The Adventures Of Space And Time

Bear55 Not_in_use
4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
2 1210

Entry 1
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

A collection of stories about the time-travelling wolf Jodie, her digitally altered companion Dixie and their five pups.

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How Jodie Met Dixie WIP

How it all begin.

Jodie was alone, now. After countless arguements with Sacha, on morality and how his ideas and his menacing attitude towards travelling around the galaxies were unjustifiable. Jodie decides to leave him for good and continue the journey by herself without him to make a deterrent. However, it started to be an issue for her as she has always been dependent on bringing a companion with her to her adventures that she got used to it, *too* used to it.

Jodie sighed, this would take a while to get adjusted to this situation. She opened the door and entered her car.
It was shaped like a doghouse as a form of disguised for her car, with two seats at the front and more at the back.
Jodie decides to travel back to the time where scientists created digitally altered wolves, not to find a companion, but to search for the source that generates electricity, just so that it would help power up her car better

Taking the wheel and pressing the button located next to the wheel, she travels back in time and parked her car next to a house, which seems pretty hidden, assuming that it was where the storage unit is, she climbs up the house and looks through the window that was located at the roof.

Looking through the roof, she found nothing that she was looking for but scientists creating numerous litters with wolf eggs and sperms, the one that interests her how the scientists manage to create wolves that produces luminescence.
She looked at the bunch of wolves that was at the experimented area, many managed to produces a form of luminescence, however, there were some that did not make the cut and they were led to a pen, which seems to be a killing pen, with so many weapons and other devices, one could easily recognised the ability of what this pen could do.

Jodie wanted to continue and look at what the pen could do, however as she moves, her paw accidently went through one of the holes at the roof of the pen and she fell into the pen with a loud crash


Jodie fell to the ground, many roof pieces were scattered all over the place, standing up and patting herself to remove any form of dust on her coat, she finds herself making eye contact at a black wolf, with her green eyes staring deeply into the black wolf's violet eyes, she suddenly heard scientists entering the pen and decides to run for her life.
"Run!" She grabs the black wolf's paw, both of them make a run for it, they both dodge the tables and furnitures that were in their way, they also have to be careful not to get shot by the lazers that the scientists carry.
They manage to find the door to exit out of the pen, Jodie pressed the button that is on her glasses, a form of lazer was shot onto the door's keyhole. "This should hold the door for a while and give us some time to escape" she thought.
Turning around at the black wolf, she slowly asks, feeling a tinge of socially awkwardness while asking "I am Jodie, w-what is your name?"
"Dixie...are you here to save me?" The black wolf asks, revealing her name and nervousness as soon as they manage to take cover from the scientists
"Maybe" was the only reply Dixie received from the Jodie, she could really tell that this wolf is not too comfortable with talking to others yet, it may also seemed that she looks like some form of alien, but it can't be. After all, this creature looks closely to a wolf, but with her some form of magic powers or how she looks completely different from her friends makes her wonder more.
"Are....Are you alien?" Dixie asked, trying not to make eye contact, incase if Jodie suddenly shows anger because she may take this as a form of insult.
"No, time wolf, I have the ability to regenerate when i am close to death, but i would look completely different" "look, we need to get to the car right over there" Jodie points to the car that was disguised as a doghouse "we need to get to that car so that we could escape from here".

Jodie and Dixie tried to camouflage themselves while approaching the car, but Jodie's paw accidentally touches Dixie's and she could feel some form of buzzing and light coming out from her coat. It did not do any luck as the scientists that were chasing them managed to detect the familiar feature that is on Dixie.
They both quickly run to the car, but upon running, Jodie's tail got stucked onto a pile mud, making her unable to continue running, Dixie realises this, looking at the scientists closely approaching Jodie, it took a little courage for Dixie to run back to her side and sweep off the mud. They both then assists each other to get back into Jodie's car, Jodie then presses the button and they were sent back to where Jodie started off at the beginning.
Jodie was surprised, she did not expect Dixie to be of a courageous type and saved her life. She expected her to be running away out of fear. Dixie's bold move made Jodie accept her and even comes to ask her "hey Dixie, do you want to be my partner on my adventures?"
Dixie looked at her, happy that she does not have to be kept in a pen anymore, she agreed.

Since that day, both Jodie and Dixie has been going on adventure and exploring the universe together, even though she had previous companions that used to accompany her on her adventures, and sooner later find this boring or lost of interest. She could tell that Dixie enjoys this and is happy to accompany Jodie on her adventures.