Uprising (Makuta|Kezme|Sage)

4 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 5 months ago
3 3532

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

stories about the three brothers as whelps

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Author's Notes

1207 words 

kezme and makuta are play fighting while sage is collecting herbs. in one inattentive moment, the caramel accidentally injures his cream brother. the fear and panic make him desperate, but kezme wants to get help. makuta won't let that happen and his hate begins to grow.



«Come on, little Kez. Are you scared?»

«No way!»

«Then show me what you got!»

A loud roar escaped the lime colored Mayurs throat and he leaped forward, towards his brother with the red pelt. The two adolescents were play fighting once again, at a quiet clearing in the middle of the jungle. A swarm of birds was getting flushed by the sound of the brawl and they fled in panic from the battleground. Jaws snapping and claws slashing, the two practiced their techniques, but compared to Kezme, Makuta took this a lot more serious. He was a lot taller and stronger than the spotted sibling and his claws were extraordinarily long, so Kez had to pay attention not to get hit by him or the fight would be over quickly.

In the meantime, while those two were roaring and hissing, Sage was close by and listened to them, then shook his head and focused back on his own task. He was exploring the flora of the territory, searching for plants and trying them out. His parents had warned him which fruits and leafs were poisonous, so he avoided those, but everything else he sniffed, scratched and licked curiously, trying to find out their essence and usage. He had already experienced a lot and knew the most important herbs and what they could help with. Compared to his brothers he didn't like fighting a lot and preferred healing others. But Makuta kept making fun of him for that, saying he was a scaredy-cat and just too weak to fight, which might be true, but that was not the reason he chose against it. He would never be able to win in a fight against his brothers, but he didn't care. Might and power are meaningless if you die from an infection.

Kezme dodged another slash from his brothers claws and used his hindlegs to make him trip and fall, then pushed him the the ground and pinned him down. Makuta was mad with rage about being on the losing side and snapped his jaws dangerously close to the green ones throat. Their fights were always rough, but Kezme would never dare seriously hurting the caramel with the full mane. On the other paw, he wasn't quite sure if Makuta would do the same thing or go farther. Their parents knew they kept practicing like that and told them to slow down, but they didn't listen to them anyway, so they just accepted that the two young hobs got home every day with some scratches and bruises. Once they'd get out of puberty and become more mature, they'd surely get along better and fight more scarcely, or at least that's what they told themselves.

A blood curdling hiss came from the hob with the filled spots and spit hit Kezme in the face, but he ignored it, trying to keep his opponent on the ground, which was hard enough. When Makuta couldn't release himself, he got more and more wrathful and the face of his brother etched itself into his mind as the one who was beating him, despite his size and strength.

«Let me GO! I'll fucking rip your ears off if you don't let me go!»

«Mom and dad wouldn't like that now, would they?»

«Are you gonna hide behind them like a little whelp?!»

«Of course not.»

Kezme stepped away and let the other hob get up. Makuta stood there, panting with rage, his pupils the size of a little seed, fixated on the green Mayur in front of him. His head was hanging low but his body was towering hugely above the smaller Saliko. He seemed like a grizzly bear as he slowly walked closer and closer, Kezme not moving at all, bracing for the next attack with his head held high. None of them noticed someone coming up behind the lime one.

As Makuta lashed out, his claws extended and roaring fiercely, Kez dodged to the side, but the caramels paw still slashed something up. As the green hob realized what happened, his eyes widened in fear and he ran to his bright colored brother lying on the ground, while Makuta still had his paw raised up, ready to deliver another devastating blow, not understanding yet what had happened.

«Sage! Sage are you alright?!»

Blood was leaking from a deep gash on the shoulder of the cream hob and he was breathing heavily as he lay there, unable to move. The red liquid colored not only the ground around him, but also the bright green pelt of their sibling dark red.

«We need to get help! Quickly Makuta, get our parents!»

Now the taller hob finally realized and shook his head, still surprised about this turn of events.

«No...no you can't tell them! They mustn't know!»

«What? Come on we don't have time for this, we need to get him back to the kobel!»

As Kezme wanted to ran past the caramel Mayur to find someone to help him carry the twitching body of his brother, Makuta stepped in the way and held him back. He was filled with fear and panic about what the others would think of him if they found out he had hurt his brother, who never even dared to brawl with them.

«They' ll think I'm a monster, you can't tell them!»

«He's bleeding to death, what do you expect me to do?! He needs immediate treatment for his wounds or he'll die!»

«No, I won't let you go and tell them about this.»

Makuta pushed his brother back, who was startled at first, but began to snarl after a moment in repely.

«Let me go or you'll regret this.»

Confused and out of his mind, the one with the green, eye-like spots in his shadow legs was struggling with himself. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, desperation taking hold of him.

«Please, you can't tell them...»

«Don't make this worse than it already is.»


Then, an idea flashed in the red ones thoughts. The solution to all his problems, since he was born. To show them their place, keep his secret and to be the best of them all...he had to become the ONLY one.

A deep, menacing growl from the back of his throat, Makuta stepped closer to his brother opposing him. As he walked towards him, all the memories that had gnawed on him were coming up and he mocked his lime colored brothers voice.

«You can't do this, you can't do that....don't hurt this creature, don't be so brutal, don't be so mean, don't make him cry...you know what, Kezme? For too long you tried to tell me what to do, but not anymore. This time I make the rules, so...DON'T get in my way.»

Kez snorted angrily, then ran towards his brother, who closed his eyes and was starting to grin. It was an eerie, terrifying expression as it extended from one ear to the other, just teeth shimmering in the light. Teeth.

Makuta reached back and prepared another attack, this one aiming to kill his brother.

«They won't think I'm a monster...they'll never find out...I'll be their only and best son...»

Makuta opened his fiery, orange eyes and laughed...