Harran Vs. Aukkora

4 years, 2 months ago

Explicit Violence

Fight of the Ages between a Fury Powerhouse and a Time Manipulator. What you're reading here is the full transcript of the RP between me and Moonlit-comet!

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HOW ON CIER COULD I BEGIN TO TRUST YOU AGAIN." Harran screamed at Aukkora. After having being betrayed by one of their own with one of their greatest foes, it stings. It stings deep.

"Hellfire!" A torrent of flame flares up around Dream, Rabid, and Aukkora, and he holds out his arms, tears welling in his eyes. Rabid does the same too after looking down at him.
"Please don't hurts my mother! She's suffersed enough!" Dream chokes out. In his right eye, a yellow glint can be seen. Tears well up further. His entire right side begins to light ablaze. Finally, finally he can let it out.
"I'll- we'll never lets you hurt Aukkoras! She didn'st want to hurt any of youse! It was scary! You didn't hear- hears any of whats she said!" Tear after tear falls out of his face.  The torrent of flame shifts, alters, and he looks down for a second. Red. Sparks of rage fly out of the ground, he looks back up, red. The glint in his eyes is red.
"We can't let you hurt her, Harran."
Harran would look down at Dream, seeing him as he is.. someone just trying to protect his family. Much like he is doing. His face would reflect his feelings, rage morphing into sorrow. Eyes squinting up as he is rightly upset at being betrayed once again. He'd growl in rage once again, turning around and punching the nearest pillar/tree/wall straight off it's foundation and sending it flying. Huffing in fury.
"I trusted you. And you shredded it." He'd say, storming off.

"You never should have trusted me." 

Aukkora whispers, finally speaking up, on the ground on her knees.  "I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not. I feel horrible, but I'm not sorry." Dream closes his eyes.
"Harran. Wait. Come back." She squints her eye, her mouth twitching slightly.
Harran wouldn't stop walking. "No. You're right. I shouldn't ever have trusted you. I don't think I ever will again. If you're so keen on burning bridges with people, then go seek someone elses help. I'm tired of all these people thrashing my trust around. First Darius and now you." He'd grab at his head, gripping the fur.
"Do not follow me." He'd snap back, teeth barred, before continuing out of earshot.
"I said." She looks up, baring her sharp teeth, and holding out a hand. The Hellfire veil dissipates, Dream falls to the ground, looking  away from his  mother.  Her arm glows the same color as  before, the color of Chronos.
Once again, Harran would find himself trapped in a time loop, looping the same few steps over, and over, and over again.
"Come back."
She stumbles to her feet, staggers over to him, still holding the time loop strong.
"Rabid and Dream want to protect me but I don't deserve it. Take your anger out on me. Rip out the strands of Chronos that you hate so much." She lowers her head. She looks up at him expectantly, slowly raises her hand, and clenches it, releasing the time loop.  
"Both of us would experience catharsis. What I did was my fault and my fault alone. Tear me apart. Kill me as many times as you want."
Harran would continue walking forward a few times trying to escape the loop, trying to ignore her, but failing. Growing more and more angry. When she speaks to him, all he can do is growl and slowly turn toward her. He winds up, his hatred manifesting visibly as he glares her down. Unmatched in fury and hatred, even past the cold hatred that Godslayer gives off. Bringing his fist down.
The crowd winces as he hits something, but looking back would reveal that he punched the wall just beside him. It completely shattered with just the force of his bare fist alone.
"I'm seething with rage at the moment." He'd say with venom in his words.
"I'd like Nothing more than to tear you to pieces.
But nothing in this world right now can calm the nerves that you split so carelessly." He got real close to her face and whispered. Hatred painted clear in his eyes as he twitches. "But standing here and slaying you over and over won't solve any issues. Not the ones caused by you, nor the ones that will be coming the second that Ancient Bitch comes back in search of her precious target. You really wanna feel Catharsis?
How about you do some good for the first time since we met you." He'd yell that last bit before going back to storming off.
"I'm getting a drink, then I'll be back to discuss how the hell we're going to even come close to beating the Godhunter."

