Cato's Activites and Events

4 years, 14 days ago
4 years, 14 days ago
6 10347

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 14 days ago

Cato's activities and event literature written by myself.

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A Doggone Good Chase - RoK

The three Tokotas had the colored tags clipped to their ears before they were released with the pack in the area. They would used for the final test for a Toko and their handler. Their handlers had volunteered them for the job, preparing them for it, so that the team would have a bit of a challenge ahead of them. Now the team just had to get ready to go and get their supplies before heading out on their chase. With the three Tokos being tame, it would be safe to catch them, but the Tokos were smart and would play tricks and run away to avoid the halter.

Ainsley got Whinny all saddled up and ready to go. Her fur was all brushed and ready for the task ahead. Ainsley coiled a rope in case she needed it, putting it over her shoulder to grab it quickly if she had to. The bridle was the last thing to go on. She placed it over the head of her precious Toko. Whinny was a light creamy white colored Toko with red brown splashes of two different shades covering her randomly. Her eyes were a light green, that seemed to shimmer and reminded one of mint leaves. She was ready and excited to go, she had trained hard for this, and this was the third and final test for her to prove herself.

Ainsley mounted, and she was given a compass, map and a timer so she could watch the time as well as those judging. She looked at the timer that had not been started yet. She then opened the map to give it a quick look over. She put the map and compass in the small saddle bags she had with her, then waited for the signal. They blew the whistle and with that she started her own timer and picked Whinny into a slow run. They ran away from the starting point towards the area were the pack normally enjoyed hanging out. The three Tokos should be with the pack by now, so it was just a matter of finding the group and picking the three out from the rest of them. That may be the tricky part of the whole operation.

They ran through the trees towards a rocky area where the pack liked to hang out. Especially on a sunny day like this day, they would probably be there sunbathing. The landscape became more rocky, as they reached the rocky outcrop. A few from the pack seemed to be missing from the group, as there was a pretty small amount of Tokos around the large stones. Ainny stopped Whinny and looked over the group for one of the Tokos they were looking for. She pulled out some binoculars she had packed and looked over the group, paying close attention to their ears. There was the blue tag, a female Toko laying and sunbathing on a rock.

The team picked up into a slow walk around the group, trying to get as close as possible to their target before making their move. They weaved through some large rocks, Ainny keeping her eyes on the Toko. The two stayed down low to not be seen, but the group was suddenly alert of someone nearby. Some sniffed the air, and their target lifted her head. She perked her ears with a sleepy look on her face. She stood and stretched her legs. She looked around, and joined in on trying to pinpoint the smell. The team had to make their move, before she escaped with the rest of the group. Ainny pulled the rope off her shoulder, and prepared the loop to throw. She then, picked Whinny up into a run, spinning the rope above her head. The Tokos scattered, running through the rocks and leaping over boulders to get away from the newcomers.

The blue tagged Toko, took off at a run, but Whinny had a head start. They managed to keep up, weaving around boulders and into a thinly forested area. They ran through the trees, waiting for the perfect moment to throw the loop. Finally an opening came and the loop flew through the air and around the neck of the large canine. Aiiny wrapped the end of the rope around the saddle horn and signaled Whinny to stop. The Toko put all her weight on her haunches and came to a sliding halt, forcing the blue tagged Toko to stop with a jolt. The female toko pulled on the rope, trying to get out of it, but was forced to stop as the roped became tighter. Ainny dismounted from Whinny and walked over to the Toko.

She took one of the halters out of her saddle bag and walked over the blue tagged Toko, looking her over. She was a light brown base with darker brown mane and bearmarks. Some white was on the tip of her tail, paws and some on her nose. She had a natural mane and was a healthy Toko. Aiiny reached to put the halter on, but the Toko lifted her nose into the air to avoid putting her nose in the head piece. The handler and Toko struggled with each other, but the halter finally slipped over the nose of the Toko. The Toko finally calmed down and Aiiny was able to look at the tag on her ear. The tag read "Atka 34" giving the name and the ID number of the volunteered Toko. "Atka, pretty name." She patted the Toko on the neck before mounting Whinny once again. She made sure the rope was tied well to the saddle before they headed out for the next target.

