Oc Chibi

5 years, 11 months ago
5 years, 11 months ago
18 35966

Entry 1
Published 5 years, 11 months ago

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Chibi 21


The gang of RWBY are on the run. Yang is driving the car while Weiss and Ruby are on the roof, shooting bolts of ice and bullets at the cops on their tail.

"How do you 'accidentally' rob a bank?" Weiss asks.

"I don't know! It all happened so fast!" Ruby says.

"There's a roadblock ahead!" Blake Belladonna warns.

"Looks like we're gonna have to JUMP!!!!!" Yang shouts with excitement.

The other girls brace themselves as Yang kicks the speed into high gear. And the car flies, happening in slow motion. The car flies higher and higher, drawing closer to the other end of the road. For a mer moment, the car stops, still positioned, and altitude to reach the other side, but the whole thing just falls straight down into the trench, leaving the RWBY girls screaming. Resulting with a loud boom of the car crashing.

The whole screen blanks with a Beep, then credits roll.

The girls of the Chibi Guardians just sit there, watching the credits while laughing. "This show is hilarious." Styler says.

"I know. That Ruby character is so silly. The way she falls in love with weapons." Katryx says.

Laughter dies down. "Hey...You guys ever noticed how everything in this show is kind of like how we do this comedy segment?" Lunaria asks.

Silence fills the air. The very thought of that comment plagues their mind in wonder. Then in response, they all said 'Nah!'. "Still, would be kind of fun to play like them." Luna says.

Just then, they all get an idea.

In the dorm room, the girls are having a fun time. Dressing up like the RWBY girls and acting out like them. Lunaria sits on the floor at the end of the bed, dressed like Blake Belladonna. "I am Blake." She holds out a book: Ninja's of Love. "I enjoy my time with absolute silence and reading a good book." Then she sets her eyes on the book, burying her mind in it.

Luna stands in front of a mirror, dressed as Yang. "I am Yang. The cool brooding bad girl!" Luna looks at her reflection, putting on a tough guy bid. "Huh? What! You talking to me?! Are you talking to me!" She holds her fists out, getting ready for fisticuffs. "You think you're so tough!? Bring it!"

Katryx, dressed as Weiss, sits on the table, all calm and with manners, with a while tea set. "I'm Weiss. The polite well mannered girl who enjoys a nice cup of tea." Katryx holds out a cup of tea, with her pinky out, and takes a sip. Second she does, she spits it all out. Talking hoarse. "So hot! It burns! It burns!" Then she falls back from her chair.

Styler jumps in out of no where, with enthusiasm, dressed as Ruby. "I'm Ruby Rose! The funny one who's in love with every single weapon." Styler holds out Luna's black scythe, looking at it as if in love. "Oh! My beautiful Mechanical scythe!" She holds onto it close, hugging. "You are the one for me, my soulmate." Then manics Ruby's breathless moaning.

Luna looks at Styler in her reflection, and she's not happy. "Hey! Is that my Scythe?"

Now Styler is worried. "Uh oh." Styler runs around the room, with Luna chase after her. Up until they tripped on the knocked down Katryx. The girls stumble and crash into stuff. Even Lunaria gets involved when the girls crash into her.

In the chaos, Nalu opens the door. "Hey, girls. I was wondering if you--" Nalu freezes once he sees the situation with his friends. The girls are all piled up in the center of the room, dazed and moaning. Nalu feels awkward and slowly retreats. "I'll...come back later." Then closes the door.

The girls just lay there, beaten in their little cosplay. Styler speaks out in excitement. "I think we nailed it!"

The scene cuts and the credits roll in.

The RWBY Gang are just starting at the credit screen of OC Chibi. Finally, Weiss speaks. "Well that was horrible."

"I know! I talk NOTHING like that." Yang complains.

"Yeah! And I am NOT In Love with weapons!" Weiss and Yang look at Ruby, and are surprised. Ruby is dressed like a wedding groom. And holding her beloved Crescent Rose, which has a wedding veil on the tip of it's blade head. Ruby starts walking away, excited. "Come on, Crescent Rose. It's time for our wedding!" Then she lets out her breathless moan as she huddles onto her weapon.

Weiss and Yang both follow her. "Yeah. Of course you're not, Ruby." Weiss says sarcastically.

Blake Belladonna just sits there, looking at the empty screen. Then finally speaks as the other girls make their leave. "I didn't think it was that bad. There's something about that Lunaria girl I liked."