Aukkora shook, seething, and slouched over as Harran walked away. Her frown stretched into a furious grin and she stomped toward him, pulling her arm out of Dream's quick grasp. She reached up to her missing eye with her gauntlet and grabbed it, digging the sharp clawed tips in deep. Dark blood dripped from her hand, she quivered in pain, and a sickening squelch came from her person as she ripped a chunk of her own flesh out of her face. More blood pooled at her feet, strings of cyan light hung from the chunk of flesh, attached to her body. One passerby took a single look at her and screamed in fear. Screeches of "LADYDRAKE" echoed throughout the city street, and people ran away in terror. She squeezed the chunk of flesh in her hand, ripped it off of the strings, and threw it hard at Harran, where blood and skin splat into his fur. Her gauntlets evaporated off of her hands and she leaped toward him, getting a fair few feet in the air and winding up a solid punch to  his skull from the air.
She wants a goddamn fight.
That splat and further punch stopped him dead in his tracks, not doing much damage whatsoever. The air flowing through the town is much more apparent now. The people have vacated, the sound of silence takes over. Trees bristleing, birds gone entirely silent, and not a soul stirs.
Garrett stands wide-eyed, hand over mouth, staring at the two of them terrified out of his mind for the two of them.
"We- we need to leave..." He'd say to both Dream and Rabid. Hopefully they follow, as Garrett runs off. Harran's fur stands straight up on his back. Fists clenched in silent fury. From his satchel, he pulls out one of his gauntlet, adorned in white and gold, and slides it on.
"Fine then... You wanted this." He'd say, clenching his fist again, a shield popping out of the wrist guard. The Paladin's Aegis is the gauntlet's name. His most durable and base strongest hitter without any attunements.
He spins on his heels and gets down on all fours. His teeth bared accompanied with the snarling. His eyes poised razer sharp on Aukkora, ready to maul. He'll make the first move, darting straight ahead with a punch to the head. His fist ramming into her skull with little to stop him. Ripping the chunk of flesh she's missing even wider.

Rabid had covered Dream's eyes before he witnessed anything horrendous, and picked up the man in their arms- Garrett too, hauling him onto their back and kicking off into a sprint, not looking back once at the impending fight. 

