Birchkit Origins

3 years, 10 months ago

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It was a cool breezy day of leaf-fall, the sun was setting and the day was about to end. Owlfeather, recently appointed leader of Oakclan, stretched as she woke up. She was going to receive her name and nine lives from Starclan tomorrow. For now, she remains as Owlfeather. She padded outside her den, the rocks cold beneath her paws. The sky was pale-grey with patches of blue. She stepped down the rock ledges onto the grass clearing below. It was weird to her, sleeping in Pinestar's den, she can’t believe that he’s gone. Sorrow filled her heart, he was a great leader that every clan cat looked up to. How is she ever going to replace him?

She walked towards the forest ahead, the branches of the trees swaying in the wind. She decided to take a walk to clear her mind from her thoughts. She weaved through the trees, ducking underneath fallen trees. The forest floor was covered in orange and brown pine needles. It was beautiful, and was soft on her paws. She continued to walk, slowly turning into a run. The pine forest slowly turning into a denser forest filled with different type of trees, leaves littered the floor. She walked up the hill that’s near the camp, once she was on top she could see the camp empty, she could see some rustling of rocks as cats headed into the dens in the cliff. She sighed, this is my clan, my home. She turned away , and went deeper into the forest. Thick bushes and vines were everywhere. She weaved and ducked and made her way to the small lake. She lapped at the water and saw her reflection, and the reflection of silverpelt and the moon. It was divine , she was deep in thought until she heard a yowl, closer towards the mountains.

She rushed towards the yowl, leaves floated in the air behind her as she bolted. The yowling started to become closer and closer, then it stopped. She parted her jaw to find what scents there are, she could smell another cat. She took a deep breath and smelt a strong scent of fox and blood. Alarmed she started to look for the rogue cat. “Hello? Is anyone there?” she mewed loudly. No response.

Silence was heard in this section of the forest, only bats and owls could be heard from afar. She followed the scent of blood, she heard rustling from a nearby bush. Carefully, she checked if it was the cat and was surprised to find a kit. His forest green eyes wide with fear, he trembled. “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you. I'm Owlfeather.” She mewed calmly to the kit as she introduced herself. He didn’t appear to be hurt and he seemed to be around 2 moons old. He still needs to be with his mother otherwise there is little hope for his survival. “Do you know where you mother is?” she asked.

He was in shock, blood was on the bushes near him. He shook his head, tears swelling in his eyes. He didn’t know where she was.

“Stay here, I’m going to look around.” She told him. She kept close to the ground, sniffing the surrounding area until she got a strong scent of his mother. She was a few paces away towards the two-leg nests. A kitty pet? Why is a kitty pet in the forest? She wondered to herself. She saw a patch of grey fur, the scent seemed familiar. She looked down and saw the kits mother, badly covered in wounds. Owlfeather recognised the grey tabby she-cat, “Flintstream!” she yelled out. “are you okay?” she asked.

Flintstream trained alongside owlfeather as an apprentice and even got their warrior names at the same time. They were very good friends however Flintstream didn’t enjoy the clan life and decided to leave to become a kitty pet a few moons ago.

Flintstream struggled to speak, “I’m going to starclan, is Birchkit okay?” Owlfeather could hear the pain in her voice.

“He's okay Flintstream, we can take you to the medicine cat and he can make you better.” She told Flintstream.

“I should’ve never left, the two-legs abandoned us. I’m sorry for leaving you, Owlfeather. Tell Birchkit, I love him.” She mewed with her last raspy breath. Owlfeather cried at the lost of her dear friend.

“Please hang on Flintstream. Please, you can’t leave me again.” She pleaded and cried. Tears flowing down her face. It was too late, Flintstream has gone to Starclan. She pressed her nose against Flintstreams forehead , “I'll come back for you.” She promised her old friend. She padded towards Birchkit, who was scared and shivering on this cold night. She picked him up by the scruff and headed back towards camp. “w-wh-here’s my m-mum?” he shakily asked. Owlfeather sadly responded, grief filled her heart. “She’s in Starclan now. She told me that she loves you.” Owlfeather cried. First Pinestar, and now Flintstream. The world is cruel but it’s how we survive.

“What’s starclan?” he yawned. He quickly fell asleep in her jaws, as he was exhausted from his travels.

She walked into camp and curious cats poked their heads out of their dens. She headed towards the nursery, still carrying the freezing kit. She entered the warm nursery, insulated by branches and leaves to keep the cool weather out. She gently put him down beside a nursing queen, Morningbreeze. “Are you able to take this kit in? Flintstream passed away protecting him against a fox.” She pleaded the Queen who had three other kits. She was the only Queen in the nursery. Morningbreeze nodded, exhausted from her kits. She picked up Birchkit by the scruff and held him close to her body. “Thank you Morningbreeze, his name is Birchkit.” She thankfully told the Queen.