Completed Prompts

4 years, 6 months ago
4 years, 6 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 6 months ago

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Author's Notes

G34: What sort of cats fare better in the territory? Stronger ones, smarter ones? What pelt colors are more beneficial/what gives a cat the advantage? 50 word minimum

G35: Are there caves/caverns in the territory? How do your cats feel about them? Are they dangerous? 50 word or 1 colored sketch minimum

G36: What do your cats use for bedding/what’s comfortable to sleep in and easy to find in the territory? 50 word minimum

G37: How are elderly cats viewed/treated within the group? 150 word minimum

G38: What sort of battles have taken place in the territory/involving your group? Whether its with other groups or exterior threats. 150 word minimum

G39: What sort of weapons does your group utilize? (do they prefer brute strength, claws, bites,ect) 150 word minimum

Level 2-3 (G34 - G39)

For such an isolated chunk of land, the town of Lerwick is smack-dab in the middle of a surprisingly fair-weathered climate. There isn't much in the ways of poor weather in the region, and even those who despise the cold can tolerate the slightly chilly temperatures that the town experiences at night. There hasn't been snowfall in years, but winter rains are common and expected. However, with the lack of clear, arable farmland, it's expected that most cats at least know how to hunt, or know of a way to learn. All meat products barring the growing side-business of raising domestic rabbits or pigs have to be hunted by paw. The shadowed, looming forests in some areas give those with darker, more dappled pelts an advantage when hunting, but such a handicap can be mitigated with carefully-selected clothing. In other areas, the more arid, sparse terrain makes hunting easier for sandy-colored cats. (152) 

Though there are open-air caves that have been found on the town's lands, the outer-forest hasn't been explored enough yet to determine if there are any comprehensive cave systems. The main open-air caves stop going deeper after a few dozen meters or so, but they make excellent stopping points on long hunting trips that might keep hunting groups out for days at a time gathering food. The cats of Lerwick don't have much to say about the known open-air caves, but secretly Bastion hopes to find a tunnel system in the town's region to hopefully start searching for ores and minerals to further benefit the growing town. (106)

Cotton and other supplies aren't in large quantity in the town, so cats have taken to using feathers and down from bird kills to line the softest part of their beddings. Rabbit fur is also extremely popular and widely used in the town. Through the efforts of new cats coming into the town, there is now a steady supply of wool from imported sheep for the townspeople to resource, though the budding business is currently controlled by only a pair of cats. (82)

Elderly cats are treated with the respect they're owed. However, as a newly established town, the agreed-on the level of respect varies depending on the cat you talk to. The doctors in the town treat the elderly with special care as they should, but those who are younger or more headstrong barely consider the elderly unless they have elderly in their own family. Someone like the mayor, however, treats the elders with a specific kind of respect. His religion, that's slowly being adopted throughout the town, mandates care towards the community's elders, and he's slowly acting as a role model to others in the town. His religion dictates preferential treatment to the youngest and the oldest, and he freely teaches these principles to the youngest in the town. The one thing that isn't tolerated is outright disrespect to the elderly in Lerwick. The strict rule has attracted more than one family-less elder to the town. (155)

The current battles have been simple skirmishes on the farthest edges of the town's regions. These battles are mainly instigated by the wolf clan in the east. Low numbers from a fractured system within the wolf clan keep the battles relatively even, but Bastion's military background has kept the town strong against the instigators. Though the conflict between the two sides was at first somewhat violent, Bastion's overwhelming victory against the initial conflict made the wolf clan wary to the cats in the town. After that, the conflict couldn't escalate, especially due to the lack of dedicated forces on both sides. The fighting devolved into petty thefts and battles fought with claws, but Bastion plans to enact a peace with the clan in the near future to appeal to all of their best interests. It also helps to know that both the wolf clan and the cat town of Lerwick find a common enemy in the fox skulk that frequently poses a threat to both the cats and the wolves. (170)

Weapons are a must in Lerwick's hunter-gatherer town. Bows are popular with the hunters, but daggers are also commonly used for those who would rather hunt in close quarters without dirtying their paws. However, claws and teeth are still used in a pinch for rowdier prey, like wild boars, badgers, and weasels. For those with a weight advantage, it's not uncommon to see larger prey get taken down by a group of heavyset cats in the town. In combat fights, reinforced claws and teeth are perfect for paw-to-paw combat, especially when armor is used so frequently as well. Swords tend to be more decorative until the time comes to be able to use them, but sword-fighting is more ritualistic in the town than anything else. Common small-conflict weapons are daggers, short dual swords, and hammers against enemies who aren't willing to back down. However, it's actually quite uncommon for most non-combat trained cats in the town to actually encounter a highly-intelligent foe in the isolated region of Lerwick, so most of the battles are waged against prey the townscats try to take down. (183)