The History Of Juris's Pride

4 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 6 months ago

This is all about Juris and his pride and what he has done to get where he is.

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Chapter 1 (The Beginning)

A long, long time ago there was a strong and powerful lion who was the king of his pride. But he was not a fair, just, kind, or caring king. He was cruel and extremely abusive to those in his pride. He preferred to rule with fear instead of kindness for he believed if the lions feared him, it would make them less likely to challenge him or attack him. He was particularly abusive towards his son Juris, forcing him to go hungry many days and attacking him for no reason. If his mother tried to save a piece of meat for Juris he would attack her leaving deep claw marks that would leave ugly scars on her pelt. This lion was named Cape and his main lioness that led the other lionesses was Leandra. She was also the mother of Juris and loved him very much. She did her best to protect him from Cape and teach him to be kind and gentle, but she failed. For like Cape this young cub's heart became filled with hate and rage.


When Juris turned two years old Capes hatred for him reached his peak and threatened to kill him if he didn’t leave their pride lands right then and there and never come back. His mother let out a cry knowing she would never see her son again. Juris tried to say goodbye to his mother for though he had nothing but hate and rage for the rest of his pack he loved his mom very much. But Cape was having none of that and attack Juris sinking his teeth into the scruff around his neck and jerked him away from Leona. Terrified for his life Juris ripped himself out of his father's grip and took off away from him hating Cape even more for not allowing him and Leona to say farewell to one another. Cape chased after him swiping his large claws at his back and legs managing to catch him a couple times leaving deep long scratches. Cape didn’t stop chasing Juris until he reached the border of his pride lands and let out a loud roar. “If you ever return, if I so much as get a whiff of you on my borders I’LL KILL YOU JURIS.”


 Juris kept running not stopping for hours and hours. It has been early morning when Cape had chases him away from the only home he had ever known. The sun was beginning to set when Juris finally allowed himself to stop and rest. Exhausted he collapsed beneath a baobab tree. His stomach growled but he was too tired to hunt. As he lay on the ground on the edge of sleep his made a promise to himself that one day in the future once he had a strong pride of his own, he would return to Capes Pride and get revenge on his father by giving him the slow death he deserved.


A year later Juris discovered a young cub barely two moons old abandoned and left dead by his pride. He took the cub in and raised him as his own. The cub was nameless, so Juris gave him a name he thought sounded strong and dangerous, Tonraq. Unlike his father Juris showed the cub love and affection and trained him to be a fierce and deadly warrior. Months passed and Juris discovered a thriving unclaimed land. Juris knew this land was meant for him and his adopted son. Together they marked the borders giving themselves a total of four miles. His fathers had been almost ten miles big but there was only two of them for now, so they didn’t need that much for now. They could always expand later on when their pride grew. When Tonraq grew up he would become his second in command.