The History Of Juris's Pride

4 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
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Chapter 8
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

This is all about Juris and his pride and what he has done to get where he is.

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Chapter 8 (Cyclops Adventure)

Cyclops lay on the ground completely out of breath. As soon as he caught his breath he planned to try and find his way back. Just as he was able to start breathing normally again he heard a loud noise coming from several different creatures. Looking up and behind him he saw a group of about six creatures that must be the humans he heard about. He let out a cry and scrambled to his paws and winced for he had many injuries from that stupid hyena and was starting to feel them. Before he had the chance to escape he was completely surrounded by these furless things. Well maybe furless was the wrong word for they seemed to have some kind of fur on top their heads, and they wore the pelts of other animals. He let out a whimper and tried to duck and weave as their paws reached out to grab him. Just when Cyclops thought he might of dodged the last human he felt something grab him from his sides. He let out a frightened squeal and thrashed around trying to escape but it was to late. The other humans had surrounded him once more while the other one his him pinned. The next thing he knew the humans were tying a strip of hyde or something around his muzzle and next that led to a longer strip which was held in one of the humans hands. He was lifted up and carried to the middle of their village where there was a tree that he was tied to. Dozens of humans came to stare at him and touch him throughout the day. Many were just cubs who seemed to be as afraid of him as he was of them.

Hours passed and night began to fall. The crowd around him began to thin as they headed into their strange dens until there was only a few humans scattered about the village. They remained still where they were except for one in a while one or more of them would go on a patrol. Cyclops realized that these humans must be the night watch to keep an eye out for anything that might threaten their camp. so much for finding a chance to escape the guards kept looking at him probably making sure he didn't escape. Letting out a sigh he curled up in a ball on the ground and waited for sleep to come. He whimpered softly as he thought how worried his mother must be. His father along with Maple and Quince wouldn't care that he was gone but everyone else would be worried about him. He wished he could tell them that he was ok.... for now.

Cyclops had a rough night. He mised the comfort of his mothers fur and the warmth of his siblings all around him. He tossed and turned in his sleep and cried out for his mom. As the sun began to rise it's warmth conforted Cyclops. He lay there for a few minutes hoping and wishing it had all been a bad dream and that when he finally opened his eyes he would see his pride sleeping around him or preparing for the new day. He listened for the familiar sounds of his pride but instead he heard the sound of a bell, a few minutes later the sound of the humans starting their day. Sighing Cyclops opened his eyes and sat up. There were a few humans out  and about and he could hear more inside their dens moving about. He noticed that the guards who had been up all night were getting traded with new ones. He watched the night guards head into different dens, probably to get some sleep.  Before he knew it he was once more surrounded by these humans. But something was different. They were making something. He watched curiously as they began to build some kind of strange see through walls around him and the tree. Cyclops tilted his head to the side confused about what was going on. 

As he watched the humans work he didn't notice a human cub walk up to him with a large bowl until she said something. He wasn't sure but it sounded kind of like she was calling him. Looking around to make sure it wasn't a trap Cyclops slowly got up and walked forward to the cub. As he drew near she placed the large bowl on the ground for he could tell by her sent that is was female. Cyclops looked into the bowl and saw... water. Until he saw it he didn't realize how thirsty he was. He quickly began to lap up the water to quench his thirst. As he drank the human cub bent down and petted him running her hand down his back from head to tail. A purr rumbled in his chest and he found himself arching his back. Woo what had just happened? The human cub made a strange nose it was bubbly kind of. Was she laughing? She ran her hand down his back once more making him arch his back and purr again. Once he had quenched his thirst he turned to face the human cub and padded towards her. She seemed harmless, maybe he could make a friend here. He lay down beside her and lay his head on her legs. It was nice to have someone next to him even if it wasn't his mom or siblings. 

Several days passed much like that him and the human cub sitting side by side watching the other humans continue to build these strange walls around him. From time to time the cub would disappear only to return with some food or fresh water for him. He was becoming attached to this little cub and everytime she left Cyclops would get up and pace wondering if she would return. The other humans seemed to notice this and would try and comfort him but he would run as far from them as the hide would let him or flinch away. Once he even nipped at a hand that reached toward him. The full grown humans towered over him and scared him. There was only one human he was willing to let near him and the rest of the female cubs pride soon realized this and left him alone. Whenever he saw his human cub he would get up and let out a cry of joy and run towards her. He soon realized how far he could run and would stop before the hide would knock him off his feet.

On the fourth day of his capture the human pride finished the walls they had been building. It stood several feet high made from some kind of strange material. There was only one way in and out and only his human cub was allowed in, at least for now. Once this strange den was finished his cub came in and untied the hide from around his neck and muzzle.  He had decided to call Mia because she kept pointing at herself and repeating this strange sound that made him think of Mia.

Days blurred together and Cyclops lost track of how long he had been in this place. It must of been at least a month for he was growing bigger and bigger. He and been given a new name by Mia. He had noticed a while ago that she was calling him by a name. A name he liked much better than the one his father had given him so he had decided to ditch his old name and go by the one Mia called him which was Pipkin. At least thats what it sounded like what she was calling him. Everytime she saw him she would say that word and smile. sometimes she would open the cage door and spend time with him before being called away or just wave before going off on some chore or something.

One day Pipkin woke to the sound of a human calling him. He stretched and yawned before opening his eyes and padding over to the human. He purred to let them know it was safe to enter. But instead of coming in he opened the cage and motioned for him to come out. Confused Pipkin took a step back. What did this human want? He let out a cry for Mia hoping to get her to come. He continued to call for her. He got a lot of attention and finally he saw her running towards him. She pushed passed the guy who had opened the cage and threw her arms around his neck and murmured something he didn't understand but he found soothing. After a couple minutes the other human closed the gate and shrugged. Pipkin still had no idea what he had wanted but he was safe now.

A couple days later the human returned but this time he was with Mia he opened the cage door and Mia motioned for him to come to her. Slowly he approached eying the other human. He still diidn't understand what was going on but with Mia there he felt it was ok to leave his den. Stepping out of the strange den Mia rested her hand on his back and guided him to the center of town. There was a crowd there and when they saw him they call began to scream, but there screams weren't filled with fear but excitement. There excitement soon became Pipkins. He flicked his tail and looked around as they walked through the crowd. Each person they past reached out to pet him. Once in the middle of the crowd a single human stepped forward. By the way the humans looked at him with respect he must be their leader. The leader began talking and the humans would cheer from time to time. At one point the leader motioned at Pipkin and Mia walked towards him and he quickly fallowed. As he reached the leader he motioned toward someone in the crowd and a couple of kids came running forward excitedly. One held a ring of some sort made of vines and flowers and they placed it around his neck. The other placed a bowl of fresh antelope meat. Licking his lips he ripped a chunk off and chewed. At this the crowed cheared again. Once he had eaten the whole meal the leader raised his hands and said something an all the humans including Mia yelled in joy. After everyone touched him Mia led him back to his den than left. Pipkin had no idea what had just happened but it felt kind of like a celebration of some sort. Pipkin shook his neck trying to get the ring of flowers off. After a couple minutes he gave up and just laid down to rest. This was his new life now. He may not understand everything that happened but he was happy.