Old Janus/Smosher Stories (NOT CANON)

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

non canon, very old stories with and about janus, back when he was smosher and had a different owner

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Author's Notes

exclusively written by just-a-little-soul

3607 words

the bond achievement


New beginning and arranged date (justALittleSoul)

Smosher had to admit to himself, that he was nervous. Having spent all night with Princes wandering under the stars he had nearly been able to forget, that he was far from the only saliko in the young jills life. Now from what she had talked about her family sounded nice? Still he could not change the unease he felt as the steadily approached her home territory. He could already smell the territorial marks left by another male, which he assumed to be Princess adopted father. A warning and a welcome at once.A sweet smelling hello for all who came in peace and good cheer and a musky footnote underlining that if one came with bad intent this male was strong enough to defend his family and was determined to do so. Maybe this had really been a bad idea after all, but her smile and feathering steps next to him, lead Smosher further and further into the icy lands. If they raised her they couldn’t be too bad after all could they? And the only thing Princess seemed upset about in their regards was a pregnancy? Smosher was aware of the issues family could cause especially siblings, so he quite got why it had disturbed her to see and fear her world would slip from her paws. Now she seemed grounded through. Cheerfully waving her tail in front of him and punching then and when into a snow drive sprinting him with glittering frozen droplets. His heart skipping whenever a laugh sprang from her lips. Or when she stopped him in his tracks starting a small session of play. Despite her name Princess was not vain. Smosher would soon see why indeed. One raised between some of the fluffiest, gentlest paws out there could hardly turn out to be a jerk. Well maybe they could after all there was only one example running around the snow covered hills so far. Abruptly the landscape changed the flat plains filled with light snowy bumps changed into a mountainscape. Rigid stones peeking out between the drifts as the begun to climb into a pass Princess had pointed out to him. As they reached the climax of the pass Smosher’s teeth where chattering and he was certain he would chip at least one of them if they continued on for much longer. Luckily from now on it was going downhill. Princess introducing him to something she called ‚booty polish‘ which essentially meant one sat down on ones rear the tail between ones hind paws, which then was trapped with the front paws to steer as one held the hind legs in the air and slid (as long as the terrain allowed it ) through the snow. It left ones behind rather chilled, but Smosher had to admit it was not only fast, but a hell of fun. Suddenly Princess stopped in her sliding track and pounced elegantly back onto her paws. Smosher wasn't quite sure how to stop, glittering past her, but she gripped his neck scruff as he passed her and cut his descend short. Just a few meters in front of them a the ground had torn and a giant crack had opened itself up in the rock and ice composing the mountains. If it hadn't been for her he had littered right into the cleft. Princess let him go once she was sure he would not descent further and slowly approached the giant scar in the landscape. „Careful.“ Smosher called out to her a bit worried she would trip and disappear in the earth forever. „Don't worry.“ Princess winked at him and suddenly she was airborne and dove into the cleft. Smosher let go of a panicked sound scrambling to the edge. He was semi certain the Jill had just fallen and probably caused her death with that stunt. On the other hand he count quite believe she would do something that careless either. Sure she was a bit odd being a Tatra believing to be a Tundra and all, but apart form that pretty alright. „Hello? Princess?“ He called down into the darkness. No answer came back at first, then two lights lit up in the darkness. Her eyes reflecting the sun from above, cleaning up at him in amusement. „Just come down.“ One of the orbs disappeared for a second before reappearing. „Be careful about it through. Try and land on me. If you slip ill be close enough to pull you up.