OS | More Of Me

3 years, 10 months ago

River becomes more

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Author's Notes
| Requirements |
- 300 words (10% leeway): Yes, 300 words
- first (i), second (you/we) or third (he/she/they) person: Yes, first person
- past tense: Yes
- must be checked for spelling: Yes
- no traditional grammar or punctuation allowed: I hope, lol
- otherwise, normal group rules apply: Yup

pulse pulse pulse and scent
- and pulse and scent and pulse and scent
at first scent grew faint trying to follow void’s fate

i clung to it not ready to lose that part of me not that i’d been ready to lose void

pulse pulse pulse and scent
- and pulse and scent and Pulse and Scent

slowly at first so slow i almost missed it


i resisted the urge to probe

Scent and Pulse and Scent and Pulse

let things stay as they were


Pulse and Scent and Pulse and Scent

i hated it

at first

this wasn’t what i’d planned

my void my precious void gone changed different

they followed void but didn’t

Pulse and Scent they grew and changed became different Unknown disgusting

i feared

at first

i mourned

there was more so much more too much more

more than my void my scent than i could contain and

i Feared

at first

Pulse Scent Unknown and ever growing

larger and stronger they swallowed me up

i was consumed

made Unknown

and i feared i Feared i Feared

thrown into mourning Mourning Mourning

Fear Fear Fear and Mourning
- and Fear and Mourning and Fear and Mourning
the burning Fear the cold of Mourning they swallowed me up


i became

Pulse and Fear and Scent and Mourning
Life and Burning and Power and Cold

i became


I became more

and more

so much more too much more

more burning Fear and cold of Mourning

and Pulse and Scent and Me

more Me

I became more of Me


I followed the urge to probe

Scent and Pulse and Scent and Pulse
Mourning and Fear and Power and Life

I was intrigued

I wanted to learn

so I did

but there was too much of ME