Retrieving Fennel

4 years, 4 months ago

Wicker's Crew has finally found Fennel. Spades takes her back

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As the party walks on, an odd vibe can be felt in the area. It's almost as if a silent war is being fought by no one. Good luck and bad luck, fighting for dominance in the immediate surroundings. Just as quickly as the feeling arrived, it fades.

The faint sound of wings flapping can be heard, followed by hooved feet planting themselves into the ground. If one listens closely, they may hear a slight clicking of dice in a bag or pocket, and the swish of a tail twitching to and fro.

"Oh, Salix~" a feminine voice sings out, coming directly from behind.

"Oh shit…" Fennel mutters to herself, already fully aware of who this voice belongs to.

"Hey, Salix, long time no see!" Spades says, as she walks up to Fennel and casually places her hand on her shoulder. "Where the fuck have ya been?"

Spades gently nudges Fennel, before turning her attention to the group of people she's traveling with. Her brow furrows, and she gives a disapproving snicker.

"Don't tell me you left The Crew for this buncha losers! I mean, come on, just look at 'em!"

"H-hey now. I didn't leave you guys… I-I-" 

"You what? You know, Salix, you up and left us in a pretty bad spot. Wicker's gonna be pissed" 

"Y-yes, I'm aware…"

"Well, now that I've found ya, why don't you do what's in your best interest and come back with me. You're gonna have to face Wicker's wrath sooner or later"

"Y-yes… I know… I…." Fennel glances back at the group, scratching herself nervously as she usually does. "I'd better go… I'd rather not get you guys involved with this… Klaus can be… well…"

"Yeah, yeah, we all know how Wicker gets. Now, get your giant self harming ass moving. We don't wanna keep him waiting any longer"

Spades hurries Fennel off around some corner, where she seemingly vanishes. Then, she turns her attention back to the party.

"Don't you worry about Salix. You'll see her again, believe me. Wicker's Crew isn't done with you guys yet. But, uh, it'd be better if we don't keep him waiting. I'll keep in touch"

Before walking away, Spades pulls out a business card of sorts and hands it to someone in the party. It has the silhouette of a dreamcatcher on it, with a spider hanging from the middle. The back of the card has "Wicker's Crew" written on it in several different languages, some of which can't even be identified, let alone deciphered. With that done, Spades also vanishes around the corner, leaving nothing but a small mirror behind, that's lazily tilted against the wall