“ Smosher looked at her a bit uncertain. Jumping into the darkness not quite sure where one could land safely. It seemed not the wisest of ideas, on the other hand if he wouldn't do it he surely wouldn't be able to follow the young female further and he really didn't want to lose her after they had gotten so far. Well not in that sense, but he had had a fabulous time indeed with the young female and even the slight promises of a place to belong seemed worth the risk if one through about it even for a bit. So smosher took his heart in his paws and lifted all four of them of the ground. Allowing for himself to fall into the darkness. Aiming his jump at the shining orbs, the same lively eyes that his hopes were pinned on he now betted his life on. And Princess didn't disappoint him. She saw the male jump, missing the ledge by just a few centimeters, but the jill bent forward just enough to allow him to grab onto her neck her paws dug into the ground beneath her. Smosher let go of a feared noise, but as his paws sunk into soft fur and his hind legs scratched against the glassier wall forming the edge of the small natural sill he calmed. Focusing on getting on top of the damn thing. A few minutes later he sat panting atop the frozen ground his face buried still in Princess neck who did not seem to mind at all gently stroking his fur. She waited patiently till he was ready. Remembering how horrified she had been as she had to first take the leap, he was no whelp, but still the experience shook one. The helplessness and full surrender to something one couldn't control at first was very daunting indeed. Smosher finally stood up and Princess followed him on the foot. „Now what?“ he asked his voice still a bit hoarse. „Follow me. This was the worst part i would say.“ Princess replied her tone gentler than normally, making her sound very sincere. She held out her tail to him encouraging Smosher to bite down on it as means of leading him for the first time. „Try and remember the bends, it takes a while, but I'm sure you will soon race about here as if it was nothing. Its a bit hindering to one, but a ideal way to escape predators and pursuers if one ever happens to have it. We hadn't had that happen so far, but Wrojka wanted us to be prepared for the ‚worst‘ eventuality.“ Princess leaned back and whispered in Smosher’s ear. „She herself doesn't know what that is supposed to mean exactly, but her dad always told her that so we are doing it. So we went all super secure with picking the heart of our habitat. We have spares, but yeah at this time of the year everybody should be here.“ Princess hummed and continued onto their path deeper and deeper into the tunnels which smosher assumed had been carved into the mountains oner the duration of eons of years. He bumped his head even so often, but as they finally resurfaced for the darkness into the light the few bruises were so worth it. The sight was breathtaking. Before them gigantic pines reached for the sky. Swaying in the soft breeze , which fell from the cliff faces down into the sheltered valley beneath. The corridor of green reached as far as the male could see. It was as if a small piece for the densest and most ancient tatra forest had been torn out and replanted here in these lands of cold. „Come on you can stare so much more later on.“ Princess chuckled softly and freed her tail from the males mouth jumping ahead of him down the stairs broken into the icy wall. Scratch marks on them telling of the countless paws that had wandered them over the years. Smosher followed her gladly into the forest. In the gentle twilight he nearly felt as if he was in his native lands. The trees grounding him, calming his anxiety. Further they seemed to catch all the winds about, providing shelter from the small gushes even the cliffs couldn't catch. It was a picture of endless peace. The hob marbled at its existence. While Princess just pranced through it as if it was the most common thing for her. Admiringly it probably was, considering she had grown up here, most likely even taken her first steps in this very valley. Smosher took a deep breath letting the scent of fresh prickly leaves fill his nose and lungs. Far too soon they were out of it again, leaving the shelter behind and enter a plain field of snow. A smooth white mirror glistering and reflecting the very few sun rays that reached down here. „Its prettier in the summer.“ Princess hummed and put her paw into the even surface, crushing the picture of the perfect snow. They walked along silent side by side then and when rubbing against each other, bumping one with shoulder and hip exchanging a smirk, but apart from that there was silence. Princess watching Smosher intently as he took in everything around him. Who could have guessed that even this plain landscape could hold some miracles. The valley finally narrowed and as they pressed themselves through the end of it they nearly got stuck trying to leave it together. The mountains released them into a huge bay area. Smooth stones lining the shore for kilometers, before being cut of by giant walls of pack ice. „We are nearly there.“ Princess announced as she stepped forward towards the ocean. Smosher followed her a bit unsure. He hadn't tried it much so far, but he could guess that his swimming abilities were not the best yet. „Don’t worry.“ The Jill hummed. „If i can do it. So can you.