The Death of Fido Tenacity

4 years, 2 months ago
714 1

A recently kidnapped Fido Tenacity is held hostage by Tresn. Fueled by a will to survive and see his family one last time, Fido struggles to fight against his impending death.

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   Consciousness consumed Fido all at once, reflexively he heaved in the dry air that filled the room. As he broke into a cough, he heard the rattling and fidgeting of his captor from the other room who had just been alerted that he was awake. The fogginess of his vision began to subside, giving him a clear view of his surroundings. His heart raced as the putrid scent of death made itself known, the room was dimly lit aside from the cracks of light that burst into the room through the windows which had been boarded shut. This room looked as if it had used to be a bar, a desk full of bottles was off to the side, chairs were scattered across the room. A table sat in front of him, on top of it lay tools that had been recently used. From the rancid odour in the air, Fido guessed that somewhere in this room there must have been a body. It must have been midday, it became clear to Fido that this world was not his own as he attempted to will himself awake. He tried to fight his constraints to no avail, he had been bound by his wrists and ankles, strung up against a large piece of wood which his constraints had been drilled into.
   "One moment Tenacity." A deep voiced called, lumbering footsteps could be heard from the other room, the same footsteps Fido had heard on his porch the night prior. Fido had no idea where he could be. This world couldn't have been Spook's, perhaps it belonged to his captor. Moments of dread passed before the massive body entered the room, having to crouch down in order to fit it's entire figure beneath the doorframe.
   "Fido Tenacity!" The monster proclaimed, the familiarity wasn't mutual. Fido looked over the creature in disgust. A large burley body covered in dirty matted fur, four arms that had been crudely grafted onto it's body, a battered old television for a head, a bright red grin covering the screen. Fido tried to speak but his dry throat only let out a cough.
   "Your recognition is not expected Tenacity, although I had been hoping our meeting would occur under more flexible circumstances." Fido didn't know what it was talking about but he had no doubt that this was the creature responsible for the disappearances in Tennia.
   "Are you the thing that has been stealing people from Tennia?" Fido managed to ask in a scowl.
   "That is the name of the town? Tennia?" The monster began to laugh, an odd distorted laughter that was far too deep in pitch to sound human.
   "An egotist! Oh how I lament these circumstances Tenacity, you would have been instrumental towards my ambitions!" The monster was speaking of nonsense to Fido, the rage of knowing what it had done and would proceed in doing filled his body as he tried harder to struggle free.
   "Tenacity you lack the strength and will to escape your constraints, such admirable traits in my eyes."
Fido had used up the last of his strength, his body gave in to the exhaustion as the weight of his situation sank in further.
   "Are you going to kill me?" Fido asked, thoughts of his family and friends flashed into his mind, their broken hearts and sobbing faces.
   "Unfortunately I must, I've been given no alternative."
   "No alternative?" Fido repeated in anger and fear.
   "Yes Tenacity, though at the very least, killing you will be much more amusing than setting you free." Fido's thoughts flickered through his life, his regrets and mistakes, the people he loved who he'd never speak to again. The knowledge of his fate was too much to bear, he began hyperventilating, tears shrouded his vision as he longed to see his loved ones for one last time. The monster laughed as he set the board Fido was constrained to down on the table. In his many arms he held different tools and instruments of torture. A hacksaw, a scalpel, tweezers and a bucket, at the rims of which there was dried up blood. A bright light shone into Fido's eyes, adrenaline shot through his body as he continued to struggle. "Goodnight Tenacity." The monster said mockingly, saw gripped firmly in hand.