A New Warrior

4 years, 2 months ago

After healing from his wounds of the dog attack, Shadowpaw can finally attend his warrior ceremony.

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This morning, Shadowpaw was finally released from the medicine den. He was just going into the clearing when he heard Cedarstar's voice calling from the leaders tree trunk, "Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!"

He knew what this Clan meeting would be about, so he hurried to the tree trunk and sat down in front of it. His parents soon sat down on his right side while his mentor Rabbitlight chose the place to his left. He saw Buzzardtalon already sitting in front of the tree trunk on the deputy's place and Cedarstar was standing tall and proud on the tree trunk.

After all of the cats had gathered expectantly in the clearing, Cedarstar began to speak "After the horrible dog attack on our camp, our Clan is finally back at full strength! Our camp is repaired and our last wounded cat could finally leave the medicine cats care."

Shadowpaw glanced for a short moment to Hawkwing. The medicine cat wasn't really happy that Cedarstar already thought of him as healthy enough to leave the medicine den but he had to give up the argument with her about that. Though he still looked a bit grumpy about it.

Cedarstar continued "And after all this tragedy it is now time to hold a long overdue ceremony! Rabbitlight has recommended me his apprentice and before the attack Shadowpaw has already passed his assessment together with his sister Pebblepaw. I was not able to give Pebblepaw her warrior name before her death but she still died the death of a true warrior and I'm sure StarClan has welcomed her as a full warrior in their ranks."

All over the clearing the cats began to shout as loud as they could "Pebblepaw! Pebblepaw!"

After the shouting died down Cedarstar raised her voice again "After his passed assessment and his great bravery in the dog attack, it is now also the time to welcome Shadowpaw as a warrior in our Clan. Shadowpaw, please step forward."

Shadowpaw took a deep breath and then stepped forward. As soon as he stood in front of Cedarstar she began with the ceremony.

"I, Cedarstar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look  down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of  your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn."

"Shadowpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend you Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

Shadowpaw answered with a clear and loud voice "I do."

Cedarstar continued "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Shadowpa..."

"Wait!" he interrupted her quickly and then proceeded with a smaller voice "Could I ... Could I ask you for a favor?"

The whole clearing was silent as Cedarstar looked down on him. "Well, what favor would that be?" she asked.

Shadowpaw took all his courage together and said "I want a name that will always remind me of the battle. I want it to remind me, that I always have to protect my family and my Clan as well as I can do."

Cedarstar seemed to consider his request and nodded after a while. Shadowpaw understood and waited nervously for her to continue.

"Shadowpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Scarface. StarClan honors your Bravery and Fighting Skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan."

After her last words Cedarstar jumped down from the tree trunk and rested her muzzle on Scarface's head. He then licked, according to tradition, her shoulder.

His Clan mates began to shout again, this time they were shouting his new name "Scarface! Scarface!"

He felt so happy while his Clan mates began to congratulate him and one time he thought that he could hear a voice whispering in his ear "Congratulations brother, I'm so proud of you"

Author's Notes

I have written this a long time ago, so it might not be the best. I may rewrite it in the future, but I'm not sure yet.