“ So he followed her into the cold waters. heading out towards a island one could barely spy from the shore. Smosher fought with the waves as Princess herself seemed to struggle to get herself forward. A few times he was pulled under, but managed to push through again. The other shore came closer and closer so near yet so far. His own fur was pulling him downwards into the deep. Smosher yelped as he was pushed under again, losing sight of the sky and direction. This was so not good, but before panic could even begin he felt a large form next to him. ‚Sweet I'm being eaten.‘ He thought to himself and let go of a sound of protest as he felt teeth on the scruff of his neck, bubbles escaping his nostrils and mouth and cutting his air supply even shorter than it already was. He expected to be pulled down further, drowned then devoured, so it surprised him as he was instead pushed back up and a second later he broke the surface. Smosher glanced to his side, seeing the big, but certainly to a saliko belonging paws beating the water next to him. Princess seemed already fairly happy clinging to a blue female with a black ink explosion of a marking on her face. They reached shore and while princess had to listen to a lecture of another blue jill with a visibly swollen belly he became a chance to eye his own rescuer. The blue male was big indeed. He shook the water out of himself and doubled his size nearly just by fluffing up. „I must excuse Princess. She assumes that all Saliko can swim. While she herself is not the best at it.“ The hob hummed and gave a gentle smile towards the Tatra male. „She means no harm. none of us do don't worry stranger. Whats your name? I am Bakardi, thats Idunn“ he nodded over to the light blue jill who had now begun to roll around the snow like a whelp who saw it for the first time. Smosher raised a brow at it looking back questioning to Bakardi, who acted as if that was normal. Maybe it was? „And that is Wrojka.“ He flicked his tail towards the female still giving out to Princess. Smosher was concerned for a bit as he saw the scroll on the young jills face, but very soon the lecture turned into a hugging match, which Wrojka won having a Princess beg to not be squished to death. „You must be freezing.“ Bakardi suddenly called out loudly tearing Smosher away from the display of affection and returning his attention to the blue hob. He had expected quite a few things. Drowning, being told to go, being lectured, begin rejected and forbidden to be near Princess, what he didn't expect was the two paws around his slender frame pulling his shivering figure into a hug that could outrank most her had gotten in his life. Bakardi hummed content as the Tatra hob disappeared in his goofy fur and curled more around him making sure that all sides where somehow protected form the elements while his own insulation guaranteed, that warmth would get back into other Saliko as fast as possible.he only let go as he felt paws beating against his chest, baking him into the ribs. ‚So thats what pregnancy must feel like.‘ He blinked and opened up the cocoon. Smosher gasped for air. The sauna like conditions in the Bakardi ball had nearly smothered him. „Oh… I'm sorry.“ Bakardi looked in surprised at the hob a bit embarrassed over this. As he was certain that Smosher was breathing again normally he pulled the young saliko back into his embrace, but this time not as throughly just making sure that he was warm. Idunn soon flopped down next to them cuddling against the two. And a few minutes later Smosher found himself in the middle of a pile of Saliko’s. This feeling of warmth and comfort. He hadn't had that in what felt a eternity. The hob sighed softly and slowly relaxed himself into it. One had to treasure ones precious moments in life and this seemed to be one of them. Smosher didn't fight it. Through as night begun to fall and they were still all wrapped around him he begun to wonder just how long the Tundras could keep these cuddle sessions up. A synchronized growling of bellies broken it up finally. Bakardi didn't seem to happy to let go of the smaller parts of the family. While Smosher was still making sense of it all the Tundra hob already begun to count him as part of their pack. If he decided to stay would be up to him, but there was no doubt in the welcome. The Tundras stretched themselves throughly before all three headed for the ocean. Princess nudged closer to Smosher and rested her head on his shoulder. „They are getting food. Normally i would try with them, but I don't want to leave you all alone here.“ She whispered her tail wrapping around the waist of the hob. „Come. Im gonna show you the den sites. We could explore more, but it is getting a bit later and you come from far don't you?“ Smosher just nodded, didn't object her suggestions. His heart still a bit overwhelmed with the events of the past hours. He followed her along winding paths into the heart of the island. There out of rock and snow a multitude of dens had been carved and new holes spoke of works in the progress. „Just pick one.