Aukkora stood hazy at her place, barely able to think through the pain, swaying on her feet. Without any resistance, she hit the ground, coughing up a fair amount of blood. Alll over him.
"I see you're not- ggghk- one of those sissies who- hhh can't hit a woman-" she gargled, gripping his arm tightly with her gloved hand. It's impressive how she's staying alive at all, with half her face gone like that. She opened her gaping maw and sank her razor sharp teeth into Harran's gauntlet, trying her damnedest to bite through it and hard. Obviously not getting much further than a few scratches.
Harran didn't waste any time, pinning her down by the shouler with his free hand, lifting up his gauntlet. It sheening in the sunlight in contrast to his enraged shadow casting down on her. The free hand would do some sorta damage as well, as he's pushing down incredibly hard. Breaking a bone even.
With great force, he brought the hammer down on her head without hesitation. Breaking easily through flesh and bone, teeth sent flying, pummeling any remaining concrete to dust. A shockwave and airburst is sent throughout the city, knocking anything that isn't bolted to the ground over.
The punch caused a cascade of blood to explode from her skull, and as the dust cleared, her broken, crumpled body lay still beneath him. Death two in one day, not quite a record yet...
About a minute passed, the strands of flesh and time webs twitched a little bit as they all became enveloped in an invisible veil. Within only a couple seconds, the wounds on her body rewound, good as new, and anything left of her outside her body vanished... or returned to where it was?
She took a deep breath, gasped, stared up at Harran with a frenzied gaze in her eyes. Why won't I die, the look screamed, why can't I die?!
Her gauntlets re-materialized onto her arms, as well as her mask onto her face, and she suddenly became filled with the need to fight.  She wound up and swung straight toward his jaw, a hard uppercut sure to at least daze him if it connected.
Harran watched on with horror as her body re-raveled itself. Slowly putting itself back together the way it was before she flung her hunk of flesh at him. Every droplet of blood that was on him dribbled back to her in a whirl, piecing her back together. The blood rolling sideways across Harran's arm and back, dribbling off bead by bead toward the regrowing mass that is Aukkora. Harran would notice a little bead rolling down his snout and blip off and drift toward her. He knew she was unable to die, but like this... This is morbid.
"Whatever beast made you this way is a cruel one." He'd snarl, readying for combat once again. As she made a swing, he'd leap back. Scrapping his hand along the cement. His rage would build once again as he went to ram. Going for yet another punch, this time for the stomach. She shoved herself to her feet before she was struck again, leaping to the side with her long, spindly legs. However, the updraft sent her flying almost like a starfish into the air, where she readjusted herself and spun, aiming a hard strike to the middle of Harran's spine as she fell back to the earth.
Harran would scream out in pain as he's sent to the ground. That last hit did a number on his back with a crack. Had he had normal legs, he would have been completely paralyzed. Thankfully, as I have mentioned before, he has robotic legs.
He'd look back with hatred in his eyes, tears welled up a little from the pain, and started his ravenous assault.
With a snarl, he kicks off the ground and barrels around her. Throwing various sizes of debris at her with great speed. Hit or not it'd be distracting. Skidding to a near instant stop, enough to where there isn't permanent damage to his body, he'd make a full dart toward her, leap off the ground, and go for a side kick poised at her head. Aukkora gracefully dodged the debris, touching each large piece with a finger and trapping each  one in a  deadly time loop. His attack barely missed her- due to her long legs and aerial agility, she spun around in time to make his foot connect with her leg instead of her skull. A loud, horrifying, sickening crunch echoed from the snap of her leg, and she bit her tongue to hold back a cry of pain. She spun in the air and fell to the ground, surrounded by various jittering pieces of debris floating  in  the air above her. Pushing herself to her feet, balancing only on  one leg, she rocket punched a couple of the nearest chunks of debris back toward Harran, shattering them either on him or the concrete.

Harran landed, his leg scraping across the ground in a circle as he finishes spinning. With little time to react, he braces for the debris, punching one out of the air, the other hitting him and knocking him back a fair bit. He's hella durable if he can tank that, that's for sure. Through the gap in his arms he glares at her. Taking this brief moment of time to take off his gauntlet and slide a different one on. If she were paying any attention earlier, she'd recognize this one. Black metal up the arm to the shoulder with veins of purple, blue, green, and orange. The second it is clicked in, they veins glow. Harran himself seems to heave a little as it does, as if it's connecting to him.
After the surge, he loosens up and drapes over himself. Cracking his neck and making eye contact with her, Harran kicks off the ground into the air, a little impact crater where he was. Aimed to land entirely on her. She'd be better off moving as any attempt of defending will be broken entirely. He's heavy, and those legs do not help. On top of that, Force is active and that street is going goodbye. Shrapnel everywhere. If she dodges, she'll be faced with a flurry of shrapnel as well as a fist coming through the smoke aimed at her in general, likely a place he's likely to hit like the chest.
No way to dodge nor defend with her leg broken. She braced herself and held up both hands, yelling something in some other language to activate- oh! That's it. Her signature cyan rings of time, materializing and spinning in front of her like some sort of anime-ass magic spell. She held her ground and the rings would catch Harran directly in their path. A  powerful, long-lasting time loop she can catch him in to move  to safety and heal. She kept her hands held up, limped away, faster and faster while wincing in pain. When at a safe distance, she cast Rewind on her leg, repairing it back to  normal, and jumping away to safety. Harran, stuck in a loop, wasn't deterred. His legs open up vents and release steam to fix trajectory. Speeding him up. Faster. Faster. Faster. He's nothing but a blur inside the loop now. His after image looking up now right at her. Rage in his eyes, he's gone completely feral. The only way to stop this fight would be to... well. Either die, or put him down.
The rings blinked slowly, then quickly as the loop finally released Harran, allowing him to finish his momentum-filled punch.


