A Dance

Paresseux Shariza
3 years, 11 months ago

Shariza went and wrote a song for these boys and I am WEEPING over it. Lyrics inside

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The sun has set and night does fall

the stars are twinkling big and small

And music resounds in the air

My gaze meets yours and yours meets mine

and shivers trickle down my spine

But telling you I'd never dare

I know we'll never be

More than a fantasy

and though we stand no chance

Let me be a fool

and ask you to dance.

My heart flutters like butterflies

Whenever I do meet your eyes

It's sappy but I know it's true

I never thought that any man

Could make me feel just like you can

and I wish you felt like I do

I tried to shut my heart

It's tearing me apart

But my desire I hide

for all I want

is you by my side

An idiot's smile on my lips

Your skin under my fingertips

I'm drunk with emotions and wine

This very precious memory

I'll treasure for eternity

the feeling of your hand in mine

Oh can we just pretend

That this night won't end

Holding you close to me

Be carried away

On this melody

Oh but the time it flies

And then the music dies

One last smile, one last glance

Before it ends

Along with our dance.