“ Princess hummed. „We are not too picky in regards of the dens. Through we like building them. Bakardi digs them up in his free times and sometimes we help. its great fun and keeps ones body strong and healthy. This is my hole.“ Princess tapped a mold in the rock and grinned at Smosher. „Maybeee …you would like to help me build on it some time. Maybe later?“ „Sure.“ Smosher replied instantly and looked at the little digging site. „Looks great so far.“ „Its a hole in the ground.“ Princess giggled. „It looks as great as any spot where a tundra sat for too long, just replace the stone with ice and its quite an accurate image to compare it with. But I'm sure it will look fantastic once its done. Especially with your help.“ She suddenly looked at him directly, her eyes serious for once. “You are staying right? You are staying here with us aren't you?“ „Don't pressure him Princessa. he can come and go as eh wants. Through nobody here would mind you residing here for a duration of…“ Now it comes Smosher's heart dropped as he looked over to where Bakardi had appeared. „…forever.“ The blue giant finished his sentence. „I will teach you fishing.“ „First teach him swimming and only close to shore both of these things… only close to shore.“ Bakardi gave Princess a measuring look and she nodded slowly. „I know: Ones heart doesn't make one waterproof or fill one with antifreeze.“ She quoted obediently and nudged Smosher who had begun to look from one Saliko to the other. „Now go down to shore and get your new ‚friend‘ some food before Idunn eats it all.“ Princess eagerly sprinted away, followed by the hob. „Course I will stay if i may.“ Smosher whispered his answer. It was carried away by the wind. Princess didn't return for quite a while, but just as Smosher wondered if he should worry the light blue Jill darted past him, glittering landing in Princess hole. She grinned dup at him. „Princess is down at the pools. Im to get you. Say are you her lover? How did you meet? How good do you hunt? Do you know the three ways of the wind and can sing with the birds like she can? Why are you so small? Are you a odd Tundra too? How many moons do you count? Is it true that there are forests int eh south? Do birds taste good? Oh oh whats your favorite food?…“ A hail of questions prattled down upon the surprised hob. He had to blink not getting a chance to answer any of them before the next one was already put in the room. „Idunn let him bee. Im sure he will tell you of everything and anything if you let him of the hock now and ask later.“ Bakardi’s words saved the young male from the interrogations of the hyperactive jill. „Come with me please.“ he hummed and Smosher followed without questioning the request. In silence he followed the big hob back down to the shore, but instead of returning where they had stranded on the island he lead him aside to the right. For a while they strolled along the side of the ocean, before Bakardi nudged him to the side. The large male had to duck to press himself through the opening in the ice, but for Smosher it was easy to wiggle his form through it. he was being lead into a decent sized cave. It was open towards the ocean making the male assume that the rising tide had washed it out of the cliff. the salty crust left on the polished ice certainly indicated a regular flooding. Half of it was filled by water, the other half covered with a mixture of gravel and grey sand. Princess sat in the middle of it all two fish to her feet. She needed the ground seeming positively flustered. Bakardi pushed Smosher gently forward, before he turned to leave. A blue shadow dislodging itself from behind Princess before following the hob outside. „Wrojka thought this would be nice.“ Princess whispered as the hob sat down next to her. Smosher smiled gently leaning against her. „And she is right. it is nice.“ He mumbled. They leaned against each other for a while glancing up through the opening in the cave ceiling observing the eternal dance of the aurora borealis. Just enjoying the moment. The warmth of their bodies mingling together with their scents. Princess was happy. The hunger forgotten as her senses were flooded by the relaxed form of the hob. „You wont leave right?“ She asked gently, still afraid that he would indeed indicate his wish to fade again into the storm he had appeared out of. „No I most certainly wont.“ Smosher whispered back into her ear nuzzling gently into her neck. Princess beached in relieve. The moment lingered on for a bit longer, before their hunger overwhelmed the romantic atmosphere and Princess took the fish apart, both of them digging into the delicate flesh with malice. The finely prepared sushi gone in mere seconds, leaving two happily purring sated Tatra in their wake. Cuddled up in a mold in the sand life seemed good. And as Bakardi woke them the next morning to prevent them be washed over by the flood the sun had already begun to rise over the horizon. Promising a short, but beautiful new day. Smosher purred approving. life was being good. For once.