CMYK drabbles

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
6 3101

Chapter 6
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

A series of small writings featuring Viero, magnanimousmilk's Beetle, and actuallypunny's Reese.

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League was exhausting. They’d eaten too much dinner. It was starting to get cold in Inkopolis. And Viero’s apartment was nearby.
After they both considered these things, the two friends came to an unspoken agreement on a sleepover. They huddled under the duvet on Vie’s bed, the warmth from both of them and his pets making everything cozy as the temperature dropped outside.

But Reese still couldn’t fall asleep. Sleep was difficult to come by, and when he could manage it was only by clinging onto Hershey or an excess of pillows, neither of which he had here. He tossed and turned. The smaller boy had learned to sleep through most disturbances, but even the constant jostling and Reese’s frustrated sighs eventually made him blearily open his eyes.

“You okay, dude?” Vie’s hoarse voice was a surprise to Reese. He felt a little guilty for waking him up, but he was still growing irritable about the lack of sleep.

“I can’t get comfortable in this stupid bed.”

“Do you want to go home to your bed then?”


They just looked at each other in silence. Viero had fallen asleep on or near Reese plenty of times, but he could only think of one instance of Reese falling asleep on him. 

“Here. Do you want to sleep like before?” Viero rolled over and offered out his arm. The circumstances were different. Reese might’ve only fallen asleep on him because he was tired from crying or maybe because he was in squid form, but. “It’s worth a shot, right?”

Reese looked away, a little embarrassed by the kindness, but he took the offer. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms around Vie’s. It was awkward and he was effectively trapped, but once Reese seemed settled, it didn’t take long for Viero to close his eyes and gently drift off again.

The taller boy watched his friend, his piecey hair covering most of his face and slow breath moving his chest. Reese gripped his arm tighter and eventually started feeling relaxed, but just Viero’s arm wasn’t quite a good enough replacement for a soft pillow or cat. He dared to move closer and lay a hand on Viero’s waist, just barely holding him. Vie didn’t stir, and Reese shut his eyes and finally fell asleep.