Get Good!

4 years, 5 months ago

Explicit Sexual Content
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"A new record!"

The Smash Brothers Melee announcer's voice cried out from the fuzzy resolution gameplay of Milo's Gamecube. Diesel and Milo were snuggled close together, with Milo clutching the controller firmly in their hands.

"Ha!" Milo goaded proudly. "Told you this mission was easy."

Diesel made a "pshht" noise with his mouth and pulled his partner closer into his lap.

"Hehe, I guess you're gonna tell me to 'git gud?'" Diesel replied in a smarmy tone of voice. 

"Yeah, get some skills, grow a pair, like me!" Milo replied, going back to Smash's menu and choosing another solo mission. Diesel watched Milo intently as they played. They certainly did have skill-- they had been raised on Nintendo since they were six-- but it wasn't just the skill that Diesel found attractive. Gently, Diesel nuzzled his nose into Milo's hair.

"You smell nice. Your hair is so pretty and pink." Diesel cooed, running his hands through Milo's hair. Milo purred contentedly.

"Thanks, baby." 

Diesel wrapped his arms around Milo and squeezed them tightly. He was enraptured by their softness, their smallness, their cuteness...

"H-hey," Milo whined, "you're distracting me."

Diesel grinned, his mouth pressing against the nape of Milo's neck. Milo groaned a bit, a delicate sound of approval and annoyance.

"Milo," Diesel whispered against Milo's neck, making them shiver, "it's been a while since we...hehe, 'smashed,' huh?"

"Huh? O-oh, that was a pun...ha ha!" Milo giggled. "Yeah, it has been, huh?" Milo paused the game. Just as Milo turned their head to look at Diesel, he pulled Milo into a deep kiss. Milo giggled as their lips interlocked, their tongues intertwined, moving around like an erotic dance. After a moment, they separated. Milo took a moment to catch their breath. 

"If you're up to it, I'd like to do some...experimentation. I wanna see if...well, I've got a feeling that I know what makes you tick." Diesel hummed. Milo raised their eyebrows inquisitively. 

"Oh?" Milo could already feel themselves getting a bit stiff at the thought. "Well then, I'll be your lab rat."

Diesel grinned deviously. "Well then, first we need to get rid of these..." the two were clad in their sleeping clothes, which, for Milo, was an over-sized MCR shirt over a loose pair of boxers, which Diesel was playfully tugging at. Milo grinned as they moved with Diesel, shedding their clothes swiftly with his help. Milo was mostly erect at that point, but Diesel knew they could be a bit harder. He grinned as he wrapped a hand around Milo's cock, which made Milo emanate a small moan, and began stroking it in a steady rhythm up and down, pausing occasionally to press his thumb into the tip. Milo began moving their hips with Diesel's stroking until their cock began gently undulating. It was then that Diesel removed his hand, satisfied with Milo's level of arousal. Milo looked up at their partner with a hazy, aroused glaze over their eyes, panting gently.

Diesel smiled as he removed something from his wrist, pulling it over Milo's shaft and settling it at the base of their cock. He looped it tightly around Milo's cock until it was firmly constricted.

"Th-that feels kinda tight, baby..." Milo grunted. "I-is that a cock ring?"

"Nope," Diesel hummed. "it's just a hair tie. This is what I wanna test."

Milo seemed confused, but Diesel started stroking their cock again, and Milo began gently moaning and moving their hips.

"You'll see what it does." Diesel purred to their partner. Milo laughed slightly through their moans. Milo thought they had an idea what it was for; it was to keep them from cumming, right? They had their doubts that this was really going to edge them. Nonetheless, they were getting their cock stroked by their boyfriend, and albeit a bit restricted, it still felt good. Diesel increased his pace, and Milo's moans became louder and breathier. Their cock began throbbing harder and harder, forcing precum out from the head of their cock. Diesel stuck out his tongue and gave the fluid a taste, which made Milo whine and shudder. 

"D-Diesel, I-I'm gonna cum..." Milo murmured through their moans.

Diesel chuckled grimly. "Are you?" he asked.

Milo panted slightly. "Wh-- what's that supposed to--" Milo was cut off by the approach of their orgasm, which caused Milo to close their eyes and grip the bedsheets tightly, increase their volume and length of their moans--

--then, to their surprise, nothing. They were right there, ready to bust, but it wasn't happening. They felt their semen starting to recede, begrudgingly stuck behind whatever was blocking it. The frustration and the intense rush of heat and tingling from being so close but not finishing left Milo a grunting, panting mess. Their forehead was starting to bead with sweat as they opened their eyes. Then, Milo came to realize what had stopped their release.

"D-dammit...its the hair tie..." Milo managed to groan. Diesel began snickering. 

"What's wrong, Milo?" Diesel said in a teasing voice, beginning to remove his own clothes. "Why didn't you finish?" Diesel sat in front of Milo, who was now sprawled helplessly across the bed, his cock hard and throbbing at the sight. 

