
6 years, 2 months ago
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A soft stride and pleading look couldn’t help but catch Ravus’ gaze as the love of his life stride into the room. She wore a sly grin on her face that would have put a scoundrel to shame, though that would also force him to admit that she had not, in fact, become much more light hearted in her purists. No, she had intentions, he could see that much. In her walk, in her look. In those ever honest eyes. She was looking for something. Ravus stood quickly as she began to approach, one part eager to hear her pleas, the other wary of exactly what they might entail. Knowing her and her methods, her gift of deception, they could mean any number of things. Of course she would never do anything to bring about harm, yet he couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong.

As the two made their inevitable connection, standing face to face, Autem reached her hand down slowly to intertwine with his, carefully rubbing her other hand over the both she looked up at him. A begging look pleaded with him to bend over, if only slightly. A secret.

Ever so slowly did Ravus bend to meet her level, which was a considerable among considering his height. Ever slowly did Autem bring her face closer, their eyes locking for a moment before Autem made towards her goal, a soft breathe tickling Ravus’ ear as she spoke.

“I think it’s time for a shave.” Autem spoke softly, pulling back rather quickly as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek, followed by a quick and firm pat on the arm. Pulling away and striding past the taller man, she laughed with the confused and almost offended expression he had shown her in retaliation burned forever in her mind. Oh how he thought she would harm him, yet here he stand, a knife in his pride. What simple days…