Night Terrors

5 years, 11 months ago
293 1

“Go away!!”

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“Go away!!” 

Tears streamed down the enby's face as they stared at the shadows, their figures looming over them even from across the hall. It snarled, the noise reverberating of the walls before a sickening smile appeared. As it began to glide forward, the enby did the only thing they knew would work…. Run. It started off as a normal chase, their heart pounding as they turned every corner in the halls, trying to find a door- maybe stairs? But to no avail, Emcie’s younger self tripped and landed on their front.  

Coughing, they slowly pushed themself up; not considering the position they were in until they felt a chill run down their spine. Blue eyes widened before slowly turning to look behind them. The figure loomed over the crying child, red eyes boring into their soul before letting out a quiet chuckle and lunging forward. The only sound Emcie managed to produce before everything went dark, was a blood curdling scream.

Eyes shot open, a cold sweat having formed over their skin as they stared fearfully at the ceiling. Where were they? Slowly Emcie began to piece it together, their breathing calming as they came to a realization it had all been a horrible dream. They then sat up, hand clutching over their clothed chest before looking towards the clock. 3:33 am… figures. Their breath hitched in their throat as they wondered if the scream had been audible, but figured if it had their housemate would’ve come running to their aid. 

Sighing quietly, they laid themself back down and curled into a ball, pulling the covers close to them as they clung to their pillow and carefully closed their eyes. Thankfully this time, the enby managed to have a dreamless sleep.