"I...I didn't think it'd actually work!" Milo laughed nervously, then grunted. The sensation of holding back was starting to hurt, but it was an arousing sort of pain, one that crawled up their shaft and made their heart race out of desperation. 

"Ah well. You've got insane amounts of skill. A hair tie won't stop you this time, right?" Diesel shrugged, grinning.

"This time?" Milo asked weakly. Diesel didn't answer; instead, he scooted closer to Milo and lifted them up by their hands. Their legs intertwined, and Diesel's shaft gently rubbed against Milo's throbbing, dripping cock. Diesel wrapped his hand around their cocks and started firmly jerking them both off. Milo went into a moaning fit once again, and Diesel began panting. The heat of Diesel's cock against Milo made their heart throb, and they seemed to break into an even heavier sweat. 

"You're throbbing so hard, I can barely hold onto both of us." Diesel remarked. "But it's fine, it makes it more fun for me."

Milo glared at their boyfriend through the immense haze of pleasure. They felt insane amounts of arousal building inside of them like before, but they knew they couldn't finish with the tie binding their shaft like this. Diesel increased his pace, and Milo's moans increased. 

"F-fuck, I think I'm gonna cum..." Diesel groaned, then smiled. "Do you want to cum with me, baby?"

Milo growled between their moans. "I...can't..."

"Oh my God, babe, your face is insanely red..." Diesel moaned out. Milo gripped the bedsheets as their cock started throbbing harshly again.

"Guh...goddammit, I have to..." Milo whimpered, feeling the familiar heat and tingling wash over them, their cum trying so hard to travel up their shaft and flow out from the tip, but all Milo was met with was a sharp pain in their groin and a desperate longing that made them start to tremble. Diesel took in their desperation like a fine wine.

"G-go on, cum with me, honey..." Diesel murmured, then groaned loudly as he came. Milo watched with intense jealousy as his cum dribbled out of their throbbing shaft, running down his cock and theirs as Diesel sat there, panting hard. 

"Come on, Milo!" Diesel teased after the last bit of his cum had left him. "You can just cum! Just cum if you want to so bad!"

"I...could, if you took this f-f-fucking thing off..." Milo groaned through gritting teeth. 

"Just get good already!" Diesel said, laughing. Milo had to admit that even though they didn't take kindly to orgasm denial or teasing, they were insanely turned on by what was happening. The best part of getting their dick touched was happening again and again, and they didn't have to wait to do it over and over again lest they become sore. Milo began helplessly whimpering like an anguished dog in a claustrophobic cage.

"Aww, you can't cum with it on? You can't get past it?" Diesel mocked.

"I-I...I can't, baby..." Milo looked at Diesel with puppy eyes. "I wanna cum for you...I might actually cry if I can't...take pity on me, pwease?"

Diesel felt a pang of pity. "Alright, honey. I'll take it off then..."

As Diesel reached for Milo's shaft, he stopped. "Wait, I've got a waaaay better idea." Milo yelped as Diesel grabbed their shaft tightly without taking the tie off, viscerally jerking them off.

"W-wait, weren't you going to--"

"Just trust me, baby. My experiment is almost over."

It seemed like only a second before Milo felt the approach of an orgasm again. They braced for the feeling of dissatisfaction, but Diesel shifted his hands, and, in one fluid motion, freed Milo from their confines. Milo felt so much excitement and relief with their freedom that they didn't have a second to warn Diesel of what was going to happen; instead, Milo was left winded and crying out as they finally came, their semen finally flowing quickly from their cock onto Diesel's hand. Diesel watched with satisfaction as Milo rode the high, their face almost breaking into a full ahegao, and the sensations didn't seem to stop until a moment later, to which Milo tumbled backwards into the sheets, completely spent.

"That was so much fun." Diesel purred, giving his hand a lick, tasting Milo's desperate load of cum. "I...I was just playing when I was teasing you, honey," he continued, laying down next to Milo. "You did great, you rolled right along with my weird idea, heh..."

Milo was silent as their breathing returned to normal. "Thanks for doing that with me." Diesel said, smiling, kissing Milo on the cheek.

" okay?" Diesel asked, peering at Milo's completely still body.

"Too...tired..." Milo replied, turning over in the bed. Diesel laughed. "Alright," he replied, pulling the covers over them. "Goodnight, lovely."


Diesel awoke the next morning with a tent pitched one foot high. He couldn't help but think of last night, seeing Milo's desperate face, and--

"Milo, where did-" Diesel tried to sit up, but was met with Milo peering into his eyes, laying on top of him, gently stroking his hard dick. Diesel felt something tight wrapped around his shaft, and he peered at himself-- only to see a black hair tie wrapped around the base of his cock.

"Good morning, duckie." Milo chirped. "I thought about it last night, and I've decided; you need to get good."