Uprising (Makuta|Kezme|Sage)

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

stories about the three brothers as whelps

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Author's Notes

1111 words

camel takes her litter through the territory and hunts a fish. they try their first meat and make a contest out of it


The best of them all

Over the past quartermoons since their first walk outside, the brothers had grown a lot and were now running and playing like little whirlwinds, no sign of their former clumsiness left anymore. But because of that, Camel and Tungsten had an even tougher time trying to keep an eye on them. While Sage usually remained by his parents' side, the other two often ran off and had to be caught and brought back before they'd do something stupid. Until that day, the whelps had only been allowed to leave the kobel to explore the area surrounding the tree, not farther. But now that their coat was fully shown and even their blue eyes had turned and shifted colors, it was time for them to see more of Ibea. Camel looked sternly at the whelps as she spoke to them before they set out on their way.

«You all stay close to me, is that clear? It's dangerous outside and I don't want any of you to get hurt. This especially applies to you two.»

She looked at Kezme and Makuta in turn, who were only half paying attention, as they were pushing each other to try and make their brother fall over, while Sages gaze was attentively on his mother. As she noticed the two didn't react, she sighed and separated the two with her paw.

«Boys? If you don't listen to me you can stay in the kobel with your father.»

«No no! We really wanna go!»

«He started it!»

«Nu-uh I didn't!»

«Shush! You two get along on this trip or I'll go home right away and you'll stay in the kobel for the next few days.»

She didn't want to be so strict with them, but she had no other choice. Compared to all of her prior litters, those three were some of the most rambunctious whelps she ever had. Her ultimatum worked of course, the two sat up straight and didn't even dare looking at each other anymore, scared they'd get grounded.

«Sorry mum.»


They walked through the territory and the whelps didn't know where to look first. All the strange plants, sounds and smells were new to them and fascinating for the young ones. Finally, after a short walk, they reached a slow river with a few smooth rocks next to it. They were lit by the sun and were warm to the touch of their paws. Camel lay down next to the river and looked into the water, trying to find some fish. Because of her bright, unusual fur color, she had a hard time hunting and didn't expect to catch anything that day, but she was trying nonetheless.

Her mane kept hanging in her face and she occasionally blew it away to see better, still focused on the surface of the water.

The whelps, after running around for a bit and exploring the rocks, mimicked their mother and lay down on the edge of the ground and stared into the water. One lone fish didn't notice the group and was swimming closer, all Salikos attentively watching the prey. With one quick move of her paws, Camel managed to push the fish out of the water and threw it on land, where it twitched and flopped aimlessly until she walked over and killed it with one bite. The youngsters collected around the fish, touched it with their paws and noses, sniffed it and nibbled on it carefully, trying to figure out what it tasted like.

«Go on, take a bite. It's time you start eating prey anyway.»

Their mother looked lovingly at her litter and patiently waited for them to do as she said. Makuta was the first to close his jaws around the fishes body, but was struggling to rip a piece of it out. He made a good effort and finally the skin of the fish loosened up, but he only managed to get a mouthful of scales, which he spit out in disgust. Camel giggled at the sight and Kezme, happy to see his mother so cheerful, laughed as well, which made his red brother look at him angrily.

«Do it better!»

«Don't worry, sweetheart, you did it right. You first have to remove the scales, and with birds you need to pluck the feathers. It's a bit tedious, but you'll get used to it fast.»

Makuta tried again, this time ripping out a chunk from the part where he had already laid the meat bare. His muzzle was getting covered in blood as he ate, making his dark mask look just like his caramel pelt. Finally he stepped back and let his brothers try as well, but while the others seemed to enjoy it, the only thing Makuta could think about was how disgusting it tasted. Still he refrained from complaining, wanting to look strong and mature, while Kezme and Sage just lived in the moment and played around with the dead prey. The were so immature and weak, but he'd become a powerful warrior, protecting his tribe and family with all his might, since they obviously wouldn't be cut out for it. He'd show them who's the better hunter, fighter, climber...anything. They felt so smug but they'd never compare to him in all his glory.

The following day, Tungsten brought all three of them a small, dead southern sparrow each so they could practice depluming the creatures. Of course Kezme and Makuta challenged each other about this too.

«Bet you I can finish plucking the feathers quicker than you?»

«No you won't!»

«Yes I will!»

«Alright, first one to have a bird without a single feather wins.»

«Okay. On three. Three, two, one, GO!»

They ravaged the birds as fast as possible, but both of them were so eager to be quicker than their opponent, that they weren't very careful with it. While Kezme kept missing some feathers and had to look over and over again to find those he had left, Makutas bird looked like it was torn apart by a wild Dunret, missing pieces of meat all over its corpse. While the two were quarreling about who was the winner, Sage had finished his bird completely, no feathers left and the skin still intact.

«Great work, Sage! Your prey looks perfect!»

Tungsten licked the cream ones head and the whelp proudly floofed his chest and purred happily, leaving his two brothers outraged, with their mouths wide agape. But Kezme was a good sport, walked over to his sibling and nuzzled him to congratulate the young hob, who appreciated the gesture. Only Makuta stayed back, his claws digging into the soft earth below him and clenching his teeth.