Cato's Activites and Events

4 years, 25 days ago
4 years, 25 days ago
6 10347

Chapter 5
Published 4 years, 25 days ago

Cato's activities and event literature written by myself.

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The Final Test - RoK

Freya placed the supplies given to her into the saddle bag. She looked over the map, then went over her supplies again, a compass, map, rope, binoculars and three halters. It seemed she had everything packed away safely in her bags before she strapped the shut and mounted into the saddle. She got comfortable in the saddle upon her Toko. She rode a Toko named Palartok, who was a dark brown, with a light brown mane and markings, a few slightly darker markings, and some white highlighting on her chest, toes and the tip of her tail. Her eyes were a dull green, but they were filled with life all the same.

The the start of the timer, they were off towards the trails normally followed by the pack. The areas normally traveled were a drinking pond within the rocky area of the territory. There was a field that the deer tend to graze in, drawing the Tokos to use it for their hunting. Those were the main places the team intended to check first, see if any of the three Tokos they were looking for were there. But there was another smaller place, a stony, yet really sunny place actually a bit away from the watering hole. She trotted along towards the nearest of the three place, the watering hole.

The land became more and more rocky the further they went, but it did not take them long to hear the water and a splash. They rounded the corner of a large boulder to see the watering hole, lined by rocks and boulders and fed by a small waterfall coming from off the mountain. The water was extremely clear and cool, it could even possibly be glacier water. The water shimmered in the light, and it looked refreshing to both the Toko and her rider that hid behind the rocky outcrop. Freya pulled out some binoculars and looked towards the watering hole. There were many nice Tokos chilling around the water hole or taking a drink. Many different colors, sizes and shapes, all together in one place. It was a pleasant sight, but she did not have time to enjoy watching the wild Tokos. She continued to scan the group until she saw something blue on the ear of one Toko. It seemed out of place on the Toko, and she knew it was one of the three tagged Tokos she was after.

It was a orange-brown Toko, with a slightly darker blanket marking, and a light cream underside. It had white on it's paws, it's chin, and a white diamond marking on his forehead. It was a young male with nice brown eyes. He seemed to be a lively one, running around with some of the young wild Tokos of the pack. The two waited for a bit before making their move, and it was not long before he stopped to get a drink in the water hole. Freya took out a halter from the saddle bags, and the rope she had as well, tying one end into loop to put around the neck of the Toko if she needed to. She motioned for Pal to stay in place, and she listened, even laying down to stay out of sight, though that may not have been her only reason for laying down. Freya then snuck between the rocks towards the male, the halter on her shoulder and the noose ready to go. She crept up behind the Toko, and slipped the rope around his neck, startling him. He jumped, yanking the rope and making her lose her balance. With a loud splash she ended up int he water hole, soaked and surprised. She stood up and glared at the Toko whose rope she was still holding. He just stared back at her, almost looked as if he was smirking. For him, it seemed that getting her wet was satisfying enough for him, and he went quietly with her over to Pal. Pal glared at the other Toko was now close to her, but Freya gave her a warning glare about being mean. Freya then turned to the Toko and looked at the tag on his ear that told her his name "Cato". She pat him on the neck before tying him to the saddle.

Before leaving the water hole, she looked around at the remaining Tokos to see if any of the other were tagged. She did not see any, and so she mounted up and trotted off with Pal and the blue tagged Toko. Pal did not like the idea of the other Toko being so near, but she put up with it to not get in trouble. She gave him a warning glance when Freya was not looking, telling him not to get on her bad side, or to pay the consequences of bugging her. He seemed to be okay with that, just enjoying the stroll as he followed behind as far as he could with the rope limiting his range of movement.

They quickly reached the field after crossing a stream and following a rocky path from the watering hole. She looked around the field to first spot the green tag, but she soon also noticed some red on the ear of another Toko. Both of the others were in this field, but catching both may be a little tricky, as by catching one, they could startle away the other one. She had to choose which one to go after first, the one with the red tag, or the one with the green tag. She looked them over, the one with the red tag looking more timid then the other. The red tagged Toko was a female with an almost violet grey base color, a brown saddle shaped marking on her back, and a white underside. She had some black markings on her face, and her lower legs faded to black, white covered her paws blocking off her paws from being completely black. Freya decided to catch that one first, thinking it may be harder to catch her if she got startled. She could go running and it would have been impossible to catch her then.

