Red’s Drabble

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
3 1234

Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

All the character one-shots I’ve ever written! Whether they’re for my characters, or someone else’s!

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Candy - Sunshineem

“Candy. You have betrayed the laws of the gods and done the unimaginable...” a deep voice rumbled above the boy’s head. He knelt bowed in front of this great God, his hands bound by opalescent shackles. 

“What’d I do?” Candy exclaimed, lifting his head to look his master in the eyes. The god crossed His arms, His head hidden by bright beams of light. 

“You know exactly what you’ve done.” the god bellowed, stomping a giant foot in frustration. “You know better than any angel on this me-forsaken cloud that what you did is against our laws.”

Candy sat frozen in place, starting to panic. If I go to Earth, I’ll be an outcast! Hunted by angels and demons alike! Or worse, I’ll die during the landing! He thought to himself, chewing his lip anxiously. 

“Now, be gone, thot!” God crowed, casting a large hand in Candy’s direction. He looked down, and the floor beneath him opened up, sending him hurtling towards the mortal world below. He crashed to the Earth, flames surrounding his body as he plummeted and gravity’s grip on him became tighter and tighter. The humans below watched in disbelief, never having seen a meteor before, let alone a fallen angel. 

He hit the ground so hard that his body left a massive crater in the Earth, spanning over 5 miles wide. He slowly came to, rubbing his head and stretching out his limbs. He’d survived the fall. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, when he saw a beautiful girl standing at the edge of the crater alongside everyone else. It was then that he realized what he’d done.

He’d fallen in love.

Author's Notes

I know this one was short! Not all of these are going to be the length of full novel chapters! ^^’