Egg Hunt 2020

3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
4 3832

Chapter 3
Published 3 years, 11 months ago

Gryphons have a habit of hiding their eggs in odd places and forgetting about them. Can you bring them back to our hatchery so we can take care of the chicks?

Depict your character hunting for eggs in weird places. The bulk of them will be on T’teré d’la Mer, a large tropical mountain packed tightly with homes. However, the gryphons like to be sneaky, so who knows where they will turn up! The eggs are soft, flatter than most eggs, and have tribal patterns on them.

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Prize: Kisses

Darting off ahead into the greenery she stuck out of, Kukiko laughed as she rolled around in the piles of leaves and jumped over roots, very much not paying mind or looking for more eggs. Which as her rider, Izotz, was carrying a tan egg with the feathery tribal markings, maybe she just thought one egg was enough. Not that Izzy thought so and was using his hoofed feet to turn over smaller rocks and piles of leaves even as he heard the louder rumbles of the not so small dragon close behind.

“Find anything Korse?” He cooed at the green dragon who ran on by, flinging his mass of hair and more loose clothing with him as he chased after Kukiko who could be heard laughing as she darted away from the lumbering boy and into another pile of leaves and back out. “Well, any luck Kaiho?” He called louder, knowing the red headed other was off and actually looking while Izzy babysat the dragons.

Fully grown now, Korse was easily larger than his rider now, actually, he was large enough to reach the tops of one story buildings with his beak if he leaned up for it. The proper size of a T-Rex, the dino lived up to his nature as a strong brute, even if he was a little slow in more than one way. "Yeah!" Korse shouted back to Izzy as he was lumbering after Kukiko, "Found Kuki!" Definitely not what he was supposed to be looking for as he blew at different leaf piles to scatter them.

Off in the distance, Kaiho stayed on track much easier, "Nothing yet!" Technically he had found one egg already, but made the mistake of calling his dragon over to give him a lift to it. He loved Korse, but the brute was too easily distracted. When Kai grabbed the egg, they had turned their head suddenly towards a bird's shrill call and caused him to fall off. Needless to say, the egg had gotten smashed on landing. His dragon got an earful for it, even if it probably didn't stick. "I think we should move on to another area!"

Sighing, at least the dragons seem to be having fun, if not being productive. Laughing as she darted between Izzy’s legs, he meeped as he stepped out of the way, sort of missing the old days when Korse was younger and Kukiko was less energetic and could sit for more than 5 minutes at a time.

“If you two can find another egg you can get kisssssses!” He called after the two playing, Kukiko perking up and running back. Her lack of attention devoted to play was now devoted to more kisses from her rinder who tasted so nice and fruity, it was always fun getting those kisses from her sweet smelling and tasting partner.

“Ooooo! Kisses Korse! Kisses!” She called back, leading the way to the new area with Izzu grinning and following behind her, Korse close behind. Be it for also promises of kisses or because Kukiko ran away.

“There, let’s see where she goes. Maybe they can find an egg when they focus.” Wiggling his little tail with pleasure, he was close behind the small conga line of three, still holding the egg that was making him tired but it was his egg, and he already adored it.

Raising his head at the promised prize of kisses, Korse had similar tastes to his rider and had a love for fruit. A pity for the nice smelling deer that would get covered in surprise saliva often, but the dino enjoyed it. "Yes! Let's find all the eggs!" he cheered, keeping an eye on the zooming streak of white as he followed after towards the new area. For a small ways it looked like someone else had been combing through there as well, but they soon came into a more lush part of the forest.

Bringing up the rear to keep track of everyone, Kaiho wasn't a graceful runner like Izzy, but he had plenty of stamina to keep up with them. Coming up to their side, he gave a toothy grin to the other rider. "Guess I'll have to step up my game and find one first!" Sure, the offer had only been to thooose two but if Izzy decided not to be a stickler on words, he'd gladly take home the kisses prize.