Red’s Drabble

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
3 1234

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

All the character one-shots I’ve ever written! Whether they’re for my characters, or someone else’s!

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Kodiak x Asia

“Hurry up, slow-poke!” Kodiak yapped as he and Asia ran through the forrest, playing a friendly game of Wolf-Hunt. “If you keep running at that speed, you’ll never catch me!” he teased, glancing over his soft shoulder to see the blond she-wolf chasing after him. 

“Oh, I’ll catch you alright, you handsome lug!” Asia exclaimed, quickening her pace so her long strides covered more ground faster, a dreamy grin spreading on her face. “And when I do, you owe me kisses!”

Kodiak had known Asia had a crush on him the day they met. Both were exiled from their packs for not being obedient omegas, and left to die in the forrest. Though on opposite ends of the river, the two outcasts crossed paths there when getting a drink one day. They stood across the rushing black monster of water, staring at each other. His heart had leapt right out of his chest and danced a little jig at his paws just at the sight of such a beautiful she-wolf. He knew she felt it too; he saw her tail start wagging and her knees wobble for a split second. From that day on, he knew he had to do whatever he could to get to her. 

He tried swimming across it, walking across fallen trees as bridges, and finding stepping stones. A new current of black water washed him away every time. He eventually had given up, and was taking a nap on the riverbank, when a soft paw tapped his shoulder. He opened his eyes, and there she was, standing over him. They said flustered hello’s and exchanged names before happily running off to hunt together. As they ran around they also exchanged stories of their childhoods. When they realized they had both been the omegas of their old packs, they mutually decided that they’d be the alphas of their own pack. 

Despite the fact that Kodiak liked her more and more each day, he’s always had a hard time expressing his feelings, so he just kept it to himself. It’s clear that she likes him back, but he just never knew how to handle it. Now, with her chasing him like this, he might actually be able to get what he wanted. 

“You’re on!” He barked, weaving between trees and underbrush in an attempt to evade his smitten huntress. How can I get this to go my way? He thought to himself, flattening his eras to his head to avoid them getting caught on a thorn bush he ducked through. He scanned the area ahead and around him, searching for a way to get what he wanted. Then he saw a fallen tree up ahead and knew just what to do. 


He left himself run right into it by looking over his shoulder at her. She giggled and bounded over to him, sitting down and shifting her feet happily. Her unusual gold and pink eyes sparkled as she looked down at her fallen friend. 

“You need to watch where you’re going silly!” she yapped with a smile. Kodiak sat up and faced her. 

“Look, Asia, can I ask you something?” 

“Always!” she replied with a tilt of her head. 

“I like you.” He blurted, making her jump back in surprise. “I mean, I have a crush on you.” He paused before continuing and starting to stammer, “and I - and I was wondering if - if you’d like to - like to uh - be my alpha?”

“Are you asking me to be your mate?” she inquired, furrowing an eyebrow. Kodiak nodded. Asia’s face lit up and she jumped on top of him, kissing his face. “Yes! I’d love to!” she squealed, cuddling him. “That sound perfect.” she said once she finally settled down, curled up on top of him. He let out a sigh of relief. 

I did it.