first love is hard, but for Nasaba, it's about time he notice what's sitting right in front of him.

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For a long time, Nasaba clung to his first love, Altea. How could he not? He had adored her, and felt that the end of their relationship was all his fault. If he had acted differently, maybe they could’ve stayed together.

But maybe, just maybe, he was clinging a little too hard.

“Nasaba?” Cheka’s concerned voice broke him out of his trance, and he shook his head before focusing on her. “Are you alright?”

Nasaba stared at the lioness as if just seeing her for the first time. Had she always been so pretty? It seemed like only yesterday he had found her alone and offered her a place in the pride. Only yesterday that she had saved his life in a fight with a rogue lion, not hesitating to brutally wrestle the loner off of him and toss him aside. She’d saved his life and said she’d do it again and again if that’s what it took to keep him alive, even though she’d barely known him. The way she looked at him with such adoration and care, it was unlike any way he’d been looked at ever before. Even Altea, his first love, had never looked at him that way. Yes, the looks she’d given him were special, maybe equally as special, but they were still different.

What had he done to deserve someone who so blatantly cared so much?

“Cheka,” he breathed her name as he sat up to look at her properly, since he had been laying down before. It was funny, how much smaller she was in comparison to him; it wasn’t by much, but she was smaller than the average lioness, so it was noticeable. And endearing, “I...”

Nasaba trailed off, unsure what he even wanted to say next. All of these feelings, how was he only just realizing them all now?  Had he always felt so strongly towards his self-appointed Assassin?

Her odd little laugh brought his attention back to her once more, and he pouted as he saw the amusement twinkling in her eyes. “What’s that for?”

“I’m sorry,” she sure didn’t sound like she was, especially when she giggled at the even more disappointed face he made, "but you're just such a dork. Especially when you make faces like those."

"Oh, really?" Nasaba stood up, tilting his head at her.

Cheka eyed him warily. "Yes, really."

He wasn't quite sure what came over him in the moment as he approached his Assassin, walking in a circle around her before pressing his nose up against hers. "Be my consort, please." His voice was a whisper as he stared into her eyes.

Whatever the equivalent for blushing is for a lion, Cheka did it, eyes widening. "Nasaba?" She was taken aback.

Nasaba panicked, pulling away. "I-I'm so sorry, Cheka, I don't know what came over me. I just-"

"Do you mean it?"

Nasaba stopped dead in his tracks, the rest of his rambling forgotten as he processed what she was asking. Had he meant what he'd said?

Finally, nervously, he nodded. "Yes...yes, I do." He winced, waiting for the inevitable rejection.

"My gosh, you're such a dork. It took you long enough."

Wait, what? Nasaba stared at her, and the lioness burst out laughing.

"Did you really not notice that I've been in love with you? You are so naive and lucky to have me here to help you."

Nasaba huffed indignantly at that. "Hey!" For the first time in forever, his heart didn't even twinge to remind him of Altea.