TierraPRIME rework 3.0

3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
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Entry 1
Published 3 years, 10 months ago

worldbuilding and sh*t The story entry has been extended!

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Worldbuilding notes

The world of TierraPRIME

Yotrek (refereed to as TierraPRIME by most but also as Tierramama by some) is a small nearly completely desertic planet. Little to nothing grows on it's surface. There are however a few underground oasis where plants and small animals thrives. The dunes having so little to offer most of the food the inhabitants are given is synthetically made in Aeros factories. 


The inhabitants of Tierra PRIME

There are two sentient species on TierraPRIME: Grivzerns and Aeros. Grivzerns are the organic cat-like humanoids while Aeros are androids made to replicate the former. 
Grivzerns lives in communities, most of them offering the bare minimum in term of water and electricity. Most Villages have in places community showers that turns on once a day (or once every two days in poorer towns) for and hour to limit water waste, everyone has to shower together or set up a schedule where groups takes turn each day. Due to this nudity isn't a taboo subject.
Aeros are the work-force in most places, they build other Aeros, process the synthetic food, regulate the water and electricity distributions... Older models of Aeros used to have personalities, senses of self and some degree of free-will but after a few geologically-incited incident they have been stripped of that and are now just mindless workers.

ThermoRegulating Suits (TRS) and Grivzern Classes 


The Dustwalker class makes up 80% of the Grivzern population, most of them have access to a standard-issued TRS (TRS-S1) some other however might have lost, sold or damaged theirs beyond repairs leaving them with nothing. It's also possible to spot elder Dustwalkers wearing older models of the current TRS (TRS-0A). Regardless of the suit model Dustwalkers always pair theirs with a hood of some sort to protect them further from the elements. 

The Dunelurker class is the second biggest chunk of the TierraPRIME population, they only count for 19% of it though. They live in bigger cities and have overall better access to everything and of better quality, this include their TRS (TRS-S2). Dunelurker suits cover their entire body for better thermoregulation and protection, they still wear a hood on top of it tho. It's quite common for Dustwalkers to travel to Dunelurker cities to get access to medical care, it is however very costly for them. (there are monthly busses that travel between various Duswalker settlements to Dunelurker towns)

The Distantones class are the small portion of very wealthy Grivzerns who lives in the Capital. They have access to multiple high-end suit models but little is know about most models, the only model documented is the one worn by Public figures who make frequent appearances (TRS-DX).

Examples of Hoodwear

The Capital

Just like the high-end suits models, not much is known about The Capital. It's said that it's a huge city full of life, trees, animals, water and wealth but it could be a web of lies knitted by the rich. The Capital could as well be a 90% mechanised colony. The fact that it has yet to be seen by anyone outside the Distantone class is a big red flag. Most people assume it remains unseen to this day because it's hidden being a rock wall similar to the common rock formation seen in the wild that sometimes hide oasis, the Capital may have been build on one of these.