Garrett leans down to give Dream, who's likely crying at the moment I assume, a pat on the head, looking in the direction of the fight. He's hearing it but not seeing it.
"I hope they'll both be alright."
"Aukkora will be alright." Dream said quietly. "The rest of them.... no, the rest of them..." Dream would say, being cut off but a brilliant light. A beam of light straight up, spreading out as the Shockwave rips apart the city. In a flash, half the city is in the air, torn apart by the impact of something Fast. Tremors and schisms rip through the city, rolling the recently-evacuated houses. Razing the city.
"They're all fucked." He looked back at the carnage. Something opened in him, and his entire body burst into flame. He stood up, he looked back at Garrett with a goofy, childlike smile on his face, and part of his body melted into a horrendous mass of  slime. The childlike demeanor followed into the  new body spawned from Dream- Solarflare. He crouched to his knees, shouted,
and flew straight up for three seconds, flames in his wake.
The remaining body, what's left of Dream, merely stared.
"He's going to get his ass kicked."
["Rabid help?"]
"No, let him. He'll be fine..."


Standing upon the terrible wreckage is Harran. The updraft carrying building up along the light. Clenching his fist, he glares at Aukkora and darts. He's fast. Clocking at the high end of the average Werewolf before going for another hit.
She casted fast forward on herself. Over and over again. Four times she casted it, clearly feeling the strain, and just barely was able to dodge his fist of rage before she lost two of her layers of speed. She let out a heavy breath. All this high-level casting took a toll on the woman, and it was clear that her markings began to lose their glow as she stood there, catching her  breath.  Another layer of speed lost. And right before Harran struck  again, right before she accepted her defeat,
She could feel herself getting swept off her feet, encloaked in a veil of shadow.
Straight up into the air, for three seconds... 127mph. She held out her arm to the child-minded man, hugging his  neck as he carried her into the air, out of reach of danger.
"I didn't want this."
"We didn'ts wants this either methinks," Solarflare responded, holding her  tight and watching the city fall  beneath them.
"Momsther! Rewind the city!"
"I  can't... I can't do that hun."
"Well! Thens we'ves  got to get him to take a nap!"
Harran stumbles a fair bit after the woman he was fighting disappeared. Spinning as his vision grows hazy as he loses his footing some.  
Looking around at the devastation he wouldn't react. He's only looking for his target. The ground scarred and bare, building toppled. All in wake of this... terror. If anyone was left inside, they're most certainly dead in face of this nightmare. Harran would grasp his hair and clasp. Screaming into the sky. In pain. Agony.
He's lost all control. The overbearing weight of his own rage drowning out his sensible thoughts. The only thing is that woman and his thoughts on her and her demeanor.
If she comes back down, he will pursue with a volatile rage that is nearly visible around him.
Aukkora began to pull a long, glowing, beaded thread from the key on her face. She felt a tug as she pulled out about two feet of the thread, and yanked the thread away from her face. Nothing more would come out.
"I'm out of Aeon threads." She said to Solarflare, wrapping it around his neck and tying it tight.  
"Remember what that means?"
"Means if yas die, you don't comes back for a while?"
"Right. I'll be out for three days. I'm not gonna win against a pissed off werewolf. So..." She adjusted her position in his arms, calculating her trajectory.
"Throw  me and throw me hard. I'm either gonna crack his skull and knock him out, or he's going to catch me and tear me to shreds. Preferably the first one, because I can always..." She grabbed the chain of aeon threads, jingling the beads.
"...stitch him back. Got it hun?"
"Sures thing!" Solarflare wiggled his butt in the air, staring down like a hawk as Aukkora aimed her fist down at her target. She pointed, gave a thumbs up, and he wound back.
"Don't look once I land."
"Absolutelies!" He said cheerfully, tossing Aukkora down at a fairly considerable speed. She's relying solely on her gauntlets to win her this fight. She closed  her eye, began to spin, and aimed directly for Harran's exposed head....

