Momma 'Kasa

4 years, 1 month ago

Kane seeks comfort from his mother.

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"...Momma..." Kane whimpered.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"...I'm scared..."

Mikasa stopped walking, looking down at her son who was cowering under her body. They had been walking to visit Hitch and Rico's house. Annie was already there and had called Mikasa to come over too. While Kane didn't usually come along when her and Annie visited Hitch and Rico, the pair had a son about the sane age as him and they wanted to see whether or not they could be friends...and hopefully have Kane come out of his shell a bit.

"Why are you scared?"

"What if...what if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks my eyes look weird since they're different colors? What if-"

"It'll be alright. Mitchell is a sweet boy. I think you two will get along just fine."

He still looked unsure. Kane hid against his mother's scarf, wishing he could've just stayed home instead of dealing with this anxiety.

"Y'know...I used to be pretty shy when I was younger too. I only ever hung out with Dad and 'Pa. I didn't even really hang out with 'Ma until I was a bit older."


"Really. Since I only grew up with your dads, I was a bit awkward when it came to interacting with other members of our class. It was hard at times for me to befriend others, but once I decided to open up to others I was a lot happier." She patted Kane's head in reassurance.

"Making friends isn't something you should be afraid of. It can be scary at first, but it'll get easier the more you keep doing it."


"I promise. Now, can you be brave for mommy and try to make friends with Mitchell when we get there?"

Kane thought about it for a second, looking away from his mother before looking back up at her.

"...Okay Momma."

Mikasa smiled and gave her son a quick kiss on the forehead.

"You'll be fine baby."