The Chronoscape Chronicles

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

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Author's Notes

1358 WC

Character: Tsillah Lochesh (App Pending)
Quest: Hatchery 2

Gilded Guidance.

The spires and grand pillars of the area were a sight to behold, and it seemed the small offerings she had left entering were keeping Fate on her side. Gold and white dominated everything, which unnerved the girl to a degree, but mimicking the humans with their trailing, gilded tendrils was easy enough. She was far more interested when one had attached itself to her of its own accord. 

Initially, she was wary of the shadow, but the realization came swiftly just what she was looking at. It was a ghost, and with a bit of effort she could see through the mists to the matronly-looking woman who she... actually recognised. "You... were in the mist?" It earned her a smile and a nod, she was a calm presence, and Tsillah relaxed marginally at the familiar sense of guidance and affection from the spirit. Abhija. Her name was Abhija, the elf-Ere... she nodded to her guide. So they were called ere, and that elegantly decorated building above the whole island was their library. She couldn't help a smirk at that, their Patyr would love this place... or that place, at least.

The crowds were, admittedly, unfortunate but she hissed a sigh as the spirit urged her toward another sector of the sprawling streets. everything was polished, either white, ivory or, as her companion, gilded entirely. She recognized a hippodrome, and the lower ceiling of what appeared to be an odeum, though a more modern theatre was always possible. 

Every shop they passed had some sort of books in the windows, and her eyes lit swiftly over the lettering she found. Already absorbing it, absorbing the whispers around her too easily as she adapted to the culture instinctively. Picking weaponry out, and instinctively identifying what she could use, though she shook that thought aside. She wouldn't need it ere, she repeated, like a mantra, but somewhere in her mind it still worked away. Plotting the best routes of escape should worst come to worst, it was unavoidable as the quiet awareness of those around her. Avoiding, instinctively, some while marvelling in the diversity she found. 

This place was all too much like home, and yet all too foreign. New and intriguing, she watched people who appeared to be aquatic coming up from the harbor. The bustling familiar, she could identify medical halls and schools, but her ears perked at the stables her guide was urging them toward. Quickly arresting the motion and reforming the human ears before it could be noticed. She was better at holding forms than that, but the prospect of meeting new creatures immediately had her interest.

The quickened step slowed, instantly, as she realized she was getting far too much attention. Wary of the looks the white-and-gold clad workers were giving her, but kept moving. She had a reason to be here, and she squared her shoulders. Expression hardening against the bubble of anxiety it drew in her chest. Forcing the confidence, but bit her cheek as her path was stopped by someone garbed in pure gold. Fight or flight pooled up as she stepped back, putting space between them... but blinked as she realized the young... quite young, actually. That was intriguing, she let her eyes sweep him. Noble, young- late teens to early twenties- calloused fingers, but no nails to speak of and a sallow face. Sallow, but... 

"She's your mother." It came instinctively, and as if some spell was broken by the words the young man collapsed. 

Tsillah caught him instinctively. Tugging on the violent emotions and returning the energy to him in gentler form pouring calm out as she helped him down. Rubbing the poor boy's back and murmuring softly. "You're okay, shh. Heh, good to see her though, its always good to see them..." She whispered, a weak smile as he glanced up, but she forced it stronger. Offering a cloth from thin air for the boy to dry his eyes, he was laughing now. Embarrassed, she couldn't help a chuckle of her own at that, it... was definitely a strange meeting.

It wasn't made any less strange as his father, it seemed, appeared with a younger pair. A boy with his hair done up elaborately, and a girl who was all scrapes under her gilded robes. 

Darda, it seemed her name was, took the small dragon from her hands. Instantly cooing over the tiny amalgamous creature, who seem almost to bubble and purr in her gasp. It made her relax a fraction, enjoying the clear reunion for what it was; and it seemed no one was going to attack her, which was certainly a bonus. What she didn't expect, by any means, was being accepted into the home thereafter.

They called the space she had found the chronoscape, and over the next few days she was schooled in the norms of the ere, and the world beyond. She enjoyed the discourse, frankly, there were few topics they couldn't talk over with thoughtful reply and exchange; though there were the heated topics in turn, of course. Even those were intriguing, however, and all in all it was a pleasant exchange.

She enjoyed talking over philosophy and culture with Beathas, the patriarch and widower of the family. Aldene was a quiet boy, anxious as she had guessed but a dedicated worker and scholar she spent no little time debating magical theory with. Abhija seemed to tug her to interact with what had been her family, but she heard no few workers calling her a ghost, how well she avoided the notice of others in the household. She took that with a level of pride, but it wasn't overly hard to disappear, really. Not near as hard as people made it out to be, when one tried in the proper applications.

A turning point came one evening, when she was invited to work in the stables the next day. Instantly perking her from the meal, but she dutifully finished the meal before attempting to discuss the topic. Beyond curious, but focused on the meal to avoid asking too many questions; she would learn plenty tomorrow, no doubt, and over the next few days certainly.

She couldn't sleep with the thoughts clouding her mind, the mix of anticipation and suspense in her gut. Dragons were important to the people of Eredia, just as drakkari were on her own world. It was a trust they were giving her, and she was more than eager to see the light of day and get moving toward that already. Sitting still made it pool and bubble up, moving it at least expended itself to a degree. 

The morning couldn't come soon enough...

Walking into the stables for the first time was an impressive ordeal. The thick columns and arches, the gilded filigree from the city was only enhanced here. There were every manner of shape and form, electricity sparked off the wings of a mechanical serpent with glowing wings. Making her draw back unconsciously as it made her gut twist, not expecting it. She shook herself a moment later, refocusing, though keeping herself aware of the huge thing that seemed to be ordering five people around like a lithian nobleman. Snorting at the superior creature, but let her brows rise at a giant bat with frosted wings. Lemurs with wings, a raptor, a cat... the diversity was astounding and she immediately wanted to know more. 

She refocused on her task as Dene laughed, clearly she was drifting, but she shrugged. Following him through the rooms as he taught her how to tack the dragons for racing, and for combat. She was careful not to catch their scales or wings. Intrigued by each she was allowed to get close to.

It was the smaller ones she felt the most connection to. A hatchling with intricate, shimmering fish scales and the body of a seal who had a cough. The tiny bat she was able to bottlefeed in a quiet corner. Taking a breather from the abundance of bodies everywhere. 

The quiet moments where she actually got to know and relate to the individuals, learn their quirks and preferences.