Origin Stories: Rane

4 years, 1 month ago
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A work in progress! 

Burn feverishly, never go out.

In depth profile, now launching.

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[ Rane ]

Born on January 1st to Isaac and Charlotte in Boston, Massachusetts. He was a healthy baby, the perfect kind of infant that never cried too loudly, never fussed when being fed and was curious about the world around him. He was easy to raise, as Charlotte would tell you, and he was adorable in all the right ways. Chubby cheeks. A round face. Big, pearly hazel eyes. A quick learner and easy to adapt when other children, primarily Gwen, was brought into the mix. 

Around the age of three years old, when sitting in the living room accompanied by Charlotte and a shape-placement toy, Rane became irritated. He began to show signs of agitation through heavy crying, complaining, then developed a high fever. Luckily Isaac was a doctor and could assess the child without bringing him to the emergency room. However, as the fever grew higher and higher, an unexpected situation occurred. Right before Charlotte's eyes, her child completely went up in flames, then fizzled out into a large mound of ashes. As any mother or rational person would react, she panicked. Luckily, in the ashes, a small infant soon emerged and began to wail softly. This infant appeared to be exactly how Rane looked a few years prior, with the same features and traits. It was as if time had gone backwards, but only for Rane.

On the following day Isaac began to research more into the condition, but found nothing. Rare, as only one person had ever shown signs of having it (as far as they were aware), they decided to try and figure out a solution. Charlotte feared it would happen again and also wasn't sure how to fix the fact that the child was no longer three years old, but a few months. It wasn't that she minded having to go through the progress of raising a baby once more, but it was upsetting that it had all been for nothing. More or less, what if he did it again when he was ten years old and went back to being reverted to this stage? What if he grew up to be an adult then did it? What if he had his own life and had to give it all away because he would combust and become a baby? Her fears pushed to her husband, who shared the same concerns.

Together, they worked hard for many months to find a solution. Specializing in rare disorders that were genetic or virus-given, Isaac was able to find a way to progress the aging of Rane's cells, and therefore Rane himself. Charlotte was excellent with computer sciences and nanotechnology, composing a tiny nanobot that could be injected into the child and stabilize his body from complete reversion. After several test sessions, Isaac created a shot and took to testing it on the patient. It took a course of a week for Rane to grow, rapidly and quickly back into the toddler that he had been before. From observation, he seemed to have kept all the memories he had prior, picked the same favorite toys, knew who Gwen was, and remembered the words he had been learning. The only setback was that he cried more often, complained of headaches, was  jittery through the growth and had more tantrums than he did beforehand.


Throughout his childhood, both Isaac and Charlotte worked on teaching Rane how to control his temper. They found through trial and error that whenever he got angry enough, he would run a fever, then explode and the process they feared would begin all over again. They had the fix to it and Rane easily always reverted to the stage he had come from before. However, the more he grew, the more he wanted out and to be among other children. A normal lifestyle was their goal for him, and in order to accomplish that, his behavior needed to be assessed. Oddly enough, Gwen started showing similar signs of difference to others around the same time. Both Isaac and Charlotte were already very close with Gwen’s father, Reese, and the three of them decided that altogether they would work for a solution for the best outcome their children could obtain.