Freya dismounted and tied Cato to a nearby log, where he laid down and enjoyed the sunlight that reached his fur. She took a halter put from the saddle bag, then mounted Pal once again. She took her rope off her shoulder and got it ready to throw. They trotted off towards the group, ready to catch the timid Toko. She was laying down in the field, right next to the green tagged Toko. The Toko with the green tag looked at Freya and Pal, watching them, before she stood and started walking away. The two of them continued towards the red tagged Toko. She picked up her head, looking around sleepily. She seemed unaware of her stalkers for a few moments, before she finally stood and saw the rope and halter that the handler held. She watched the two wearily, looking suspicious, and almost scared of the newcomers. Pal picked up into a run, and soon the shy timid Toko was off and running. Pal leaped forward with a growl, picking up speed. The timid Toko scattered the other wild Tokos she ran around, some running through the path of their pursuers and making it tricky to catch her. Freya swung the loop over her head and threw it forward, but another wild Toko, bumped into them, making Freya miss her target and making Pal mad. Pal nearly stopped to turn on the Toko that entered her "bubble" but Freya pulled on the reins to keep her on track.

They chased their target around the field, before Freya finally slipped the rope around it's neck. The Toko seemed to be shaking a little as Freya slowly walked up to her, and placed the halter over her head. She allowed the female to take in her scent, then pet the Toko gently to try and calm her down. She spoke gently to the Toko, then went to read her tag, "Galadriel". She seemed liked a very sweet girl once she had calmed down and seemed to enjoy the pets she got from the handler. Freya smiled, then tied the halter to the saddle, heading back across the field to where Cato was. She tied Gala up with Cato, and looked around the field, spotting the last one who seemed to be watching them, taunting them.

Freya once again mounted Pal, who was staring down their last target. The two stared each other down, Pal slowly walking forwards and closing the space between them. The green tagged Toko almost seemed to be allowing them to get closer, teasing them, waiting for the right moment to run away and make them chase her across the field. This Toko was a light brown, with a darker brown mane and bearmarks. Her paws were white, she had a white tail tip, and a white marking on her nose. Her eyes were a dark brown that almost matched the brown of the mane and bearmarks, but they were deep and challenging. They slowly closed the gap, getting closer and closer. Tension seemed to build in the air around them, and even the wind stopped, making everything seem still. The muscles of both Tokos were tense as they stared each other down. Pal finally came to a stop, seeing the green tagged Toko almost take off, but she didn't once she saw the other coming towards her stop. The two stared at each other, Freya debating what would be the best plan to follow in order to catch this Toko. Before Freya could decide though, Pal was charging forward, as their target bolted off.

With a leaping start they chased after the green tagged Toko, Freya trying to get the rope ready as they ran. Holding on to Pal as she ran made it difficult though. The Toko they were chasing came to a sudden halt, and Pal was too slow to react quick enough, sliding past their target. The Toko spun around and trotted off in the other direction, forcing Pal to run full speed to catch up. They came behind the Toko who leaped forward into a run and into a rockier area. they ran around boulders, and even had to jump, making Freya nearly lose the rope she was holding. They then somehow ended up in the field again, frustrating Pal quite a bit as they were no closer to catching the last Toko then they were before. The Toko once again tried to come to a sliding halt and spin, but Freya was ready this time, finally getting the rope ready in her hands, she threw the loop over the green tagged Toko's head before they passed by her. And when she started running again, Pal was just coming to a sliding halt. The Toko was forced to stop, surprised by the rope that pulled on her neck as she run until it reached it's limit.

Freya dismounted and walked over to the now caught Toko with a halter in hand. She seemed to give Freya a triumphant look, glad she could give the Toko and handler team a challenge. Pal was now even grumpier because of the chase and the challenging look given to her by the green tagged Toko, and she waited with a glare as Freya swapped out the rope with a halter. She reached for the tag and read the name "Atka". She pet Atka's face and tied the halter to the saddle, trotting back towards the other two who seemed to enjoy just relaxing where they had been tied up. They lifted their heads as Freya and Pal trotted over, then she tied them to the saddle and they were headed off, back towards the starting line where the Toko and handler team would fin out the results of their test, where they will find out whether they passed or not.