The Chronoscape Chronicles

4 years, 4 months ago
4 years, 4 months ago
4 3480

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 4 months ago

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Author's Notes

590 WC

Character: Tsillah Lochesh (App Pending)
Quest: Hatchery

Entering the Chronoscape...

Speaking frankly, she hadn't expected the portal she harnessed opening out int a shifting, desolated terrain. It wasn't entirely surprising however, she was too accustomed to the chaotic element of her magic after this long to be surprised any longer when new worlds opened up, or random items started to defy physics around her.

Still, that didn't mean she was entirely resigned to the effects, fingering the pendant around her neck as she peered through the shifting gloom. A soft buzz each time the medallion slipped over its bindings. Left, right, left right as the elf considered the world. Dropping the hand to one of the many pouches at her waist she selected a few stones. Dropping them to the ground with a selection of herbs. So long as Chaos had a presence here she was safe enough, so there was no real reason not to press on.

The quiet was nice, though occasionally there would be figures in the distance. Some far too large that attracted her attention, calling leviathans, whales and dragons to mind, but none came terribly close. More noticeable, as time past, were the pinpricks of light rent into the gloom. Clearly portals... but where did they lead to? That was the question, and she peered into a few, letting her mind wander with what shapes she could see. Each time she looked back over her shoulder, weighing the tug of the foggy shapes beyond with the tug to continue on. Humming a listless little rhyme as she moved. The words oddly soothing, a young noble out for adventure and facing the Trickster's trials. 

One ear flicked as she finally felt she was where the tug lied, trusting the instinct and stepping through. She wasn't expecting to step into a lagoon, but the water was temperate, and she sensed nothing in the surroundings to cause her concern to rise. Peering about curiously, she did sense death, however, quite a lot of it, truthfully. Not coming, but long present, spirits.

One ear flicked and she spun on her heel at something that felt... more solid, but the stance relaxed at the small frame she saw. Stepping forward as she sensed the fear in the small creature... confusion. "Hey there," She whispered, crouching to negate some of the intimidation she posed. Trying to see why the creature was trembling, as much as what it might have been. 

Tattered wings and plating coated the creature, but it was... almost hard to focus on beyond that? She squinted, but simply shook her head as it didn't seem to help... at all. Simply scooping the small creature up, wary at first, but smiled as no ill effects presented themselves. Petting the small creature as she tried to warm it... touching the amalgamous thing was like ice, which proved little wonder it was shaking. Though... mammals shook, not reptiles, despite the scales she seemed to feel. 

The girl shook her head, red hair tangling as it stirred and fell around her. "Where's your family?" she inquired of the fog, watching the shapes it formed around them as much as she listened for some sign of movement. "Let's see if we can't get you somewhere warm, at least..." She murmured, frowning, "and hopefully get an eye on the locals so we don't get met be the torches and pichforks right off the bat, maybe..." She added, barely audible, a grimace despite her attempts to hide it. That was never fun... no matter how you spun it, and far too common for her tastes.