The plan...
Would go as she'd hoped.
Harran is too angry to be aware of his surroundings, bloodlust had taken completely over. He had noticed neither that she had gone up nor that she would be coming down. The second she came into contact with his skull, a sickening crack would reverberate across the ruined city.  
Assuming she lands in front of him afterward, he'd stumble backward, looking around as blood inches out of the wound and mouth. He'd look at her one last time before blacking out. His body falling over with a very heavy thud. The battle is over.
"That. Went better than I hoped." She said quietly to herself, looking up at Solarflare and giving him a thumbs up to fly down and hand her the thread. He did, slowly descending and untying the aeon threads from his neck. She bit off a piece of it and crouched down over the downed wolf, gently putting one hand on his head. After hearing the crack, Rabid would have bolted into action, picking up on a sound that no human could hear from so far away. They grabbed Garrett and Dream and put them on their back, sprinting back  into the city to discover the victor.
When Harran's corpse is in eye-sight of Garrett, he's gonna not be very happy. The waterworks start the second they land, coming from initial shock of course. "DAD!" He'd yell, tears streaming down his face, scrambling to him.


Harran wakes up to a clear sky and demolished city. He'd groan as he leaned up, a Garrett fashioned around his waist, sobbing hysterically. Harran would give him a pat and a faint smile before looking around the now leveled city.
"Oops." He'd say, weakly before looking back to Aukkora. He has not energy to fight, but his fur would stand at end with a growl in his voice once again. Holding Garrett tightly.
"You know... Letting me beat on you is not going to change a damn thing, in fact I'm fairly certain I loath you even moreso than before because you drew this out of me when all I wanted to do was simmer down alone." He'd say, but with a lot more restraint.
"One thing I've learned through my years is not all issues can be solved by fighting. This wasn't one of them... In fact it lead to, what I can only presume to be, mine and many other's deaths..
I don't know what you wanted out of all that, but I know what I want now. If it weren't for the Godhunter, I'd want nothing more to do with you." He'd stand up, holding Garrett in his arms, who's now leering on edge at the both of them, hoping for no more fighting.
"I hope you achieve your goal one day, as I'm sure your curse is hell. But I also like your son enough now to say that I hope you realize you're leaving this world with way too much left here to not hurt. At least in the way you want to." He'd say, setting Garrett down, and stumble to stare at the devastation.
Aukkora would remain silent through all of it, actually faced away from Harran, not even listening to him. She crouched over on the ground, her knees to her chest, and her palms together. Muttering something under her breath... praying, perhaps? Paying respects? Dream, whole once again, was sitting next to her, his legs crossed, doing the same thing.
"Fourteen." She whispered, getting the attention of Dream and Rabid.
"There were fourteen. The rest escaped safely. But thousands of people lost their homes today. It's my fault." She closed her eye, took a deep breath, sighed, and stood up. She didn't even pay any mind to Harran. She and Dream merely... walked away.
"Garrett. Rabid. We're going to go find them and we're going to separate from you guys for... maybe a few months. We have to pay for the damages."
Harran wouldn't say a word at that, just starting off on his own. "You two are free to follow whomever. If you need me, I will be making my way back home. This was a real eye opener for me, that I am way too old for all of this... I will be there for your final battle, but... I don't know. I need some time to myself." He'd say, walking off. 

Garrett would let him walk, frowning and sad. He'd look to Rabid on what to do as he's honestly at a loss. Help the people out here or help his father who just suffered a death. This is far to stressful for him so he'd honestly just breakdown and sob right there.
Rabid moved their head between their two options. Though, honestly, to the alien, the choice was obvious. They picked up Garrett, hugged him tight, and began to follow Harran.
["Wolf man needs Garrett."] Rabid would say, only to him.
["Tall lady bad human. She not try to be bad human. Scarf boys know this."] Rabid put their chin on top of Garrett's head.
["Rabid be here for Garrett. Scarf boy be for tall lady. Garrett be for wolf man. None destruction is Garrett fault."]
Between sobs, Garrett would nod in agreement and hug Rabid. This poor man needs that hug.
As Rabid walks over to Harran, Harran would turn to face them. Giving a slight nod and letting them catch up before continuing to walk.
