
4 years, 6 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 4 years, 6 months ago

Bonbi x Apricot drabbles, done usually in the dead of night when I should be asleep Drabbles following the Druid Bonbi, and the Necromancer Apricot

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Bonbi voice: Please go the fuck to sleep

“Where did this come from?” They laid together in bed. The quiet pelting of rain served as background noise as the two settled for the night. Apricot couldn’t understand how Bonbi slept in a camisole and shorts. She’s slightly grateful for the view, and that it allows her to take any one of Bonbi’s sweaters and shirts for herself. She laid on her side, looking towards Bonbi who sat up partially, book in hand. Despite the pitch black around them, it seemed the shifter used her dark vision.

“Which one?” She questioned, trying to follow the finger she held up and pointed at her.

“Here, right here,” she reconfirmed her. Her dark vision radius might be smaller, but it was still clear to her. The two red dotted marks on Bonbi’s shoulder stood out in her vision. “They look like vampire teeth,” she chided and Bonbi chuckled.

“To answer your question, from a fight,” she said plainly. Apricot ‘oo’d in response.

“Did you win?”

Bonbi shrugged, dog earring her book before snapping it shut. “I got away,” she said softly, placing it to the side. Apricot continued to stare. A fight. She’s been in a lot of those hasn’t she? Bringing a gentle hand up to her shoulder, brushing against the scarred skin.

“Did it hurt?” She asked curiously, a bit stupidly she might add. She knows it must’ve.

“Yes,” Bonbi said solemnly. “Very much so.”

Apricot hummed, shuffling closer until her body presses up against Bonbi’s side. She rested her head against her chest, still angled towards the scars. A arm wrapped around her back, Bonbi’s hand combing through her hair as she watched curiously. She could feel her tail wrap around her own, twisting with a light squeeze.

“Can I kiss it?” Apricot finally said.

The shifter’s ears perked a bit. “I see why not,” she said simply, continuing to thread her hand through her hair as she did so. Apricot crept closer until she pecked at the two scars on her skin. Bonbi chuckled briefly, moving to kiss her own forehead.

“Don’t worry about them, they are healed,” she assured her. “Now go to sleep will you?”

Apricot whined. “I’ll try but I doubt itttt,” she drawed out, nuzzling against Bonbi’s chest in an effort to get comfortable. The room went silent, minus the quiet pitter patter of rain on the windows and occasional gust of wind causing the trees by their window to shake violently. It had felt like their breathing had gone even, like Apricot had fallen asleep so easily this time, and Bonbi couldn’t help but smile until she heard the small familiar voice from the woman on her chest.

“Also you know your abs are like, super cool right?”

It was going to be a long night.