Swing With Me

5 years, 11 months ago
655 2

Rusty and Juliet enjoys each others company on a swing

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Author's Notes

Just a small one-shot I made before bed. If any error or spelling misstake, let me know~

It was close to evening as the sun was going down over Greenhill. The sky was lit up in different yellow, orange, red and even in pink shades. The breeze was still warm after the long, sunny day.

Juliet had taken out her friends and family out on a picnic in the nearby park they lived next to as she had spent the entire morning making sandwiches in different shapes and flavors, just how the members likes them, and even made two pies, one with apple flavor and one with rhubarb, her favorite one. She even made a homemade drink that she knew the male Jackal would love, as he usually told her that her drinks made him feel a bit better despite being a bitter one. And the Corgi female liked getting compliments on her cooking from him.

The gang had just finished their last meals and packed their things into the backpacks they had with them as the male mutt suddenly grabbed the female’s hand with his left one, running to the other side of the park, near an edge where a beautiful tree was standing in its glory with leaves shaped like tiny hearts, and flowers in the beautiful of pink shade was just blossoming. The female looked up at the leaves and got confused on why her husband would lead her to such a beautiful place when they had literally the entire day to do this.

And on the other side, their daughter had to be put to bed by any moment… but she gave up on that thought when she remembered that she was with Uncle Miles and Uncle Xander. They could put her to bed if needed, but since Pancake is mama’s girl, maybe conflicts would appear… No, she shakes the thought away as she noticed Rusty letting go of her hand and watched him run behind the tree.

“I wanteds to waits for the rights moments,” The male mutt happily explained to her from behind the tree as he suddenly swung out on a swing that was tied to the highest branch. Juliet stared at Rusty who was currently sitting on the swing, grinning happily. Luckily the swing was tied well good so you didn’t hit your back when swinging back. “Awe, Rusty, you wonderful boy,” was the only thing Juliet could get out from her mouth for the moment as Rusty reached out his only arm and helped his wife up as she was now sitting on top of him, smiling that beautiful smile he so loved. And with the sunset in the background, this could only go better.

The mutt slowly swung the swing back and forth, trying to get a speed while Juliet, on the other hand, started to build up a small panic.

“R-Rusty? A-Are you sure you can handle to swing this?!”. The mutt looked up at her with his yellow eyes and his stupidly, loveable grin.

“You thinks that I, Rusty, can’t swings this swing? Pah, watch me Juliets,” He laughed out, taking a grip around the ropes, and pushed himself forward so the swing could move with them both on. Juliet took a strong grip around the ropes with both her hands, already shaking. She trusted Rusty, she really did, but this… this was something that surprised her, even from Rusty’s side. But as they swung, the female felt calmer, just like the mutt had control over this… And she loved it.

Juliet laughed as they kept on swinging with the sunset behind them, getting darker and darker as stars started to appear in the sky. Miles and the gang would already be home by this time, but the couple was lost in a frozen time with only them in, and they both enjoyed it.

They kept on swinging until the stars and moon was up in the sky, watching them enjoying themselves on the swing.