They found a group of Tokos in a clearing, some of the young were playing with each other, chasing each other around and playing fighting. There among the young was the green tagged Tokota. A young male who seemed to be having fun wrestling with another wild male Toko. Aiiny dismounted near a strong young tree, and untied the rope from the saddle. She quickly tied Atka to the tree before once again mounting Whinny and heading upwind through the trees. She stayed within the shadows of the trees, hoping the wind did not change directions on them as they made their way around. Aiiny came up with an idea to try and trick the Toko into coming closer. She dismounted from Whinny and sent her off to try and lure the male closer to her. Whinny ran towards him and jumped on him playfully. Soon the two were running around and she ran back to Aiiny's hiding place where she had the roped ready.

The green tagged male chased Whinny through the field and into the trees, where Ainny threw the rope. It slipped around the neck of the Toko who was startled by the sudden movement. He continued to run, trying to get away. Aiiny was dragged along, trying to dig her heals into the ground, but unable to get a good grip in the soft ground. The male Toko leaped over a log, trying to get away from his captor, now having fun with it, but Ainny was ready, she used her legs to catch herself, pushing against the log and forcing the Toko to finally stop his run. He stood and almost looked as if he was saying "Haha, not so easy, was it?" Whinny ran up to them and Aiiny quickly tied the rope to the saddle to prevent the Toko from running away.

He had the green tag on his ear, and he was a fairly young Toko. She looked him over, his base coat was a light orange-brown, and a slightly darker shade created a blanket marking on his back. His underside was a light creamy color and his toes were white. He had a white diamond shape on his forehead and his eyes were a nice brown. He seemed like a friendly Toko and it was much easier to get the halter on him. She removed the rope around his neck and wrapped it onto her shoulder again before reaching out to read the tag on his ear. It read "Cato 795" a short but fitting name for the Toko before her. She tied his rope to the saddle, and mounted, returning to where she left Atka. Once both were tied to the saddle, they were off to find the third and final Toko, the red tagged Toko.

They made their way to a small stream which was the Toko's main source of water since it was within their hunting grounds and they did not have to travel far to reach it. A single Toko was there, the red tagged Toko, his face in the stream taking a nice long drink. He was not hanging around with the other Tokotas, not trusting them enough to be with them for the whole day, so he went to enjoy the cool water at the stream. He finished his drink an shook his head, sending a spray of water drops from his muzzle onto the ground at his paws.

Ainny tied the other two to a tree nearby before getting ready to chase the last one. The Toko lifted his head, looking around the area, sudden alert of a new scent. The wind had changed while they had been tying up the other two, alerting the last one to their scent, and before they could go after him, he was off at a run. Whinny picked up into a run, realizing that their target now had a head start. Ainny leaned forward in the saddle, encouraging Whinny to go faster. The team started to catch up the the final Toko, jumping over logs and around large rocks. Ainny swung the rope around above her head, ready to throw. She let the rope slip through her fingers and it wrapped around the neck of the Toko. he jumped though, leaping through the loop, and instead of it catching his neck, it tightened around his hind legs.

The Toko face planted into the dirt, sliding a bit before coming to a halt and struggling on the ground to try and get the rope off. The rope stayed in place as Ainny got off of Whinny and ran forward. She dodged flailing legs and paws and made her way to his head where she struggled to get the halter on the male Toko. She finally got it on and untied his legs so that he could get up. He shook himself, sending debris all over and onto Ainny. She closed her eyes for a sec, then opened them to give the Toko and annoyed look. She then went over to read his tag. It read "Zonta Nayavu 2782" a much longer name then the other two. This one was a grey merle. His underside was a light grey and he had some brown on his muzzle and lower legs. His eyes were a shimmering gold that anyone could get lost in.

She mounted Whinny and trotted back to where the other two were waiting, right next to the stream, taking a drink. She tied them back to the saddle and mounted on last time to return back with the three Tokos. She picked them up into a walk, struggling to get the other three to trot, but finally getting them to speed up. They weaved through the trees, Ainny looking at the map to find where she was and how to get back. She led the Tokos through the forest with the help of Whinny using her strength to keep them following. The finish finally came into view and she trotted over to the building that had a pole for her to tie the Tokos to. She dismounted and tied them up to keep them from running away, then she gave Whinny a pat on the neck and a treat. She pet Whinny and told her how good she was, proud of her Toko for doing such a great job to catch and lead the Tokos.